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Speaking of class...

Classes are part of the monitored learning environment and student groups that are part of a term of a given period of time or permanent with the goal of attending a particular subject. They are structures linked to subjects in which students can enroll.



Do you want to understand how to calculate topic grades for a class? Go to Calculating topic grades for classes and learn all about it.


Image Added

Create new class


01. After clicking NewClass in the subject in which to create the class, enter the required information in the General information tab.


Required information:

Name of the class.

Number of seats
Number of registrations allowed in the class.

Registration validity dates
Dates that the effective registration remains active in the class. To set registration validity to undetermined, simply enter zero (0) in this field. Registrations that are not completed by the student within the validity period are automatically canceled by a default routine that runs periodically on the platform. For more information, go to Cancel expired class registrations.

Cost of the subject in credits, which are deducted from the account that the user is associated to, if it is a credit account.

Start type
Class term start type Available options:

  • Access: when selected, class term starts counting from its first access.
  • Registration: when selected, class term starts counting from its first registration.

Start date for registration
Date from which it is possible to register in this class.

End date for registration
Deadline for registration in that class.

Start date of the class
Start date of class activities.

End date of the class
End date of class activities. 

It does not allow ending without reaching a minimum score
When checked, the student cannot complete the course without achieving the minimum passing score for the subject.

Waiting list
When checked, the class allows a waiting list in case there are no more seats.

Display inactive topics and topic items in the catalog
When checked, the topics and topic items are displayed in the catalog even after being deactivated. They are not displayed to the students of the class.

Template class
Template class on which the class will be based. When using a template class, all topics in the class are replaced by topics from the template class.

Details of the class, its activities and knowledge, among other important information.



When the use is enabled, a community is created for the class in which students and tutors/teachers can share knowledge, questions, and suggestions, among others. The community will be created automatically; there is no need to perform any additional settings. The course subject coordinator will be its administrator and the responsible persons will be its moderators. Students will be added to the community as members when their registration is approved in the class. The community will have the same name, description and image as the course subject, and be a hidden community to be disabled when the class is deleted; or it will be edited and the use of communities will be disabled.
When you enable the use of communities and a class does not have a community, one is created for it. The same occurs if the class had a community that had been disabled. When editing it and enabling the use of communities again, the community is reactivated. Also, disabling the use of communities while editing a class that has a community will disable the existing community.



Available options:

  • Reading;
  • Execution;
  • Writing;
  • Modification;
  • Deletion;
  • Complete.

For detailed information regarding each permission option, go to Catalog permissions and restrictions.

To edit the permission on an added item, simply select the new option to be assigned to it in the Level column.

To delete an added item, simply click the Delete icon –locatedin the line corresponding to the item and to the right of the Level column.



Available options:

  • Reading;
  • Execution;
  • Writing;
  • Modification;
  • Deletion;
  • Complete.

For detailed information regarding each restriction option, go to Catalog permissions and restrictions.

To edit the restriction on an added item, simply select the new option to be assigned to it in the Level column.

To delete an added item, simply click the Delete icon –locatedin the line corresponding to the item and to the right of the Level column.

26. Click Save; or Cancel to quit creating the class.


View class


01. In the course subjects and classes catalog, find and access the subject to which the class belongs.



To view class topic items, simply click Topic items, located in the lower left corner of the table corresponding to the topic.

To view the other classes of the subject in question, click Go back to the list of classes, located in the upper right corner of the table corresponding to the class.

Edit class



Only users that have, at least, modification permission on the class are allowed to perform this action. 


04. Click Save; or Cancel to discard the changes made, if desired.

Copy class



Only users that have, at least, writing permission on the destination subject are allowed to perform this action.

Copying a class that uses a template class is not allowed.



When clicking this option, a copy of the class is created in the selected subject.

Delete class



Only users that have, at least, deletion permission on the subject to which the class belongs are allowed to perform this action.



When deleting a class, its community is disabled.

Access class community



This action can only be performed in classes that have communities, that is, if the class does not have any, the option Access community is not displayed.



The community of the class can also be accessed directly via the Communities item, located in the main menu, when the student is enrolled in the class. 

Enroll users in the class



That option is displayed only to those that have the permission to enrol users defined in the Control Panel permissions - feature: Learning - Enrollments; option: Enroll all users active. 



When pressing this option, the displayed window allows you to enroll users. More information about available actions can be obtained in Enroll users.

Enroll in class



For users to enroll, they are required to have, at least, execution permission on the class.



When pressing this option, the enrollment request is automatically approved or submitted for approval by the person in charge, whenever the student’s account requires enrollment request approval.

Cancel request for enrollment in the class



For a user to cancel their enrollment request, they are required to have the permission to cancel enrollments in classes defined in the Control Panel permissions – feature: Learning - Enrollments; option: Cancel enrollment in classes active. 



When pressing this option, the enrollment request is canceled.

Cancel enrollment in class



For a user to cancel their enrollment, they are required to have the permission to cancel enrollments in classes defined in the Control Panel permissions – feature: Learning - Enrollments; option: Cancel enrollment in classes active. 



When pressing this option, the enrollment is canceled.

This option is also displayed in the student's learning plan. More information on how to cancel enrollment from the learning plan can be found in Start

Request to be added to a class waiting list



This option is only displayed if the Waiting list option is checked in the class registration. 



When pressing this option, the enrollment request is automatically included in the class waiting list and fulfilled whenever a new seat becomes available. More information is available in Waiting list.

Leave a class waiting list


01. Access the class whose waiting list you wish to leave.



When pressing this option, the enrollment request is removed from the respective class’ waiting list.

Create topic for class



Only users that have, at least, writing permission on the class are allowed to perform this action. 
