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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


titleMinimum version for platform upgrade

The upgrade process for Fluig 1.8.0 requires platform version 1.7.1 or higher. If your environment is running a lower version, you must update to version 1.7.1, and then update to Fluig 1.8.0.

Below are some useful links

Check out what’s new in the 1.8.0. update of TOTVS Fluig Platform:


Conector de Widget



Manage your processes in one single place

In this update of the TOTVS Fluig Platform, we brought a new feature to help you monitor your company's processes and requests: the Diagnostic Center!

This new feature came with the purpose of making a single location available so that you can validate inconsistent processes and requests. Allowing you to extract data from Fluig processes and helping you view this information. This way you have a more efficient control of this data and know exactly which points need attention. 

You can find the determining reasons for an error and work to adjust it.

In the General statistics section, you can filter certain time periods to see how your requests and processes are. 

Under the Requests tab, you can see the list of requests and error details for each request that the process might contain by accessing the Image Added icon, where Request diagnostics is displayed containing the error message. More details can also be found by clicking on the View details and actions button where you can obtain process information, view the request error message, and the request log. You can also set the filters below:

    • By request;
    • By process;
    • By person in charge;
    • By activity;
    • By error.
Deck of Cards
labelTo edit script

Accessing the Diagnostics of the request and clicking on the button See details and actions, we find the feature of Edit script. Where it is possible to edit the erroneous process scripts causing a new version of the script to be applied only on the specific request that was opened earlier. You can also make the script version the default for current and future process-related requests.

It is possible to find all the scripts of the process through the listing next to the editor. On the Versions tab, you can revert back to script versions if you have more than one published version. At the end of the process, you can resend the request after making the necessary adjustments.

Image Added

In the Processes tab you can see the process listing and you can identify if development best practices are being followed or if it contains errors through the tags identifiers in Diagnostics column. By clicking the Image Added icon you can access Process diagnostics, view the error message, and access the details in the Development warnings and Request errors tabs. You can also click View details and actions, which leads to the detailing of the request where you can take actions such as View request and more Actions

You can also set the filters below:

    • Processes with errors;
    • Processes with warning;
    • Active processes;
    • Inactive processes;
    • Processes released;
    • Processes under editing;
    • All versions;
    • Latest versions.
Deck of Cards
labelGeneral statistics - Diagnostic central

Image Added

labelRequest list

Image Added

labelRequest diagnosis

Image Added

labelRequest details and actions

Image Added

labelProcess list

Image Added

labelProcess diagnosis

Image Added

View daily environment log

Next to the General statistics section, we added the View daily environment log button, which shows all logs generated on the platform. In it you can query the generated logs by setting filters through the option Log filters where you can filter by a Custom period and Log type. You can also set it up using the Image Added icon by selecting the Do you want to enable line breaking? and  Do you want to turn on dark mode?

Deck of Cards
labelView daily environment log

Image Added


For more details visit our Diagnostics center documentation and check out all the benefits.



We now offer a new theme for the TOTVS Fluig Platform

Always thinking of improving your experience of use with the TOTVS Fluig Platform, this release offers a new theme!

We have developed a new theme to ensure that your experience is increasingly enjoyable and successful when accessing the TOTVS Fluig Platform. Therefore, by enabling this theme, features you already know such as main menu and top bar will adapt to the screen size of the device on which you access Fluig because they are now responsive.

What's new in the user profile and search field

We have evolved the user profile and the information is now on the right side of the page, along with the Use Policy, What's New, Language, and Exit options. 

We have also updated the general search field, making it more evident to search documents, publications, communities and others.

These changes aim to help you find this information, since they are now located in an area that you are used to.

Deck of Cards
labelHeader and user profile before

Image Added

labelHeader and user profile now

Image Added

Real-time preview

Since the new theme came with the intention of making your experience more pleasant when accessing the TOTVS Fluig Platform, we developed the preview feature for you to see what the new theme configuration looks like. This will help you ensure that the visual identity of your business is reflected in the platform.

We divided the configuration schemes into two tabs: Colors and Images.

In Colors you can configure the entire color scheme of the TOTVS Fluig Platform, such as the background color, main menu, active menu, top bar, and the primary color of some links. 

In Images you can set logo, platform background, top bar, and page icon images, for example.

Not comfortable with the new theme? Share your feedback!

If you choose not to use the new theme at this time, you can disable it via the ON/OFF button and go back to using the old theme. When disabling the theme, you can tell us how your experience was to use the new feedback tool!

It is very important for us to know your opinion and the reasons for not wanting to use it, because we can evolve together more and more.

titleDon’t worry!

You can re-use the old themes whenever you want and feel the need to, as there will be no impacts on your widgets, pages and content inserted. 

  • Please note that not all content inserted in widgets are as responsive as the new theme. Since in preview the images are merely illustrative only to demonstrate how the theme configuration itself is applied on different devices, disregarding widgets and content inserted in them.

  • New companies created in Fluig 1.8.0 will use the new theme, while existing companies (created at 1.7 or lower), the administrator user can change to the new theme. We recommend evaluating and validating applications and developments under the platform that use WCM features (pages and widgets), to check for any visual impacts.
Deck of Cards
labelSee the feature in practice

Image Added

labelWeb preview

Image Added

labelTablet mode preview

Image Added

labelMobile mode preview

Image Added

Responsiveness reflected in mobile browsers

By accessing the TOTVS Fluig Platform on mobile browsers, you will see the responsive experience that this new theme provides. The main menu and top bar, where you find profile information and notifications, are automatically adapted to the screen dimensions regardless of the device you use.

Worth noting!

    • The Usage Policy and What's New items are now found in the user profile; 
    • The TOTVS Fluig Platform release is now found in the main menu;
    • The footer has been removed for a wider view;
    • The About page no longer exists because the platform release information has been migrated to the main menu;
    • Notifications will be displayed respecting the size of the screen used;

Take the opportunity to learn more by consulting the documentation onThemes.



❤️ The social media faves have arrived at the TOTVS Fluig Platform! 🎉🎈🚀😎

The use of emojis on the platform becomes official starting with this version! And it comes with the intention of making the TOTVS Fluig Platform more fun and promoting interaction between users and communities.

Emojis may be added to personal and community timeline posts, and can be added to texts or be the post alone. They can also be added to comments made on the platform.

When an emoji is used, it will be in the Recently used section to help you find it later and appear on the list according to how often you use it. The search field inside the emoji window makes it easy to search for an emoji you want to use.

By updating the platform to release 1.8.0 you can also use emojis in the My Fluig app. Make sure you have the latest version of the app released in the store.

  • Currently we use the browsers' native emojis, that is, each browser is responsible for rendering the emojis, which can generate small visual differences.
  • Emojis that have color selection, that is, that can have their color changed, will be rendered in the default emoji color (yellow). For more details see our article.
Deck of Cards
labelEmojis in posts

Image Added

labelEmojis in comments

Image Added

labelEmojis on My Fluig

Image Added

💩 Want to restrict the use of an emoji? 💩

Now in addition to registering words that you don't want to appear on the platform, you can also register emojis that you consider unsuitable for use. 🤬

In addition, you can also test the registered content, so you are sure that the content will be restricted when used. 

Check out more details in the topic: Restricted words has a new look - now it's called Unwanted content restriction!


Did you like the news? For more details visit our Postdocumentation.

  Restricted words has a new look - now it's called Unwanted content restriction! 

We updated the restricted words feature in this release and now it's called Unwanted content restriction. This name was meant to make the feature as clear as possible.

And it wasn't just the name of the feature that changed, because the whole page has also been updated and has a new look.

With the addition of emojis to the Fluig platform, you can also choose which emojis are restricted.

So in addition to including words, you can now also include emojis and ensure that only content deemed appropriate for use will be used.

You can also test the restricted list using the Test content button, so you are sure that the content is restricted for use.

Deck of Cards
labelCheck out how the feature works in real life

Image Added

labelUndesired content restriction

Image Added

labelTest restricted content

Image Added


For more details, visit the Undesired content restriction



Updated style guide components

In this update some style guide components have been restructured to modernize and meet some accessibility criteria (WCAG) to the components of the TOTVS Fluig Platform.

Check below the components that have been updated:


Update details

Button, Dropdown, Input and Split

New states have been added to meet the WCAG identification criteria. 

-When these components are highlighted it will display an outline to identify that the component is active.

-When these components are disabled the component is presented in an easy-to-see gray tone where it cannot be clicked.

AlertAdapted to meet WCAG accessibility guidelines so that people who have access to the component easily understand its objective.
UploadDesigned for its use in different products to be reused and present the information in a consistent and standardized way.

Designed to be used in different products to be reused and present the information in a consistent and standardized way. 

TagsRedesigned to respect the characteristics of the tags component, making it easier to find and have no button-like characteristics.
Progress barUpdated to meet the criteria of the new upload component, making it more visually adaptable, responsive and presented in different sizes to make it more appealing.

Updated to accept paging when using a dataset in the datatable component.


To read about all components in detail, check out our style guide.

jQuery Migrate plugin disabled by default

In this update, the jQuery Migrate plugin is disabled. This plugin was disabled following an announcement made in May 2021.  

Therefore, if you have any developments on the platform using old jQuery features, some inconsistencies may occur. To make sure that no inconsistency occurs, your development must be compatible with jQuery3.6.0.

The plugin has not been removed, it is only disabled. Therefore, if your code is not compatible with jQuery 3.6.0, you can enable it again by going to Control Panel > WCM > Companies with the wcmadmin user.

For more information on how to activate it, see the How to register variables from the migration plugin jQuery documentation.



More security and performance in Fluig

Some libraries and tools were updated to enhance the Fluig platform’s security, performance and stability. We approved the Oracle 19c database and the Oracle Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux  operating systems for version 8.5

We also updated Node.js, a component of the RealTime (notifications) service, for version 16.

Image Added

More security in TOTVS Fluig cookies

In order to provide more security to the platform, we enabled the HttpOnly and Secure flags in some cookies on the TOTVS Fluig Plataforma. These flags are intended to prevent attacks such as cookie theft as they prevent access to cookie values ​​using JavaScript. This functionality can only be enabled in environments that have the HTTPS configuration and, in addition, the prevention works regardless of the HTTPS configuration method (Nginx, Apache or TOTVS Fluig Platform)

Check the cookies that already allow the use of enabled flags

    • Jwt.token
    • WCMUserLang


To further enable this security feature check out our documentation and ensure your platform is protected!



We updated and created new APIs

We also had API updates and created a new API. Check out the changes below.


Document APIs updated to the new standard


Social API updated to support the use of emojis on the Platform and my Fluig app. 


Updated to allow paging when using a dataset on the datatable component;



Check out the documentation that had changes for this release and the new documentation that was made.

titleA massive knowledge base at your disposal.

We are constantly evolving our knowledge base in the Help Desk. Each time you open a ticket for TOTVS Fluig service, search to see if there is an article with similar questions or issues that have already been mapped and solved. Suggested articles are shown after you select the ticket subject.

This helps you get back to work much faster. Access and explore our knowledge base.



  • Correction performed so that when searching for a form and editing the metadata  through the Security tab, the data is saved correctly.
  • Correction made so that the manager cache is not recreated if it does not change. 
  • Inconsistency corrected in Hide/View Tree when viewing SCORM type  content in Tracks and training.
  • Adjustment made on the platform so that when you include a video in the Content editor widget, it plays correctly on the My Fluig app. 
  • Fix implemented so that saving a process no longer leads to an inconsistency in reading the process XML.
  • Inconsistency fix presented by including value  in parent v. child table.
  • Fixed inconsistency so fluig startup occurs without slowing down.
  • Adjustments made to the total hits counter when viewing document properties.  
  • Adjustments made reinforcing security on the platform.
  • Adjustments made reinforcing security on the platform.
  • Adjustments made to the Use Policy feature. The adjustment promoted that by clicking on the options without selecting a document, the system returns the following message "Select a document to view".
  • Fixed inconsistency presented when retrieving a file on TOTVS Fluig Platform.
  • Fixed inconsistency when uploading a document so that it appears in the list on screen.
  • Fixed inconsistency when storing long-term documents on the platform.
  • Adjustments made by using the setNotificationDays method to set the notification days of a document.