Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



Speaking of starting requests...

Once the process has been totally modeled and it is released for use, the users that have permission can start the process requests.


In this window, you can define a process as a favorite and copy its link, directing directly to the opening of the request.

Quick launch


01. From the main menu, click Processes.



The quick launch area may be empty when opened for the first time. This is due to the fact that processes are only displayed in this feature after they have been initiated. The last five processes accessed are then shown in this area.

Start requests


01. The Registered processes menu shows all registered processes. The user can also mark processes as favorites and view favorite processes, locate and select processes by categories and subcategories


titleWhat do you wish to do?

Shortly after clicking Send, the user can define what action to take. Available options are described as follows:

  • Start new request based on this one: This option allows the user to start a new request by reusing the data from the previous request.
  • Start new blank request: This option allows the user to start a new blank request to be filled out by the user.
  • Go to the start requests screen: This option redirects the user to the Start requests screen.
  • Go to task central: This option redirects the user to the Task Central screen.

When the user clicks the request number or the Access request link, they will be directly redirected to the request.


01. In the listing of categories and subcategories of available processes, search and select the process of your choosing to copy its link, directing to the opening of the request.



When you click this icon, the link that directs to the process requests startup window is copied to the transfer area and can be pasted in the location of your choosing.

Define process as favorite


01. In the listing of categories and subcategories of available processes, search and select the process to be defined as favorite.



To view all favorite processes, click the Favorites item located on the left side of the screen. This filters all favorite processes in the list.

Remove process from favorites


01. In the favorite processes area, search the process you want to delete from favorites.
