NoteEssa rotina foi ajustada para atender a Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (Lei n° 13.70), sendo que alguns campos que apresentam informações consideradas como dados sensíveis e/ou pessoais, serão ofuscados deixando de ser legíveismaxLevel | 2 |
minLevel | 2 |
style | circle |
Informações |
This routine was adjusted to comply with the General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD law No. 13.70), so that some fields containing data regarded as sensitive and/or personal are blurred, becoming illegible. |
This routine clears all advances made and registered by the Suppliers (PA bills type), in addition to the credit notes to be deducted (NDF bills type).
The advances selected and entered by the user are deducted from the total amount of the original bill.
Procedure manually performed through routine Accounts Payable Clearing (FINA340), with the display of the screens involved in the process - actions/commands from the user are required
Procedure automatically performed in routine Accounts Payable Clearing (FINA340) without the display of screen - no interaction from the user required.
Used in customizations in which the process does not required user's interactions (MSEXECAUTO)
Bloco de código |
language | java |
theme | Midnight |
title | Example of Automatic Routine |
collapse | true |
User Function CMPAUTOMA() |
Local aTipos := {"NF ", "PA ", "NDF"} |
cQry := "SELECT E2_TIPO TIPO, R_E_C_N_O_ R_E_C_N_O FROM " + RetSqlName("SE2") + " " |
cQry += "WHERE E2_SALDO > 0 AND E2_TIPO |
IN (?) "
cQry += "ORDER BY E2_TIPO" |
cQry := ChangeQuery(cQry) |
__COMPAUT := FWPreparedStatement():New(cQry) |
__COMPAUT:SetIn(1, aTipos) |
cQry := __COMPAUT:GetFixQuery() |
cTblTmp := MpSysOpenQuery(cQry) |
While (cTblTmp)->(!Eof()) |
If (cTblTmp)->TIPO $ MVPAGANT+"|"+MV_CPNEG |
Aadd(aPA_NDF, (cTblTmp)->R_E_C_N_O) |
Aadd(aNF, (cTblTmp)->R_E_C_N_O) |
(cTblTmp)->(DbSkip()) |
(cTblTmp)->(DbCloseArea()) |
lContabiliza := MV_PAR11 == 1 |
lAglutina := MV_PAR08 == 1 |
lRet := FinCmpAut(aNF, aPA_NDF, aContabil, bBlock, aEstorno, nSldComp, dDatabase, nTaxaPA ,nTaxaNF, nHdl, nOperacao) |
Alert("Compensation successful") |
Alert("An error occurred in the compensation process") |
Informações |
To use the Automatic Accounts Payable |
Clearing process, call the function: FinCmpAut. Clearing can be carried out from N to N: N advances/returns (PA or NDF) for N bills (NF, DP, etc.) or vice versa.
Automatic Accounts Payable Clearing |
Use this operation to clear bills payable:
- Clearing bills from a supplier/store with advances from the same supplier/store
- Clearing bills from a given supplier with advances from the same supplier regardless of the bill receivable store
- Clear a bill from a given supplier with advances from several suppliers, in which case a supplier range or all suppliers can be established. Then, the bill can be cleared with any advance bill from the same supplier pending in the bill file, irrespective of the supplier for this bill.
Aviso |
The Clearing Date must be after the date of issue of the bills involved. For example: - PA issued on 3/29
- NF issued on 4/02
You can only clear these bills after 4/02, considering that on 3/29 the NF did not yet exist, so the postings concept is correctly applied to clearing operations. (E2_Posting after E2_ISSUE) - You cannot, through Financials, clear Advance Payments bound to Purchase Orders.
For clearance between advances and bills from different branches, use button Branches to define which branches to consider for selection of bills to clear.If you do not use button Branches, only bills of the current branch are considered for clearing. Image Added Informações |
| If the financial base is fully shared and you do not use button Branches, all advances from all branches are considered for the process. |
Operation to delete the transaction generated by the clearing
Operation that allows reversing the transaction generated by clearing, thus generating its counterpart.
It displays the caption chart and meanings related to bill payable status.
Image Added
Search for the bill in the accounts payable file, having it placed and highlighted in the browser.
Operation to view the bill selected and check its balance and value.
List of parameters applied to FINA340 and its processing Âncora |
composition-deck-Parâmetros | composition-deck-Parâmetros
Deck of Cards |
id | Parameters |
effectType | fade |
Card |
default | true |
id | 1 |
label | Questions (F12) |
effectType | fade |
| Question | Description | Consider store? | This field indicates whether to consider the store of the supplier when filtering records to be cleared. Thus, if you select "No", all "PA" bills from all stores are displayed for confirmation of clearing. If you select "Yes", only "PA" bills from the main bill store are considered. | Consider Supplier? | Select option "Original" to consider same supplier of bill in clearing, or "Others" to clear bills between different suppliers. | From Supplier? | Enter the initial code of the range of suppliers to be considered in clearing | To Supplier ? | Enter the final code of the range of stores to be considered in clearing | Cons. branches below? | Enter "Yes" to consider branches of your system, or "No" to consider only the branch you logged on. This question no longer affects the clearing process. Use button Branches to select the branches to be considered when selecting bills to be cleared. | From Branch? | Enter the initial code of the range of branches to be considered in clearing. This question no longer affects the clearing process. Use button Branches to select the branches to be considered when selecting bills to be cleared. | To Branch ? | Enter the final code of the range of branches to be considered in clearing. This question no longer affects the clearing process. Use button Branches to select the branches to be considered when selecting bills to be cleared. | Group Entries? | Enter "YES" to group the accounting entries generated through clearing in a single entry | Display Entries? | Enter "YES" to display onscreen the accounting entries generated through clearing, otherwise "NO" | Clear Bills? | Enter option "Regular" for clearing to consider bills of type NF, PA, NDF, or "Tax" to consider TX and TXA generated tax bills. | Accounts online? | Enter "YES" to book online the entries related to accounts payable clearing, otherwise "NO". | Clear transferred? | Enter "Yes" to allow clearing of bills transferred to bank (Bordereau), otherwise "No" | Clear tax balance? | Define not to zero TX balance when clearing between taxes, leaving the submission of DARF and tax payment pending, the feature of this question is only applied when the question Clear Bills? = "Taxes" | Consider ps of tax. of PA? | Define, when clearing between regular NF x PA bills, if taxes of type TXA of PA have postings, whether these values are used to clear the balance of TX of NF, the feature of this question is only applied when the question Clear Bills? = "Regular" |
Parameters (SX6)
Card |
id | 2 |
label | Parameters (SX6) |
effectType | fade |
| Parameter | Description | Default | MV_CTBFLAG | Enter whether to select booking flags of the offline routines in the accounting entry transaction - SIGACTB. | .F. | MV_BX10925 | Define when withholding of PIS COFINS and CSLL taxes are processed: 1 = At Posting or 2 = At Issue | 1 | MV_PABRUTO | Define, at PA generation with taxes, whether 1 = Generate a PA with gross value. 2 = Generate a PA with net value (system default). | 2 | MV_LIBCHEQ | Option for release of bank balance when checks are generated before write-off. | S | MV_PAPRIME | It defines whether, at PA generation with taxes, the INSS and ISS taxes are provisioned in the net PA. 1=Yes 2=No (default) | 2 | MV_CTLIPAG | Control postings payable through filled out release date. If .T., the system checks whether field E2_DATALIB is filled out, otherwise it does not control them | .F. | MV_VLMINPG | Minimum value to post the bill, even if field E2_DATALIB is not filled out and the content of parameter MV_CTLIPAG is .T. | 0 | MV_IMPADT | Define the use of IRRF generation in advance payable |
| MV_SOLNCP | Define the use of Credit Note request routine | .F. | MV_MUNIC | Identifies the code of the finance department of the municipality for ISS collection. | MUNIC | MV_MCUSTO | Currency used to check the credit limit entered in the customer register. | 2 | MV_COMSEIC | Enable integration of service purchase order for Easy Siscoserv. | .F. | MV_ESS0012 | Enable integration of Incoming Document from SIGACOM to SIGAESS. | .F. | MV_ESS0013 | Enable integration of bills generated in SIGAFIN by SIGACOM for SIGAESS. | .F. | MV_ESS0022 | Enable SIGAEIC x SIGAESS Integration | .F. | MV_JURXFIN | Enable integration between modules SIGAFIN - Financials and SIGAPFS - Legal. Disabled by default. |
| MV_PCOINTE | It indicates whether the integration of Planning and Budget Control processes with Entries/Locks processes is active (1=Yes / 2=No). | 2 | MV_BXDTFIN | To not allow postings dated before the date set in parameter MV_DATAFIM (1=Allow, 2=Do not Allow) | 2 | MV_UNIAO | Identify the code given to the Federal Revenue for payment of Income Tax. | UNION | MV_ESTADO | Acronym of the state of the company using the System, to calculate the ICMS (7, 12 or 18%). | SP | MV_PISNAT | Nature for bills related to PIS. | PIS | MV_COFINS | Nature for bills related to COFINS. | COFINS | MV_CSLL | Nature for bills related to CSLL. | CSLL | MV_IRF | Nature for bills related to IRF. | IRF | MV_ISS | Nature for bills related to ISS. | ISS | MV_BP10925 | Define whether to consider the gross value of partial posting or the net value plus taxes. (1=Gross Val./2=Net Val.) | 1 | MV_COMPCP | It indicates whether in an Invoice clearance with a PA, the taxes are proportionated. | .F. | MV_MRETISS | ISS withholding mode in acquisition of services. 1 = when issuing main bill; 2 = when posting main bill | 1 | MV_CPIMPAT |
Indicate whether to clear taxes due automatically. 1 - Automatic; 2 - Manual | 2 | MV_AG10925 | Enter whether to combine CCP taxes in one bill only when the three taxes occur in the same bill. | 2 | MV_FINVDOC | Activate control of required documents in routines for releasing bill payable postings/transactions? ("1" = Yes / "2" = No) | 2 | MV_CMTXCON | Indicate whether to generate indexation for bills with rate contracted at CP clearing. T = Generate CM / F = Do Not Generate CM | .F. | MV_CALCCM | Indicate whether to calculate indexation. Valid: "S" - calculate it or "N" - do not calculate it. | S | MV_TXPRCON | Define whether to use the rate entered in clearing in entire process. T = Rt in Process, F = Individual Rt | .F. |
The booking of processes applied to an accounts payable clearing via Financials module is done through the standard entries below:
SE | Taxable Event | ON | OFF (CTBAFIN) |
589 | Cancellation of clearing of accounts payable bills | X | X |
597 | Clearing of accounts payable | X | X |
Options to set parameters MV_PABRUTO, MV_BP10925, MV_PAPRIME When parameter MV_PABRUTO, is equal to 2 (Net), when you generate bills of type PA (advance payment), the generation with net value is maintained, in which the tax values that can be withheld at addition are deducted. For example, when you clear a bill of type INVOICE with a PA, given that both withhold taxes at posting, for coherent values you should set the parameters below as follows: - MV_COMPCP= .T. - Indicate whether in an Invoice clearance with a PA, the taxes are proportionated.
- MV_BP10925 = 2 - Consider the Net Value in Partial Posting, deducting taxes.
- MV_PAPRIME = 1 - Consider tax provisioning for net PA.
When parameter MV_PABRUTO is equal to 1 (Gross), when you generate bills of type PA, it is generated with gross value, not deducting the tax values that can be withheld at addition. Then you must clear an Invoice with a PA by the gross value, setting parameters as follows: - MV_PABRUTO = 1 - Gross and MV_BX10925 = 1 Tax at posting or MV_BX10925=2 Tax at issue
- MV_BP10925 = 1 - Consider the Gross Value in Partial Posting, without deducting taxes.
- MV_PAPRIME = 2 - Do not consider tax provisioning for net PA.
Aviso |
| If you do not configure the system with one of these two options, upon reversal, the bill of type PA may acquire the status partially cleared. |
Informações |
| Parameter MV_COMPCP has no effect if parameter MV_PABRUTO is set to 1. You need to set these parameters whether bills have taxes or not. |
Informações |
| The clearing between Invoice x PA, from the invoice as well as from the PA, is not allowed if parameter MV_PABRUTO is set to 2 (Net) and the natures are different. However, we recommend using the same financial nature for Invoice and PA bills, to make sure the tax values generated do not diverge. |
The booking of processes applied to an accounts payable clearing via Financials module is done through the standard entries below:
SE | Taxable Event | ON | OFF (CTBAFIN) |
589 | Cancellation of clearing of accounts payable bills | X | X |
597 | Clearing of accounts payable | X | X |
Card documentos |
Informacao | The booking of clearing will always be made based on the data of the Cleared Bill and it can be any type of obligation: NF, TX, DP, etc. as long as the transfer (SE5) has the following classification: E5_TIPODOC = 'CP' and E5_MOTBX = 'CMP' |
Titulo | IMPORTANT! |
Booking Variables
Totvs custom tabs box |
tabs | Online,Offline,Example |
ids | online,offline,example |
Totvs custom tabs box items |
default | yes |
referencia | online |
| The following list of variables to configure Standardized Entry 597 (Accounts Payable Clearing) for online booking of Payable Clearing (FINA340): VALOR - Stores the value cleared VALOR2 - Addition Value VALOR3 - Deduction Value VALOR4 - Variation of Adjustment for Inflation VLRINSTR - Stores the value cleared nSldReal - Stores the value cleared in the corresponding currency of bill ABATIMENTO - Deduction Values REGVALOR - Recno of current record STRLCTPAD - Key of main bill + document number These variables are fed with data from the record that originated the clearing. Whereas for records selected for clearing, the booking is made by SE5. In online booking, you cannot change the booking branch. The booking occurs at the branch selected.
Example: Select NF1 and click Clear. On the screen for selecting bills to be cleared, select PA1 and PA2. When booking online, the NF1 information will be in the booking variables. Whereas the clearing data of each PA will have their respective SE5 records selected.
Reversal Variables: VALUE - Stores the value cleared VLRINSTR - Stores the value cleared |
Totvs custom tabs box items |
default | no |
referencia | offline |
| When we force the selection of bills to be cleared, the booking brings both bills (example: Invoice x PA), booking the value of both bills, which may cause a double entry. The variables available for offline booking (CTBAFIN): VALOR - Stores the value cleared VALOR2 - Addition Value VALOR3 - Deduction Value REGVALOR - RECNO of current record STRLCTPAD - Key of main bill + document number These variables are fed with data from the record that originated the clearing. Whereas for records selected for clearing, the booking is made by SE5. |
Totvs custom tabs box items |
default | no |
referencia | example |
| Example: LP597 In field CT5_HIST, enter: U_HIST597() Create the following function:
Bloco de código |
language | java |
theme | Midnight |
firstline | 1 |
linenumbers | true |
| User function HIST597()
Local aSaveSE5 := SE5->(GetArea())
Local aSaveSE2 := SE2->(GetArea())
Local xRet := Nil
xRet:= "TESTE TIPO: "+ SE2->E2_TIPO + " RECNO: "+ ALLTRIM(STR(SE2->(RECNO())))
Return(xRet) |
Informações |
Booking of DIC type The booking of DIC type generated by clearing can be done by LP 510 - Addition of Bill Payable, because it is generated through the FINA050 (Accounts Payable) automatic routine.
Booking of taxes generated when clearing. LP 597 - Clearing Payable itself can book taxes generated by clearing, through variables: NPIS340, NCOF340, NCSL340, NIRF340, NISS340. |
In the other cases, the booking remains unchanged, as documented belowSee Also:
Booking Variables FINA340of CR/CP Clearings
- SE2 - Accounts Payable Register
- SE5 - Checks Register
- SED - Natures Register
- SA2 - Suppliers Register
- FK2 - Postings Payable
- FK3 - Calculated Taxes
- FK4 - Withheld Taxes
- FK5 - Bank Transactions
- FK6 - Accessory Values
- FK7 - Auxiliary Table
- FKA - Transaction Tracking
Deck of Cards |
Card |
id | 1 |
label | Indexation |
effectType | fade |
| Rules for generation of indexation in accounts payable clearing process: - Clearing of bills with equal contracted rates - the indexation value is generated only if the transaction rate is changed on the clearing screen. In this case, indexation is linked to the bill selected when the clearing starts (not to those bills selected later) and the value is based on the difference between the value with the rate contracted and the value that uses the new rate entered (the daily rate is not used);
- Clearing of bills without contracted rates - the indexation value is generated for each bill involved in the clearing process, if there is a difference between the rate value on the day of bill addition and the rate value on the day the clearing is posted. Note: If there is a change in the value of the rate at time of clearing, this value is considered only for the bill selected and its indexation refers to the difference between the value with the new rate (entered onscreen) and the value with the rate on the day of addition. For all other bills involved in this clearing process, the rate on the day of clearing and the rate on the day of addition are used.
- Clearing of bills with different contracted rates - by default, the system does not allow this type of clearing. However, you can enable it through parameter MV_CMTXCON (
- ). In this case, indexation is always generated attached to the invoice. The value refers to the difference of invoice value and cleared payment value.
- Rate entered in clearing - by default, the system assumes the rate entered in clearing only for the starting bill (selected). However, you can set the use of the rate entered for the entire process through parameter MV_TXPRCON (parameter MV_TXPRCON). In this case, the rate entered is used not only for the starting bill by also for those selected, in accordance with the currency. If you use the rate by process, the indexation occurs through bill rate variation (Day rate or Contracted rate) with the rate entered. If no rate is entered, the system follows the default behavior.
Aviso |
| To generate the indexation, enable parameter MV_CALCCM. |
Deck of Cards |
id | DIC - Cleared Taxes Difference |
effectType | fade |
| Accumulated DIC |
effectType | fade |
| Aviso |
| The process described refers only to the net scenario: MV_PABRUTO = 2 (Net) MV_COMPCP = .T. MV_BP10925 = |
For gross scenario, clearings occur without generation of accumulated DIC. |
Accumulated DIC When clearing a NF that has withholding in posting with multiple advance payments not configured for withholding, a single bill of type DIC is generated for the last cleared PA. The DIC will have the accumulated value of the difference of calculated taxes of the other PAs. Example: Clearing between one 3 PAs without withholding X 1 NF with withholding
NF of BRL 1,000.00 With PCC in posting (4.65%) = BRL 46.50 Total Net Value = BRL 1,000.00 (value of NF) - BRL 46.50 (taxes in posting) = BRL 953.50 NF balance = BRL 1,000.00 PA 1 of BRL 300.00
Without taxes Net Value = BRL 300.00 PA balance = BRL 300.00 PA 2 of BRL 300.00
Without taxes Net Value = BRL 300.00 PA balance = BRL 300.00 PA 3 of BRL 300.00
Without taxes Net Value = BRL 300.00 PA balance = BRL 300.00 The routine performs the clearing calculation internally in three parts, as if it was clearing each PA separately, generating the DIC only in the last clearing.
1st clearing - Clear NF x PA: |
.00 Transaction: BRL 300.00 Generated the taxes configured in posting, in example, PCC in value of BRL 13.95 with calculation base of BRL 300.00 |
.00 Value related to Difference of calculated tax: 13.95 |
As previously mentioned, the DIC is not generated at this time.
2nd clearing - Clear NF x PA: |
.00 Transaction: BRL 300.00 Generated the taxes configured in posting, in example, PCC in value of BRL 13.95 with calculation base of BRL 300.00 |
.00 Value related to difference of calculated tax: 13.95 *Important As previously mentioned, the DIC is not generated at this time.
3rd clearing - Clear NF x PA: |
.00 Transaction: BRL 300.00 Generated the taxes configured in posting, in example, PCC in value of BRL 13.95 with calculation base of BRL 300.00 |
.00 Value related to Difference of calculated tax: 13.95
Aviso |
| The DIC is only generated at this time. In accumulated value of 41.85. |
Generated DIC value = 13.95 (DIC calculated in 1st clearing) + 13.95 (DIC calculated in 2nd clearing) + 13.95 (DIC calculated in 3rd clearing) = 41.85 |
Card |
id | 2 |
label | Total clearing without DIC generation |
effectType | fade |
| Aviso |
| The process described refers only to the net scenario: MV_PABRUTO = 2 (Net) MV_COMPCP = .T. MV_BP10925 = |
Total clearing without DIC generation When clearing a NF that has withholding with PAs without withholding, in which the net value of NF is the total of PAs, the routine does not generate DIC.
Example: Total clearing between one 2 PAs without tax X NF with taxes NF of BRL 1,000.00 With PCC in Posting (4.65%) = BRL 46.50 Total Net Value = BRL 1,000.00 (value of NF) - BRL 46.50 (taxes in posting) = BRL 953.50 NF balance = BRL 1,000.00 PA of BRL 500.00
Without taxes Net Value = BRL 500.00 PA balance = BRL 500.00
PA of BRL 453.50 Without taxes Net Value = BRL 453.50 PA balance = BRL 453.50
Clear 1 NF x 2 PAs Notice the net value of invoice is equal to the sum of PAs, thus no additional value was paid to the supplier: The withholdings set to be calculated in posting will be generated. In the example, PCC in the value of BRL 23.25 related to the first clearing. The withholdings set to be calculated in posting will be generated. In the example, PCC in the value of BRL 23.25 related to the second clearing. NF balance = BRL 1,000.00 (NF balance) - BRL 23.25 (PCC Generated in 1st clearing) - BRL 23.25 (PCC Generated in 2nd clearing) - BRL 500,00 (cleared value of 1st PA) - BRL 453.50 (cleared value of 2nd PA) 1st PA balance = 500.00 (PA balance) - 500.00 (cleared value) = 0.00 PA balance = 453.50 (PA balance) - 453.00 (cleared value) = 0.00 We have no DIC generation Example: Reversal of 2nd clearing (2nd PA). When reversing 2nd clearing (2nd PA): The withholdings generated will be deleted upon clearing. In the example, PCC in the value of BRL 23.25 NF balance = 500.00 PA balance = 453.50 The system evaluates the clearings previous to the last one reversed and identifies whether a new DIC generation is needed. Generated DIC value = 23.25 (DIC calculated in 1st clearing) = 23.25 The DIC bill generated refers to the last clearing. In the above example it would be the 1st PA in the value of 500.
Aviso |
| For clearings done individually (1 PA x 1 NF), the system generates an independent DIC, that is, one DIC for each clearing. No accumulated DIC will be |
Card |
id | 1 |
label | DIC Booking |
effectType | fade |
| DIC Booking You can book the addition of a DIC type bill through LP 510 (Accounts Payable - Addition of Bills). You can book the deletion of a DIC type bill through LP 515 (Accounts Payable - Deletion of Bills). Note: To book the LPs 510 and 515, the question: Book Online of routine Accounts payable (FINA050) must be set to Yes. |
Card |
id | 1 |
label | DIC generation at time of reversal |
effectType | fade |
| Aviso |
| The process described refers only to the net scenario: MV_PABRUTO = 2 (Net) MV_COMPCP = .T. MV_BP10925 = |
Process of DIC generation at time of reversal For clearances with more than one bill, you can only revert/delete by clearing order. From the last clearing to the first, any different order of this routine will display a warning blocking the process.
When you reverse/delete the last clearing, the routine also deletes the DIC-type bill. After this process, a new DIC related to previous clearings is generated based on the last cleared PA if needed.
Example: Reversal of 3rd clearing NF balance = BRL 100.00 (NF balance) + BRL 13.95 (PCC generated in clearing) + BRL 286.05 (compensated value) = 400.00 Transaction: BRL 300.00 Withholdings generated by clearing will be deleted. In example, PCC in value of BRL 13.95 with calculation base of BRL 300.00 Deletion of DIC generated by clearing with value of BRL 41.85 (accumulated DIC). PA balance = 0.00 (PA balance) + 300.00 (cleared value) = 300.00 The system evaluates the clearings previous to the last one reversed and identifies whether a new DIC generation is needed. Generated DIC value = 13.95 (DIC calculated in 1st clearing) + 13.95 (DIC calculated in 2nd clearing) = 27.90 At this point, a new DIC-type bill is generated related to the first and second clearing.
Example: Reversal of 2nd clearing NF balance = BRL 400.00 (NF balance) + BRL 13.95 (PCC generated in clearing) + BRL 286.05 (compensated value) = 700.00 Transaction: BRL 300.00 Withholdings generated by clearing will be deleted. In example, PCC in value of BRL 13.95 with calculation base of BRL 300.00 Deletion of DIC generated by reversal with value of BRL 27.90 (accumulated DIC) PA balance = 0.00 (PA balance) + 300.00 (cleared value) = 300.00 The system evaluates the clearings previous to the last one reversed and identifies whether a new DIC generation is needed. Generated DIC value = 13.95 (DIC calculated in 1st clearing) = 13.95 At this point, a new DIC bill related to the last clearing is generated. In the example above, it would be the 1st PA with the value |
Informações |
title | NOTITSEL in reversal of clearing |
Upon opening the wizard NOTITSEL in reversal of clearing, validate field E5_FILORIG in clearing records and also check fields of key (Prefix+number+installment+type+supplier+store) of tables SE2 and SE5. Fields must have corresponding sizes in both tables. |
Deck of Cards |
Card |
id | 1 |
label | See Also |
effectType | fade |