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  • Intelligent TIO - Types of Inflow and Outflow (MATA089 - SIGAFIS)

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This option enables the rules creation for TIO suggestion in the routines of Purchase Order, Inflow Document, Sales Budget, and Sales Order.

The rule must be defined from the Operation Type (Table DJ - SX5), that identifies the type of material transaction (example: Sales, Simple Dispatch, Loan and Consignment) and will associate it with the TIO to be suggested.

Besides the binding of the Operation Type and TIO codes (Inflow and Outflow), the definition of the Intelligent TIO may specify the following restrictions for the application:

    • Customer Code and Supplier Code  (enabling to restrict the TIO application by Supplier and/or Customer).
    • Product  (restricting the TIO application for the product).
    • Taxation Group (this restriction refers to the Taxation Group concerning the Tax Exception and not to the Product Group or Group of Customers/Suppliers).

The routines Purchase Order, Inflow Document, Sales Budget, and Sales Order show the virtual field Operation Type to  indicate the Transaction Type that will update the TIO field through the triggers.



Registering an intelligent TIO:

  1. In the maintenance window of Intelligent TIO, select Add.
    The Add screen is displayed.
  2. Fill out data according to field help instructions.
  3. Check data and confirm them.

Integration of intelligent TIO with Assisted Sales and Point of Sale.

This option aims at enabling the integration of Intelligent Types of Inflow and Outflow (TIO) in the environments Assisted Sales and Point of Sale, enabling the attribution of different taxes to the same product.

Help_buttonImage Modified Important:

To integrate intelligent TIO with SIGALOJA (Assisted Sales) and Point of Sale, you must fill out the fields below:

  • Operation Type: as the Assisted Sales and the Point of Sale are sales interfaces, only the operation type 01 (Sales to Consumer) is considered.
  • Outflow TIO: the TIO code that is attributed to the product during the sale.
  • Customer/Store: it selects a certain TIO for a specific customer.
  • State: it compares the state registered in the branch file (sigamat.emp) with the table of states of data dictionary.
  • Customer's Taxation Group: it is used in the cases of tax exception.
  • Product: it selects a certain TIO for a specific product.
  • Product Taxation Group: it is used in the cases of tax exception.