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titleAddition of Investments

When the company makes a financial investment, it must register it in the system through the option below:

  • Financials Module (SIGAFIN)
    • Updates
      • Investments/Loan
        • Investment and Loan (FINA171)
          • Add

The loan and investments addition screen is the same, so you must pay attention to the data relevant to the investments operation, such as:

  • Model: Indicates that a financial investment operation is being executed.
  • Nominal Rate:Interest rate that remunerates the investment.
    • To better reflect its usability, from release1.23 the title of the field becomes "Rate" instead of "Nominal Rate".
    • If this is a CDB investment, interest is calculated in accordance with compound Interest on investment balance.
    • If a CDI investment, the percentage refers to a fixed remuneration (fixed percentage) paid on the CDI variation registered in SM2 (Currency Register).
    • That is, for a CDB Investment, interest is calculated directly on the principal. Yet for a CDI investment an indexer is entered in SM2, so the CDI must have a currency code other than 1. For CDB investments, the interest rate must be entered on an annual base.
  • Operation: Indicates the type of financial investment (CDI, CDB, savings account, etc.). This type affects calculations of investment redemption, in cash flow queries and also in the loan statement report.
    • From 07/2020onwards, a new operation was created called FIC → Short Term Investment Funds, with an Income Tax rate rule different from that of the FAF For more information on the Income Tax rate, refer to “Funds Mathematics” in this document.
    • The action on the content entered in this field complies with the parameter settings below:

Parameter (SX6)


Default Content


Indicates the financial investments configured in this parameter are calculated in accordance with the daily CDI variation. CDI is an indexer that corrects the investment in which the bank pays a percentage on the variation of this indexer and is registered in SM2. In the investment register, enter the code of the currency to be the indexer, although all investments are made in BRL. When a customer says the CDB is tied to the CDI, you must add in the system an operation of type CDI, not CDB, because in the system these two investment types have different calculations.



Indicates the financial investments configured in this parameter are calculated in the daily compound interest system. Enter the rate in an annual base. The system converts the rate and calculates the yield of the period in accordance with the quantity of days invested.



Indicates the financial investments configured in this parameter are calculated in the daily simple interest system. Enter the rate in an annual base. The system converts the rate and calculates the yield of the period in accordance with the quantity of days invested.

"CP "


Indicates the investments configured in this parameter are calculated in accordance with the Investment Funds by Shares Rule (FAC). There are several in the market. Refer to: Funds Mathematics in this document.



Indicates which investment operations use the calculation of yield by percentage on a certain currency.


Define the months in which Income Tax is withheld from investments by shares in routine Allocation (mandatory withholding of income tax on investments).



Define Income Tax rate for months in which the withholding of income tax on investments is not mandatory, .T. -> regressive Income Tax table is considered; .F. -> always 15% (FAF) / 20% (FIC)


titleCDI Variation

The calculation of the variation in CDI accrued between periods is executed according to the following formula:

titleFor CDI rates published until 12/31/1997

For CDI rates published up to 12/31/97, the formula of rate DI-CETIP Over is the following:


  • Percentage for payment: 97,5000



TDI (DI/3000)

TDI * (P/100)

(1+TDI * (P/100)) * k-1 = Factor k





















k-1 = (1+TDI * (p/100) de k -1. Except when k=1, once the multiplier is 1.

titleFor CDI Rates published after 1/1/1998

For the CDI rates published after 1/1/98, the formula must be:

  • Percentage for payment: 5000







DI % (Average)

TDI (1+(DI/100)(1/252))-1

TDI * (P/100)

(1+TDI * (P/100)) * k-1 = Factor k



































































Column A - CETIP DI Rate - Register it in table SM2 and enter it in field EH_MOEDA in investments of type CDI.
Column B - Formula to find the daily factor (see historic series column) - Line k1 -
(1+(7.39/100)(1/252))-1 Obs.: 252 → business days in accounting year.
Column C - Formula in which you apply the remuneration percentage paid by the institution on CETIP rate, entered in field EH_TAXA (investments of type CDI)
Column D - Formula to compose the compound interest factor - Example: line k1 column D has the interest of one day (1.00027589), line k2 has accumulated of  k2 (1.00027589) X k1 (1.00027589) = (1.00055185).
Multiplying factor K (highlighted column) for the investment balance, the updated value is obtained (plus interest).
Subtracting the balance of the updated value, the amount presented is the interest.

See factor k (highlighted column table above) presented on the CETIP website -
Fixed Income Calculator - CETIP

titleRedemption of Investments

After adding the investment, it waits for its postings (redemptions) which are registered through option:

  • Financials Module (SIGAFIN)
    • Updates
      • Investments/Loan
        • Redemption, Payment and Loans
          • Redeem

Using the investment shown in the previous step as an example, we will simulate a redemption on 4/22/2004. The interest is calculated in accordance with the CDI variation, because an investment was used with this characteristic.

titleCurrency Register
  • For the CDI, you need to define an indexer in the currency register (table SM2), in which you select a specific currency code for this purpose (in the example, currency 5 is used).
  • When you add CDI investments to the system, you must enter this currency code in field EH_MOEDA for the redemption calculation to be correct and compliant with the financial institution.
  • You can find daily rates on the Internet, such as on the website of CETIP:

The CDI investment in the example above receives 97.5% remuneration. By using the CDI variation calculation, we find the factor of 1.00113111 calculated on the days 19 and 20/04 (two days), as 21/04 is a holiday (holidays, Saturdays and Sundays are disregarded in the CDI calculation). Multiplying 50,000.00 by the factor 1.00113111, we arrive at the updated value of the investment: 50,056.56.

The IOF is calculated in accordance with the regressive table. Three days of investment are equivalent to an IOF of 90% on the yield (see the table below in Funds Mathematics), in redemptions performed after 30 days no IOF is levied. Income Tax is calculated on Net Yield. So:

  • 56 (Gross Yield)
  • 90 (90% do yield)
  • 66 (Net Yield)
  • 13 (Income Tax – 20% on Net Yield)

(+)Redemption Val = Credit Val + Taxes

Red. Val. on/Princ. = Value of redemption on principal, that is, (+)Redemption Val – Interest

Red. Val. on/Interest = Value of redemption on interest. The interest shown here is calculated on the credit value.


Through the Fixed Income Calculator - [B3] you can check CDI redemption profitability:

titleAbout the Calculator [B3]

The B3 fixed income calculator

A tool to calculate rates and prices of debentures, government bonds, CRA (Agribusiness Receivables Certificates), CRI (Real Estate Receivables Certificates) and DI (Interbank Deposit). It covers approximately two thousand debentures and all government bonds. Moreover, they also offer the option to calculate CRAs and CRIs, with constant updating, performed by a team of specialists.

titleRedemption of Investment Funds by Shares

Suppose that an investment was added with the share value of contract used in: 1.263745

First register the bank contract in the system, through the path below:

  • Financials Module (SIGAFIN)
    • Updates
      • Registers
        • Bank Contract
          • Add

Enter the contract No., the contract value and the unit value of the shares:

On the path below, register the investment:

  • Financials Module (SIGAFIN)
    • Updates
      • Investments/Loan
        • Investment and Loan (FINA171)
          • Add

Pay attention to the contents of field Contract No., whether its information is being automatically filled out:

From 07/2020 onwards, a new operation was created called FIC → Short Term Investment Funds with an Income Tax rate rule different from that of the FAF operation. For more information on the Income Tax rate, refer to “Funds Mathematics” in this document.

On 3/25/2004, we have executed a redemption (25 days after addition of investment).

The calculations of Yield, Income Tax, IOF are stated in "Funds Mathematics", in this document.

Note: For this situation, the Income Tax rate of 20% was registered directly in the investment. For further details on the Income Tax rate, please check "Funds Mathematics" in this document.

titleFund Mathematics

The majority of existing funds present daily liquidity, but IOF is levied on redemptions effected up to the 29th consecutive day as of the date of each investment, according to the table.

As of the 30th day, each investment is exempted from IOF.

To calculate the yield of your fund, you must first know into how many shares the capital invested was transformed, that is, how many shares fit into your capital. The value of this share is published daily in the economy section of the main newspapers, in the website of the bank in which the investment was made, CVM (, etc. Before anything else, you get the value of the investment – say BRL 10,000.00 – and divide it by the value of the share on the day of the investment – BRL 1.263745 (the value of the shares is usually published with six decimal places), for example. The result is the number of the shares you have. The system uses the share registered in the contract, to make the conversion when you add the investment and then control said investment by shares.

The number of shares in the fund is equal to:

BRL 10,000.00 divided by BRL 1.263745 = 7,912.988775 shares

Once you know the number of shares, just multiply it by the share value on the day the balance of which you want to know. Let us suppose that, after twenty five consecutive days, it has increased in value and reached BRL 1.283459. This gives you the updated value of the investment. This share will be registered in SE0, through option:

  • Financials Module (SIGAFIN)
    • Updates
      • Registers
        • Bank Contract
          • "Update Quote"

Value of an updated investment

7,912.988775 multiplied by BRL 1.283459 = BRL 10,156.00

Gross yield total obtained in the period

  1. Balance in shares of 7,912.988775 multiplied by the share of the last working day of the previous month, or the share on the investment day, 7,912.988775 x 263745 = 10,000.00
  2. Balance in shares of 7,912.988775 multiplied by the share of the day of redemption or allocation minus the balance in item 1. Then, 7,912.988775 x 283459 – 10,000.00 = BRL 156.00 (gross yield)

For yield proportional to redemption:

  1. The redemption value is obtained in shares by dividing the redemption value by the share on the day. For example: 1,000.00 / 283459 = 779.144484, considering the redemption of BRL 1,000.00
  2. We multiply the value in shares obtained in item 1 by the share of the last business day of the previous month or by the share on investment day, 779.144484 x 1,263745 = 984,64
  3. From the redemption value, we subtract the value found in item 2 to obtain the yield value proportional to the 1,000.00. Example: 1,000.00 – 984.64 = 15.36

There is also the possibility of recording entries (SEI→EI_TIPODOC = I6 and I7) relative to monthly allocation (FINA183) by the yield value monthly or accrued since the investment date, following the settings of parameter MV_RNDAPL4.

To better grasp this issue, in partial redemption, we calculate the yield using a simple rule of three. Example:

If 156.00 is the yield on updated 10,000.00, what is the yield on 1,000.00?

X = ( 156.00 x 1,000.00 ) / 10,156.00 = 15.36

Where X = yield on partial redemption.

Observe that, since the calculation was made after twenty five running days and, hence, is NOT exempt from IOF, if there is redemption or allocation, the amount relating to IOF payable must be calculated. By the tax collection table, if there is a redemption on the 25th day after investment, the amount payable as IOF will be equivalent to 16% of the yield (see in the IOF table that 25 days correspond to 16% of IOF on the yield).

IOF value to be paid

16% = 0.16 multiplied by BRL 156.00 = BRL 24.96

IOF collection is only exempt when redemption is effected as of the 30th day of the investment.

Income Tax calculation on gross yield. The administrator of the Investment Fund collects the withheld Income Tax. Collecting always occurs on the last business day of the current month or at redemption, whichever is first. If you do not redeem any amount, on the last business day of the month, the Manager automatically debits your balance in shares, equivalent to the Income Tax value due in the current month. There is a 20% rate on gross yield in the event of a Fixed Income Fund.

Then, on the gross yield amount levies a 20% rate to be collected by the Federal Revenue Service. The IOF due is already deducted from the gross income if the redemption is effected within 30 consecutive days period.

Income Tax Rate

  • If you fill out the Income Tax rate in field EH_TAXAIRF when registering the investment, the system will always use this rate:

  • For investments of type FIC→ Short Term Investment Fund
    • 22,5% in up to 180 days
    • 20% after 180 days
  • For other investments, the regressive Income Tax table is applied. AR table of SX5:

Income Tax amount to be collected

Without IOF levy (redemption period starting on the 30th day after investment): BRL 156.00 multiplied by 20% = 0.20 equal to BRL 31.20

If there is no redemption till the end of the month, your shares balance on the last business day of the month is reduced to: BRL 31.20 divided by BRL 1.283459 (share of the last business day of the month) = 24.309308 shares.

IOF Levy

If a redemption occurs on the 25th day, IOF of BRL 24.96 is levied, plus IRF:

IRF = (156.00 - 24.96) = BRL 131.04 multiplied by 20% = BRL 26.21

Now, let us calculate your final yield and its after tax profitability. Suppose a redemption occurs on the 25th day after the investment, subject to IOF and Income Tax.

Note: If the calculated IOF is during allocation (Virtual IOF), its value is added to the income of the following month because it was only used not to calculate IR on IOF in the first month and not to calculate a lower income in the following month and, consequently, a lower Income Tax.

Profitability Calculation

  1. Net Yield
    = Gross Yield – IOF – Income Tax = BRL 156.00 – BRL 24.96 – BRL 26.21
  2. Net Profitability
    = Net Yield divided by Initial Value Invested x 100 = BRL 104.83 / BRL 10,000.00
    = 1.05%, in period of 25 consecutive days

In the following month, the investment is calculated using the share of the last business day of the previous month and the share of the allocation date. You must register the value of this share in SE0, both at redemption and at monthly allocation. The system already updates this file with the share value entered at redemption or at allocation.
