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  • Follow-up - JURA106 - Legal Management - P12

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FollowThe follow-up is a commitment or a task related to the legal matter.


Option The Follow-ups , found option available in the Lawsuits register , is also an alternative of access; however, the system filters and displays only the , however only follow-ups of a given lawsuit.certain lawsuit are filtered and displayed. 

Previous Registers - In some situations, the follow-ups are associated with the use of the following parameters

For the system to work effectively, set parameter MV_JBLQFER.

For the system to work effectively, set parameter MV_JRESUFW.
For the system to work effectively, set parameter MV_JTRFWDR.
For the system to work effectively, set parameter MV_JTVENFW.
For the system to work effectively, set parameter MV_JTVENJF.
For the system to work effectively, set parameter MV_JVINCAF.
For the system to work effectively, set parameter MV_JHBPESF.
For the system to work effectively, set parameter MV_JAVALIA.
For the system to work effectively, set parameter MV_JFLUIGA.
For the system to work effectively, set parameter MV_JWFAPRV.
For the system to work effectively, configure routine Searches (jura163).



When parameters MV_JTVENFW and MV_JTVENJF have their contents set to 2=No, you cannot change the follow-ups of closed lawsuits; however, if set to 1=Yes, you need to enter the reason for the change.


Mind Map

Image AddedImage Removed


In the main page of the routine, the following options are available:

Deck of Cards

The fields marked with (*) are required.

Fill out the information in accordance with instructions found in Main Fields.

See also the features available in Other Actions.

  1. Fill out the data and, if needed, use field help instructions.

The e-mail record for the Lawyer / Correspondent enables follow-up and Workflow additions.

Notice that the are labeled Justificat contains the e-mail to which the Workflow was sent with the acceptance information.

Without acceptance, you need to justify the reason in the corresponding field. You can also view this information in this area.

When you finish adding, a message is displayed requesting confirmation of the addition of Follow-up and, upon confirmation, field Description becomes a description suggestion. Also, field Authorize Pay has its content filled out with Yes.

2. You are required to fill out the data displayed in area Responsible.

3. After filling out the fields, check and confirm the data.

4. When you add a follow-up through the menu, enter the legal matter to which it refers. If done through the Lawsuit, the system automatically fills it out.


The setting of parameter MV_JFLUIGA grants access to Fluig integration, when field Result Type is Pending or In Approval.

The use of workflow via Fluig requires ID data, configured through parameter MV_JWFAPRV.

5. The addition of a follow-up occurs when the follow-up type used presents settings in the Follow-up Types auxiliary register.


To Edit, find the item you wish to edit.

Some fields are shaded, which means they cannot be edited.

Fill out the information in accordance with the instructions in Main Fields.

See also the features available in Other Actions.

After making the adjustments, click:

  • Close (to exit without saving the edition).
  • Save and Create New (to save the edition and keep the form for a new addition).
  • Confirm (Save the edition and return to the start page).

Accessing the routine displays all the registers made.

To make a deletion, first find the item you wish to delete.

Click option Other Actions / Delete.

At the top of the screen, view the shaded message:

Are you sure you wish to delete the item below?

You cannot undo this action after confirming the deletion.

Make a decision and, to continue, click:

  • Close (to exit without saving the deletion).
  • Confirm (to delete the item and return to the main page).

To view the information registered, place the cursor on desired item and click option View at the to of the screen to the left.

This option does not allow changes.

labelBatch Editing

After selecting the Follow up, view the screen requesting you to fill out the fields to be edited.

Fill them out and, to confirm them, click Ok.

After showing the system processing screen, the system displays the confirmation screen with the quantity of records edited.

- Annexes

Access Other Actions


Configure MV_JDOCUME parameter to view the access to this feature in the routine. Use this option to link documents in accordance with the progress, to Open, Unlink or Import a document to GED (Electronic Documents Manager) and to annex it to the progress.

labelResend WF

Select the Follow-up, click this option and wait for resending.

labelReports - Follow-up

In this option, fill out the fields in accordance with the screen displayed and, to confirm them, click OK.

labelRelatório Report - Pauta CompromissosCommitments Docket

In this option, fill out the fields in accordance with the screen displayed and, to confirm them, click Nesta opção informe os campos conforme a tela apresentada e para confirmar clique em OK.

labelReport - Export Results

View the screen to set configurations.

Once configured, click Print.

labelOther Actions / Initial Config.

The option available in Other Actions / Initial Configuration allows you to use basic pre-completed registers to save time.

This features assumes the Protheus server has internet access, and can be activated at any time with no harm to the records already created.

When the feature is active, the system checks whether the default items are registered and, if an item is missing, the routine creates the complement.

Note: This routine does not yet use the data integrated to the CNJ (National Council of Justice).




Lawyer Code

Field restricted in accordance with the correspondent of the current instance of the lawsuit. Access it via default query (F3).

Part CodeThis field is restricted to active participants.

The content entered via default query, checks configurations in the Follow-up Types auxiliary register.

Suggest Prog?

If filled out with Yes, it enables the completion of field Result Code.

Suggest Desc?

Se informado com If filled out with 1=Sim, a informação do campo Desc Padrão é exibida no campo Descrição do follow-up.

DuraçãoA informação duração do follow-up é preenchida automaticamente.
Data LimiteAtualizada automaticamente após preencher o campo Dt Follow-up.
Hora marcadaSe informado com 1=Sim, tem as informações de Hora e Duração como preenchimento obrigatório.
Loja Corresp

Informe neste campo a loja do correspondente responsável pelo compromisso.

ClienteInforme o nome do cliente.
LojaInforme a loja relacionada.
Razão SocialInforme a Razão Social.
Número do CasoInforme o número do caso.
Título do CasoInforme um título para o caso.
Pólo PassivoInforme o polo passivo
Pólo AtivoInforme o polo ativo.
Número do ProcessoInforme o número do processo.
SituaçãoInforme a situação.
Data de DistribuiçãoInforme a data de distribuição.
Modelo automático

Campo disponível no Cadastro Auxiliar de Modelo de Follow-up.

Novos follow-ups são inseridos pelo sistema conforme as configurações de follow-up padrão.


Modelo Intervenção do usuário:

Campo disponível no Cadastro Auxiliar de Modelo de Follow-up.

Exibe-se uma tela para selecionar a quantidade de dias e se a data é retroativa ou futura e, em seguida, emite uma mensagem de confirmação.

Caso contrário é apresentada uma tela de follow-up que sugere as informações configuradas no follow-up padrão, com a data recalculada.

Conteúdos Relacionados

  • Andamentos

Yes, the information of field Default Desc is displayed in field Follow-up Description.


The system automatically fills out the follow-up duration information.

Limit Date

Automatically filled out when field Follow-up Dt is filled out.

Hour Set

If you fill it out with 1=Yes, the Hour and Duration information becomes required.

Corresp Store

In this field, enter the store of the correspondent responsible for the commitment.

ClientEnter the name of the client.
StoreEnter the store related.
Corporate NameEnter the Corporate Name.
Case Number Enter the case number.
Case Title Enter a title for the case.
Defendant Enter the defendant.
Plaintiff Enter the plaintiff.
Lawsuit Number Enter the lawsuit number.
Status Enter the status.
Assignment Date Enter the date of assignment.
Automatic Model

Field Available in the Follow-up Model Auxiliary Register.

The system adds new follow-ups in accordance with default follow-up configurations.

User Intervention Model:

Field Available in the Follow-up Model Auxiliary Register.

The system displays a screen for you to select the quantity of days and whether the date is retroactive or future, then it issues a confirmation message.

Otherwise, the system displays a follow-up screen that suggests the information configured in the default follow-up, with its date recalculated.

Related Contents

  • Progresses
  • ModelsModelos