Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

Data used for generating the sales order, among other controls, are registered in this tab. Such data is suggested when entering the sales order, ensuring that it is properly filled out. Additionally, it contains data to perform client credit analysis for sales order clearance.


The Priority field is used by the Field Service in the automatic allocation of technicians for service orders, as long as the configuration for the allocation rule considers the priority.


Price lists must be previously created in the Price List Pricelist register, available in the Sales Scenario option.


Thus, in the Outbound Document Generation routine, the system may generate the orders sorted by region or only those of the indicated region (in this example NORTH).


The MV_AGREG parameter indicates the information to be considered for sorting the orders. Standard content is the own field Agre. Rel, but a formula can be indicated in syntax AdvPl or execblock. If needed, it is possible to customize the method of sorting orders using an entry point.


Default messages must be previously created in the Formulas register, available in the Registers option.
