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  • ATFA120 Refaz Balances - Concept

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ATFA120 - Refaz Balances - Concept


  1. Overview
  2. Example of use
  3. Tables


This document clarify the functionality Refaz Balances of Fixed Asset routine, and the use of the parameter "Reference Date".


Scenario displayed:

Acquisition of 2 assets day 12/01/2020 

Depreciation 12/31/2020 

Depreciation 01/31/2021 

Depreciation 02/28/2021 2021

Partial Posting of 1 asset in 03/01/2021 

Depreciation 03/31/2021 

Depreciation 04/30/2021 

Depreciation 05/31/2021 

Depreciation 06/30/2021 

Execute Refaz Balances with reference in 04/30/2021


Consider? "Transactions"

Result: Depreciation from 05/31/2021 and 06/30/2021 are deleted

Explication of Concepts:

According to what was described in the Question 1 Help:

It identifies if the accounting balances are executed from:

1 - Registration of assets, the values generated represent the fixed asset balance and are all not posted assets or the assets posted in the same year of the last calculation date are considered (as long as the reference date entered in parameter is from the same year of the parameter MV_ULTDEPR).

2 - Transactions file - In this case, the whole transaction of the asset is considered, every transaction before the Base date of the system, will be considered as previous balance and will be saved in the date entered in the reference date parameter, transactions after the base date are saved in their respective transaction dates.

When selected Considered as Transactions, the system delimits the system base date as the cutoff date. So the balance tables are rebuilt with this base in this cutoff date. In case there are transactions after this date, they are not rebuilt. In case of new transactions or use the base date until the date there are transactions. 


  • SN1 - Fixed Assets
  • SN3 - Balances and Values
  • SN4 - Fixed Asset Transactions
  • SN5 - Balance Files 
