Árvore de páginas

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



The numeric control of the pre-printed form allows the user to verify , before the document is generated in the system , if the credit/debit note number to be printed corresponds to the number of the pre-printed form.

The user will have the possibility to continue with the printing process or cancel it. By interrupting it, the user can access the Fiscal Series Maintenance (FT0114) and correct the number of the last note printed; or cancel the use of the number in the Fiscal Number Reservation Maintenance (FT0316). That way, you can then print the invoice with a number consistent with the pre-printed form.

  • The numerical control will be made only for credit/debit notes whose Operation Type has automatic printing.
  • Numeric control will not be performed in the invoice generation processes via batch.

The window for confirmation of the fiscal note number to be printed is shown below.




Invoice Calculation

By pressing this button, the Invoice Calculation Confirmation screen (FT4022) appears, in which the user confirms the generation of the invoice based on the related item data. Check more details in its description.

Simulation of invoice calculation

By pressing this button, a report is generated with the simulation of the values contained in the invoice.


By pressing this button, the Debit/Credit Memo Items function - FT4021 is displayed, in which the user can enter the invoice items.  See more details in the description of the function Items of the Debit/Credit Note.

This button is only enabled for unlinked notes.


By pressing this button, the Debit/Credit Memo Items - FT4021 function is displayed, in which the user can make the necessary changes to the selected sequence.

When it is an expense note, the Cred/Deb Note Item Business Unit - FT4024 screen appears, where the user can change the business unit.


When this button is pressed, the selected sequence is deleted. 

The program will prompt the following question: Confirm record deletion?

CFDI Replacement

When activated, the CFDI Replacement - MEX0048  screen is displayed, so you can enter the canceled receipt.





Displays the invoice registration sequence. 

Invoice Type

Displays the type of note issued.  Options available:

    • Credit Note;
    • Debit Note.


For notes registered as Expense Only, the note type can be:

  • Expense credit note
  • Expense debit note 


Displays the code of the site that issued the note. 

Operation Nature

Displays the note's operation nature. 


Displays the abbreviated name of the note customer/supplier. 

Issue Date

Displays the note's issue date. 


Displays the item sequence in the credit/debit note.


Displays the code of the note item. 


Displays the note item's reference. 

Oper Src

Displays the code of the operation nature used for the item. 


Displays the requested quantity of the item for the note in question. 


Displays the measurement unit in which the item was requested. 

Net Pri

Displays the item's net price. 

Net Merch Vl

Displays the item's net merchandise value.





Displays the code of the site that issued the note. 

Issue Date

Displays the note's issue date.


Displays the note series.


Displays the abbreviated name of the note customer/supplier.

Orig Inv No.

Displays the original number of the invoice related to the calculation.


Select the code of the currency used in the original document.

This field will be enabled to include the currency to be considered in the calculation of the note for unlinked notes; for linked notes, this field will assume the billing currency of the original invoice.

Commission reverse

When checked, this indicates that the credit/debit note reverses the sales representatives' commission.

Original series

Select the base note series for linked note issuance, or leave blank for unlinked note issuance.

Discount type

When selected, this indicates that the credit note will be by bonus.

Cancellation Note

Allows you to indicate whether the informed credit or debit note corresponds to a cancellation of the original invoice.

This field is enabled only for invoices whose series is of type "MiPyme" and which are of type Credit Note or Debit Note. Plus, the linked invoice must be in the status "Rejected".

Partial Credit note

This indicates that the note is not for the full cancellation of the invoice that originated the operation.

Only Expense

When checked, indicates that the debit/credit note is only for registering its expenses.

Reopen Packing Slip/Shipment/Order for Billing

When checked, indicates that the credit note will reopen the linked invoice's packing slip, shipment, and order, allowing a new billing of the packing slip and/or order/shipment.

This parameter will be enabled when it is a credit note (CN), the CN has a linked invoice, and this invoice has a linked packing slip or purchase order. This parameter will not be enabled when the linked invoice is an anticipated billing.

The original invoice linked will not be canceled.

Operation Nature

Displays the operation nature to be used when calculating the note.

Sales Channel

Select the code of the sales channel corresponding to the calculation.

Price List

Select the code of the price list used for the calculation.


Select the code of the message to be printed on the note.

Payment term

Select the code of the payment term to be considered in the calculation.


Enter the bonus to be used when calculating the note.


Enter the discount to be applied when calculating the note.

Use discount table

When selected, this indicates that the discount table will be used for the document.


Enter the CFDI (Digital Tax Receipt via the Internet) use code according to the registration made in the CFDI Use Type Maintenance program (MX0101).

Filling out this field is necessary so that the code is informed in the XML file of the Electronic Invoice.

Export Rate

Enter the rate to be used in the document.


If the credit/debit note does not have a linked invoice, the suggested value will be the one registered in the program Currency_Quotation_Maintenance_CD0103.

If the credit/debit note has a linked invoice, the suggested value will be the one used in the original invoice.

Exp Process No

Enter the number of the export process for the invoice in question.

Payment Method

Enter the payment method of the credit/debit note.


Select the credit/debit note reason.
The options are:

For credit notes:

  • Return of part of the goods; no acceptance of parts of the service
  • Cancellation of electronic invoice
  • Total reduction applied
  • Total discount applied
  • Termination: annulment due to lack of requirements
  • Others

For debit notes:

  • Interests
  • Expenses to collect
  • Value Change
  • Others

MiPyme Trans Tp

Enter the option that identifies the MiPyme transaction type to be performed. The options are:

  • Open Circulation System (SCA)
  • Collective Deposit Agent (ADC).


    The field will be enabled if the series used is from MiPyME.

    When you add a document, the value entered for the linked invoice is displayed. If it has no value, it will be displayed as parameterized in the program Additional_Customer_Vendor_Data_-_ARG0009.





By means of this button, the Note Calculation - Representatives screen (FT4008) will be presented, where the representatives corresponding to the note in question will be entered.  Check more details in its description.

This button will be enabled only for product sales notes in which item values are already entered. 


By means of this button, you will reach the screen Note Calculation - Representatives (FT4008), where the data corresponding to the selected representative will be modified.  Check more details in its description.

This button will be enabled only for product sales notes in which item values are already entered. 


Pressing this button deletes the selected representative.

The program will prompt the following question: Confirm record deletion?
