Âncora | ||||
Este endpoint é utilizado Esta documentação tem como finalidade demonstrar o formato JSON para envio de requisições de requisição para novos pedidos na API Order
mesa via barramento, para envio de pedido com vários itens, um com valor integral, adicioanais e descontosadicionais e desconto na API Order Mesa, utilizando o endpoint newOrder.
Âncora | ||||
Método | URL |
POST | |
Âncora | ||||
01. Corpo da requisição para envio de vários itens no mesmo pedido:
Bloco de código | ||||
| ||||
{ "integrationHubServiceId": "ab8aa1e73fea8768-cfe2bbd9-4fdf454b-80999e7b-af7da88274ba40841e9a6812a", "data": { "id": "29261444-5ff8-40b2-bce1-42848247d4a2", "type": "TABLE", "displayId": "8", "createdAt": "2024-06-24T17:35:00", "orderTiming": "2024-06-24T17:40:24", "preparationStartDateTime": "2024-06-24T18:00:00", "merchant": { "id": "c312d2ff-1a8f-40ad-8eed-9ae9a908df6e", "name": "BOTECO DO ALBINO" }, "items": [ { "id": "2", "index": "2", "name": "A FRANCESA", "externalCode": "1", "unit": "UN", "quantity": 1, "specialInstructions": "Teste", "unitPrice": { "value": 69.90, "currency": "R$" }, "optionsPrice": { "value": 1.00, "currency": "R$" }, "totalPrice": { "value": 69.90, "currency": "R$" }, "options": [ { "index": "3", "id": "3", "name": "COMPOSICAO A", "externalCode": "201", "unit": "UN", "quantity": 1, "unitPrice": { "value": 1.00, "currency": "R$" }, "originalPrice": { "value": 1.00, "currency": "RS" }, "totalPrice": { "value": 1.0, "currency": "R$" }, "productionPoint": "Adicional Composicao A" } ] }, { "id": "4", "index": "4", "name": "AERADO", "externalCode": "2", "unit": "UN", "quantity": 1, "specialInstructions": "Teste", "unitPrice": { "value": 32.99, "currency": "R$" }, "optionsPrice": { "value": 37.99, "currency": "R$" }, "totalPrice": { "value": 32.99, "currency": "R$" }, "options": [ { "index": "5", "id": "5", "name": "AVELA", "externalCode": "4", "unit": "UN", "quantity": 1, "unitPrice": { "value": 37.99, "currency": "R$" }, "originalPrice": { "value": 37.99, "currency": "RS" }, "totalPrice": { "value": 37.99, "currency": "R$" }, "productionPoint": "Adicional Avela" } ] } ], "otherFees": [], "discounts": [ { "value": 1, "target": "ITEM", "targetId": "02", "sponsorshipValues": [ { "name": "MARKETPLACE", "value": 10.00 } ] } ], "total": { "items": 102.89, "otherFees": 38.99, "discount": 10.00, "orderAmount": 131.88, "additionalFees": 0, "deliveryFee": 0 }, "payments": {null, "prepaiddelivery": 0.0null, "pendingextraInfo": 0.0"Teste", "methodsschedule": [null, { "value"indoor": 131.88null, "currencytakeout": "BRL"null, "typetable": "PREPAID", { "methodwaiterCode": "credit8", "methodInfotableNumber": "Visa8", "changeForchairNumber": 0.0 }"1" ] }, "deliverycard": null, "extraInfo": "Teste", "schedule": null, "indoor": null, "takeout": null, "table": { "waiterCode": "131.88", "tableNumber": "8", "chairNumber": "1" }, "card": null } } |
Nota | ||
| ||
Sua solicitação foi aceita mas ainda não processada, aguarde alguns instantes e procure o status. |
A seguir, alguns dos erros comuns que podem ser apresentados ao lidar com requisições HTTP e suas respectivas respostas:
} |
Nota | ||
| ||
Sua solicitação foi aceita mas ainda não processada, aguarde alguns instantes e procure o status. |
Âncora | ||||
A seguir, alguns dos erros comuns que podem ser apresentados ao lidar com requisições HTTP e suas respectivas respostas:
Âncora | ||||
O código de status HTTP 400, conhecido como "Bad Request" (Requisição Inválida), indica que o servidor não pôde processar a requisição do cliente devido a uma sintaxe inválida, estrutura malformada ou dados inválidos presentes na requisição.
01. Formando inválido do JSON esperado.
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| ||||
"integrationHubServiceId": "3fea8768-bbd9-454b-9e7b-40841e9a6812a",
"data": {
"id": "29261444-5ff8-40b2-bce1-42848247d4a2",
"type": "TABLE",
"displayId": 8,
"createdAt": "2024-06-24T17:35:00",
"orderTiming": "2024-06-24T17:40:24",
"preparationStartDateTime": "2024-06-24T18:00:00",
"merchant |
O código de status HTTP 400, conhecido como "Bad Request" (Requisição Inválida), indica que o servidor não pôde processar a requisição do cliente devido a uma sintaxe inválida, estrutura malformada ou dados inválidos presentes na requisição.
01. Formando inválido do JSON esperado.
Bloco de código | ||||
| ||||
{ "integrationHubServiceId": "ab8aa1e7-cfe2-4fdf-8099-af7da88274ba", "data": { "id": "29261444-5ff8-40b2-bce1-42848247d4a2", "type": "TABLE", "displayId": 8, "createdAt": "2024-06-24T17:35:00", "orderTiming": "2024-06-24T17:40:24", "preparationStartDateTime": "2024-06-24T18:00:00", "merchant": { "id": "c312d2ff-1a8f-40ad-8eed-9ae9a908df6e", "name": "BOTECO DO ALBINO" }, "items": [ { "id": "2", "index": "2", "name": "A FRANCESA", "externalCode": "1", "unit": "UN", "quantity": 1, "specialInstructions": "Teste", "unitPrice": { "value": 69.90, "currency": "R$" }, "optionsPrice": { "value": 1.00, "currency": "R$" }, "totalPrice": { "valueid": 69.90"c312d2ff-1a8f-40ad-8eed-9ae9a908df6e", "currencyname": "R$BOTECO DO ALBINO" }, "optionsitems": [ { "indexid": "32", "idindex": "32", "name": "COMPOSICAOA AFRANCESA", "externalCode": "2011", "unit": "UN", "quantity": 1, "specialInstructions": "Teste", "unitPrice": { "value": 169.0090, "currency": "R$" }, "originalPriceoptionsPrice": { "value": 1.00, "currency": "RSR$" }, "totalPrice": { "value": 169.090, "currency": "R$" }, "productionPointoptions": "Adicional Composicao A"[ }{ ] }"index": "3", { "id": "43", "indexname": "4COMPOSICAO A", "nameexternalCode": "AERADO201", "externalCodeunit": "2UN", "unitquantity": "UN", 1, "unitPrice": { "quantityvalue": 1.00, "specialInstructionscurrency": "Teste"R$" }, "unitPriceoriginalPrice": { "value": 321.9900, "currency": "R$RS" }, "optionsPricetotalPrice": { "value": 371.990, "currency": "R$" }, "totalPriceproductionPoint": { "Adicional Composicao A" } ] }, "value": 32.99,{ "currencyid": "R$4", }"index": "4", "optionsname": ["AERADO", { "externalCode": "2", "indexunit": "5UN", "idquantity": "5"1, "namespecialInstructions": "AVELATeste", "externalCodeunitPrice": "4",{ "unitvalue": "UN"32.99, "quantitycurrency": 1,"R$" }, "unitPriceoptionsPrice": { "value": 37.99, "currency": "R$" }, "originalPricetotalPrice": { "value": 3732.99, "currency": "RSR$" }, "totalPriceoptions": [ { "valueindex": 37.99"5", "currencyid": "R$" }5", "productionPointname": "Adicional Avela" } ]AVELA", } ], "otherFeesexternalCode": []"4", "discountsunit": ["UN", { "valuequantity": 1, "targetunitPrice": "ITEM",{ "targetIdvalue": "02"37.99, "sponsorshipValuescurrency": ["R$" { }, "nameoriginalPrice": "MARKETPLACE",{ "value": 1037.0099, }"currency": "RS" ] }, ], "totaltotalPrice": { "items": 102.89, "otherFeesvalue": 3837.99, "discountcurrency": 10.00,"R$" "orderAmount": 131.88 }, "additionalFeesproductionPoint": 0, "Adicional Avela" "deliveryFee": 0 }, "payments": { ] "prepaid": 0.0} ], "pendingotherFees": 0.0[], "methodsdiscounts": [ { "value": 131.88 1, "currencytarget": "BRLITEM", "typetargetId": "PREPAID02", "methodsponsorshipValues": "credit",[ { "methodInfoname": "VisaMARKETPLACE", "changeForvalue": 010.000 } ] }, "delivery": null, "extraInfo": "Teste", "schedule": null, "indoor": null, "takeout": null ] } ], "tabletotal": { "waiterCodeitems": "131102.88"89, "tableNumberotherFees": "8"38.99, "chairNumberdiscount": "1" }10.00, "card": null } } | ||||
Bloco de código | ||||
| ||||
{ "errors": [ {"orderAmount": 131.88, "keyadditionalFees": "displayId"0, "message": " must be a string"deliveryFee": 0 }, ] } |
02. JSON enviando faltando um ou mais campos.
Bloco de código | ||||
| ||||
{ "integrationHubServiceId": "ab8aa1e7-cfe2-4fdf-8099-af7da88274ba "payments": null, "delivery": null, "extraInfo": "Teste", "dataschedule": {null, "idindoor": "29261444-5ff8-40b2-bce1-42848247d4a2"null, "typetakeout": "TABLE"null, "displayIdtable": "8",{ "createdAtwaiterCode": "2024-06-24T17:35:00131.88", "orderTimingtableNumber": "2024-06-24T17:40:248", "preparationStartDateTimechairNumber": "2024-06-24T18:00:00"1" }, "itemscard": [null } } |
Bloco de código | ||||
| ||||
{ "iderrors": "2",[ { "indexkey": "2displayId", "namemessage": "A FRANCESA", must be a string" } ] } |
02. JSON enviando faltando um ou mais campos.
Bloco de código | ||||
| ||||
{ "externalCodeintegrationHubServiceId": "13fea8768-bbd9-454b-9e7b-40841e9a6812a", "unitdata": "UN",{ "quantityid": 1"29261444-5ff8-40b2-bce1-42848247d4a2", "specialInstructionstype": "TesteTABLE", "unitPricedisplayId": { "value": 69.90"8", "currencycreatedAt": "R$" }2024-06-24T17:35:00", "optionsPriceorderTiming": { "value": 1.00, "currency": "R$" }, "totalPrice": "2024-06-24T17:40:24", "preparationStartDateTime": "2024-06-24T18:00:00", "items": [ { "valueid": 69.90"2", "currencyindex": "R$2", }"name": "A FRANCESA", "optionsexternalCode": ["1", { "index"unit": "3UN", "idquantity": "3"1, "namespecialInstructions": "COMPOSICAO ATeste", "externalCodeunitPrice": "201",{ "unitvalue": "UN"69.90, "quantitycurrency": 1,"R$" }, "unitPriceoptionsPrice": { "value": 1.00, "currency": "R$" }, "originalPricetotalPrice": { "value": 169.0090, "currency": "RSR$" }, "totalPriceoptions": [ { "valueindex": 1.0"3", "currencyid": "R$" }3", "productionPointname": "AdicionalCOMPOSICAO Composicao A", }"externalCode": "201", ] }"unit": "UN", { "idquantity": "4"1, "indexunitPrice": "4",{ "namevalue": "AERADO"1.00, "externalCodecurrency": "2"R$" }, "unitoriginalPrice": "UN", { "quantityvalue": 1.00, "specialInstructionscurrency": "Teste"RS" }, "unitPricetotalPrice": { "value": 321.990, "currency": "R$" }, "optionsPriceproductionPoint": {"Adicional Composicao A" } ] "value": 37.99}, { "currencyid": "R$4", }"index": "4", "totalPricename": {"AERADO", "valueexternalCode": 32.99"2", "currencyunit": "R$UN", }"quantity": 1, "optionsspecialInstructions": ["Teste", "unitPrice": { "indexvalue": "5"32.99, "idcurrency": "5R$", }, "nameoptionsPrice": "AVELA",{ "externalCodevalue": "4"37.99, "unitcurrency": "UNR$", "quantity": 1}, "unitPricetotalPrice": { "value": 3732.99, "currency": "R$" }, "originalPriceoptions": [ { "valueindex": 37.99"5", "currencyid": "RS" }5", "totalPricename": {"AVELA", "valueexternalCode": 37.99"4", "currencyunit": "R$UN", }"quantity": 1, "productionPointunitPrice": "Adicional Avela"{ } ]"value": 37.99, } ], "otherFeescurrency": []"R$" }, "discountsoriginalPrice": [{ { "value": 137.99, "targetcurrency": "ITEMRS", "targetId": "02" }, "sponsorshipValuestotalPrice": [{ { "value": 37.99, "namecurrency": "MARKETPLACE"R$" }, "valueproductionPoint": 10.00"Adicional Avela" } ] } ], "otherFees": [], "totaldiscounts": [ { "itemsvalue": 102.891, "otherFeestarget": 38.99"ITEM", "discounttargetId": 10.00"02", "orderAmountsponsorshipValues": 131.88, [ { "additionalFeesname": 0"MARKETPLACE", "deliveryFeevalue": 0 10.00 }, "payments": {] "prepaid": 0.0, "pending": 0.0, } ], "methodstotal": [ { "valueitems": 131102.8889, "currencyotherFees": "BRL"38.99, "typediscount": "PREPAID"10.00, "methodorderAmount": "credit"131.88, "methodInfoadditionalFees": "Visa"0, "changeFordeliveryFee": 0.0 }, ] }"payments": null, "delivery": null, "extraInfo": "Teste", "schedule": null, "indoor": null, "takeout": null, "table": { "waiterCode": "131.88", "tableNumber": "8", "chairNumber": "1" }, "card": null } } |
O código de status HTTP 403, conhecido como "Forbidden" (Proibido), indica que o servidor não entendeu a requisição do cliente por está tentando acessar uma URL
Bloco de código | ||
| || |
Bloco de código | ||||
| ||||
{ "integrationHubServiceId": "eb44402af1b874af-582896ab-48dc4535-a5e9aac3-15549de7fad525118fe586cc", "data": { "id": "29261444-5ff8-40b2-bce1-42848247d4a2", "type": "TABLE", "displayId": "8", "createdAt": "2024-06-24T17:35:00", "orderTiming": "2024-06-24T17:40:24", "preparationStartDateTime": "2024-06-24T18:00:00", "merchant": { "id": "c312d2ff-1a8f-40ad-8eed-9ae9a908df6e", "name": "BOTECO DO ALBINO" }, "items": [ { "id": "2", "index": "2", "name": "A FRANCESA", "externalCode": "1", "unit": "UN", "quantity": 1, "specialInstructions": "Teste", "unitPrice": { "value": 69.90, "currency": "R$" }, "optionsPrice": { "value": 1.00, "currency": "R$" }, "totalPrice": { "value": 69.90, "currency": "R$" }, "options": [ { "index": "3", "id": "3", "name": "COMPOSICAO A", "externalCode": "201", "unit": "UN", "quantity": 1, "unitPrice": { "value": 1.00, "currency": "R$" }, "originalPrice": { "value": 1.00, "currency": "RS" }, "totalPrice": { "value": 1.0, "currency": "R$" }, "productionPoint": "Adicional Composicao A" } ] }, { "id": "4", "index": "4", "name": "AERADO", "externalCode": "2", "unit": "UN", "quantity": 1,{ "specialInstructionsid": "Teste4", "unitPriceindex": {"4", "valuename": 32.99"AERADO", "currencyexternalCode": "R$" }2", "optionsPriceunit": {"UN", "valuequantity": 37.991, "currencyspecialInstructions": "R$" }Teste", "totalPriceunitPrice": { "value": 32.99, "currency": "R$" }, "optionsoptionsPrice": [ { "indexvalue": "5"37.99, "idcurrency": "5"R$" }, "nametotalPrice": "AVELA",{ "externalCodevalue": "4"32.99, "unitcurrency": "UNR$", }, "quantityoptions": 1,[ "unitPrice": { "valueindex": 37.99"5", "currencyid": "R$" }5", "originalPricename": {"AVELA", "valueexternalCode": 37.99"4", "currencyunit": "RSUN", } "quantity": 1, "totalPriceunitPrice": { "value": 37.99, "currency": "R$" }, "productionPointoriginalPrice": "Adicional Avela"{ } ]"value": 37.99, } ], "otherFeescurrency": [], "discounts": ["RS" { "value": 1}, "targettotalPrice": "ITEM",{ "targetId": "02", "sponsorshipValuesvalue": [37.99, { "namecurrency": "MARKETPLACE"R$" }, "valueproductionPoint": 10.00 "Adicional Avela" } ] } ], "totalotherFees": {[], "itemsdiscounts": 102.89,[ "otherFees": 38.99,{ "discountvalue": 10.001, "orderAmounttarget": 131.88"ITEM", "additionalFeestargetId": 0"02", "deliveryFeesponsorshipValues": 0[ }, { "paymentsname": { "MARKETPLACE", "prepaidvalue": 010.0,00 "pending": 0.0, } "methods": [ ] } {], "total": { "valueitems": 131102.8889, "currencyotherFees": "BRL"38.99, "typediscount": "PREPAID"10.00, "methodorderAmount": "credit"131.88, "methodInfoadditionalFees": "Visa"0, "changeFordeliveryFee": 0.0 }, ] }"payments": null, "delivery": null, "extraInfo": "Teste", "schedule": null, "indoor": null, "takeout": null, "table": { "waiterCode": "131.88", "tableNumber": "8", "chairNumber": "1" }, "card": null } } |
Bloco de código | ||||
| ||||
{ "errors": [ { "key": "integrationHubServiceId", "message": "Provider Merchant for integrationHubServiceId \"eb44402af1b874af-582896ab-48dc4535-a5e9aac3-15549de7fad525118fe586cc\" not found or disabled" } ] } } ] } |
Nota | ||
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IntegrationHubId incorreto ou inválido |
Dica | ||
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Para obter detalhes técnicos sobre o envio de requisições ao endpoint |
Dica | ||
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Para obter detalhes técnicos sobre o envio de requisições ao endpoint | ||
Nota | ||
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IntegrationHubId incorreto ou inválido |
Dica | ||
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Para obter detalhes técnicos sobre o envio de requisições ao endpoint |
Dica | ||
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Para obter detalhes técnicos sobre o envio de requisições ao endpoint |
Âncora | ||||
New Order |
Cartão - Item com Valor Integral |
New Order Cartão - |
Itens Fracionando |
Templatedocumentos |