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Speaking of accounts...

The accounts Accounts are used to control the registration of users in available courses available. They can be of are two types of accounts: Credit or Time.

  • Credits: registration control for registrations in this type of account is for are controlled by credits. The Bill account has a certain number of credits that are deducted each time whenever the user is enrolled registered in a course that requires credits, i.e.that has a registration cost of registration. It is possible to recharge credits to top up the account, as well as set define a limit to herfor it, that is, when the user runs out of all his their credits, he shall they can use the account limit to be able to enroll register in the courses available, leaving the account with negative credits. available courses and their account shows a negative balance.
    In case of registration cancellation of the registration, the credits are returned only refunded to the user 's account only when he hasn't account if they have not started the course. Otherwise, the credits are not returnedrefunded, even if he has they have not completed the course. To enroll
    When registering in a trailtrack, the amount debited deducted from the user 's account is the cost of the trailtrack. So, when he enrolls a user registers in a separate training that course in the same track, the credits are not debited againdeductedtwice.
  • Time: this type of account allows you to control enrollment registrations by time, that is, it has an expiration date. For as long as the account remains active, users are linked associated to she it can enroll register in any track, training course or class. The time to expiration of
    Expiration time for the account is set defined by your its administrator. If time is not setdefined, this time the account remains active for indefinite period, which lets indefinitely, allowing users associated with it enrol on to it to register in any item in the catalog at any time.
    When using this type of account, any debit no deduction is effected made when performing the registration registering in courses that require credits, since the control it is by a time and not by creditsaccount, not a credit account.

In addition to these two types of account types, there is also the default account, which is used by all users who that are not associated with to any specific account.


Image Added

View accounts


01. In the main menu, place the mouse over Learning.


03. Place the mouse over Manage.

04. Press Click Accounts.

05. View the global account and the other existing all accounts.

Alternative paths

Filter accounts



The default account is displayed in blue and highlighted with a star.

You can search a specific account – from the Search field, in the upper left corner of the


Accounts list table – as well as select the number of accounts to be displayed per page – 10, 20 or 50.


Filter accounts


01. In Filter by, click Type.

02. Select the type by which to filter accounts.


Available options are:

  • All;
  • Time;
  • Credit.

03. Then click Status.

04. Select the status by which to filter accounts.


Available options are:

  • All;
  • Active;
  • Inactive.

05. View the accounts according to the defined filters.


To view all accounts again, simply undo the defined filter or select the All option in both filters.

Create account


01. Click Create new account, in the upper right corner of the Accounts list table

02. Enter the requested information to consider when filtering the Accounts.


The requested information are:

Name of the account to be considered in the filter.

Type of the account to be considered in the filter. The available options are:

  • Todos;
  • Tempo;
  • Crédito.

Situation of the account to be considered in the filter. The available options are:

  • Todos;
  • Ativo;
  • Inativo.

03. Press Search.


To undo the filter set and show all accounts again, press Clear. 

04. Show the accounts according to the defined filter.

Add account

01. Press New.

02. Enter the requested required information.


The requested Required information are:

Name for of the account ID.

Default account
When checked, determines that the account is default, i.e. all users not associated with to a specific account use the default account to perform enrollments register in catalog items.

The Bill account requires registration approval of license plates
When checked, determines that the registration requests of made by users associated with to this account must pass the approval of the responsible for should be approved by the person in charge of it.

Way in which the account will track control the registrations of the users associated with to it. The available Available options are:

  • Time: When selected, determines that the account has an expiration date and, as soon as it expires, after its expiration, your users can no longer perform enrollments register in the items available in the catalog.
  • Credit: When selected, determines that the account will track the registrations of its users by means of control user registrations by credits, i.e. the account has a certain number of credits that can to be used to perform enrollments for registration in items that have a registration cost and that are discounted as enrollments , which is deducted as registrations are effective.

Expiration date
Date until by which the account will remain active and allow your its users enroll to register in any item available in the catalog. This field is only displayed when is set the account is of type Longtype is defined as Time.

Days to notify before expiringexpiration
Number of days prior to account expiration that the expiration of account considered to start issuing expiration notification to the responsible. person in charge starts receiving expiration notifications. Notifications are sent by a default routine that runs periodically on the platform. For more information, go to Notify account expiration.
This field is only displayed when is set the account is of type Longtype is defined as Time.

Enables Allows the account to use limit (negative balance)
When checked, determines that the account can have negative credit balance. This field is only displayed when is set the account type is creditdefined as Credit.

Negative claims limit value Limit value for negative balance that the account can possesshave. This field is only appears displayed when you mark the option allows checking the Allow account to use account limit (negative balance) option, in Credit accounts.

03. In Users/virtual Instances, press AddMembers, click Add to associate users to the account.

04. In the available users and instances window, enter the user name From the displayed list, find and select the user to be associated with to the account.

05. In listing displayed, select the user to be associated with the account.


You can find the user that you want by using the Search field – located in the upper right corner of the window – or paging through users – arrows located in the lower right corner.

You can also select more than one user at once.

05. Click 06. Press Add.


To remove delete a user associated with to the account, select it and press Remove. 

07. In Charge of the account, press Add.

, simply click the Delete icon, located to the right of the line corresponding to the user.

06. In People in charge, click Add to define those in charge of the account.


The person in charge of


Responsible for the account is the user who can change it, IE, inactivate, insert credit, include usersi.e., deactivate it, add credits and users, and approve registration requests (if required in an account), among other options. 

0807. In the pop-up window Responsible, insert the name of the user who will be responsible for find and select the user to be in charge of the account.

09. In the listing displayed, select the user who will be responsible for the account.


You can find the user that you want by using the Search field – located in the upper right corner of the window – or paging through users – arrows located in the lower right corner.

You can also select more than one user at once.

08. Click 10. Press Add.


To remove delete a charge user associated with to the account, select it and press Remove. , simply click the Delete icon, located to the right of the line corresponding to the user.

09. Click Save to confirm creating the 11. Fire Rescue; or Cancel to quit the inclusion of account.

Edit account


01. Select the account to be edited On the accounts list, click the Edit icon, to the right of the account line.

02. Press Edit.03. Change the chosen information . Information of your choice. For more details about the fields displayed can be obtained in the alternate path add account. 

04. Fire Rescue; or Cancel to discard the changes you made.

Inactivate account

01. Select the account to be inactivated.

02. Press Inactivate.

03. In the message displayed, press Yes to confirm the account inactivation; or Not to drop out of the action, if desired.

displayed fields, see the Create account path.

03. Click Save.

Deactivate account


01. On the accounts list, click the Deactivate icon, to the right of the account line.

02. In the pop-up message, click Yes to confirm deactivating the account.


When deactivating an account, all its users are disassociated from it


To inactivate an account all users are disassociated from her.

It is not allowed to deactivate the company’s default account.


Activate account


01. Select the account to be reactivated.

02. Press Reactivate.

03. In the message displayed, press Yes to confirm the reactivation of the account; or Not to drop out of the action, if desired On the accounts list, click the Activate icon, to the right of the account line.

Delete account



01. Select the account to be deleted On the accounts list, click the Delete icon, to the right of the account line.

02. Click Delete.03. In the pop-up message, click Yes to confirm deletion of deleting the account; or No to cancel the action.


The company’s default account cannot be deleted.

Neither can an account Accounts in which any a credit and/or debit transaction was made cannot be deleted either. In this case, it is only possible to deactivate it.

Generate account extract

01. Select the account from which extract will be generated.

02. Press Extract.

03. Enter the starting and ending dates that determine the period from which the extract is generated.


The period for the generation of the extract should not be greater than 30 days. 

04. Press Search.


Add credits to the account



You can export the data using export to Excel spreadsheet.

To return to the main screen, press Back.

Add credits to the account

01. Select the account for which the credits will be added.


You can only insert claims into accounts that are kind of credit. 

02. Press Add Credits.

03. Enter the requested information.

only add credits to Credit accounts.

01. On the accounts list, click the Add credit icon, to the right of the account line.

02. Enter the required information.

The requested information are:

Description to identify the inclusion of credits in added to your account.

Value of the credits to be added to the account.

0403. Press Save to commit the inclusion of credits on account; or Cancel to quit the action, if desired Click Save to complete adding credits to the account.

View account statement


01. On the accounts list, click the Statement, to the right of the account line.

02. View the transactions made to the account.


You can establish a period – equal to or less than 30 days – to view the account statement. Simply enter the dates and click Search.

You can also export the data by clicking Export worksheet, in the upper right corner of the Account transactions table.

To return to the main screen, click Back.

titlePlease noteAttention!

This documentation is valid from the as of update 1.6.2 update. If you use a previous update, it 3 – Snowflake. Previous updates may contain different information different from than what you see on your platform.