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52399-Document Discount in EMS2
52399-Document Discount in EMS2

FAQ: 52399-Document Discount in EMS2
52399-Document Discount in EMS2
Document Discount in EMS2
If your doubt is not in the manual or in this FAQ, please open a call.If there is any doubt regarding this FAQ or the Reference manual, contact consultancy at +55 (47) 2101-7444.----------------------------------------------------------------------------DOCUMENT DISCOUNT
   It’s postponement of resources to companies, done by the bank on the values referred to in collection trade bills or promissory notes, in a way to advance the company’s cash flow.

The company transfers the risk of receiving its sales at term to the bank and assures the immediate receiving of resources that, theoretically, would have available only in the future.
The bank should carefully select the quality of trade bill credit or NPs in a way to avoid default.
Usually, discount of trade bill is done over documents with a maximum term of 60 days and average term of 30 days.
Discount operation gives the return right to the bank, that is, in due date, if the document is not paid by drawee, the asigner takes the responsibility of payment, including penalty and/or interest rates for the delay.----------------------------------------------------------------------------PRE REQUISITES
BEARER:Bearer should be entered, it will represent the bank where the discount will be done, with the Discount modality.All transactions in Accounts Receivable covering a bearer with modality Discount refers to trade bill discount and will be so posted to GL.
In the checking account of this bearer the account should be entered for Discounted Trade Bills.
DOCUMENTS FOR DISCOUNT:There must be documents open, in normal collection (modality other than discount) and which are not due.One cannot discount prepayments, forecasts, among others.----------------------------------------------------------------------------FUNCTIONING
   Trade bill discount works by generating a statement with the documents which will be discounted, then one confirms the statement documents which were effectively discounted and, later, document issuing is given as customers pay it to the bank on due date or not.

Documents should be with modality OTHER THAN Discount, once Statement should be created in Discount modality (CR0506).
After the creation of statement, one should file it in program CR0533 (Financial Operations) and do the procedures of Dispatch and Confirmation.
All procedures are detailed and can be inquired in the Reference Manual of Accounts Receivable, in part of the Document Discount Process.----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Only for BANCO DO BRASIL, one can discount documents through electronic charge.
For such, one should send the documents to the bank in a bearer with portfolio 51 and with modality Simple Collection.When importing the file of bank return (CR/0902), a statement will be created with those documents. The documents will be downloaded automatically by CR/0902 according to the files of base return.