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Speaking of indexation...

Feature that indexes content posted on the platform so that it can be returned by the search tool. Indexation can be performed manually using the procedure described below or automatically through the Task Scheduler.

Indexation via Task Scheduler only includes documents and considers both metadata and content. Manual indexation allows the administrator to adjust the scope of the procedure and include other items such as posts, comments, processes and users.


titleLearn more

<a id="toggleAll" href="#" >Expand/hide additional information. </a>
 <script type="text/javascript">
 var abertos = 0;
 var fechados = 0;
 function contador() {
    abertos = 0;
    fechados = 0;
    jQuery(".expand-control").each( function() {
		if (document.getElementById(this.id).children[0].className != "expand-control-icon icon expanded") {
        } else {
 AJS.toInit(function() {
	var soma = abertos + fechados;
	$("#toggleAll").html('Expand/hide ' + soma  + ' additional information.');

    AJS.$('#toggleAll').click(function() {
        if (abertos >= fechados) {
                function() {
                    if (document.getElementById(this.id).children[0].className == "expand-control-icon icon expanded") {
        } else {
                function() {
                    if (document.getElementById(this.id).children[0].className != "expand-control-icon icon expanded") {


Basic Path


01. Select the Control Panel


icon from the main menu.

02. Access Go to the WCM tab.

03. Click Indexation.

04. Select the items to be considered for indexation.

titleLearn more

The types of content available for indexation are:

Users: Indexes user data.

Posts: Indexes the content of posts on the timelines of users and communities.

Comments: Indexes comments made on posts. Comment indexation is used only to calculate the influence of users on the topic searched, which guarantees more relevant results when searching for Influencers. However, the content of comments is not displayed in search results. Indexation may take longer to finish depending on the amount of content.

Processes: Indexes metadata, such as code, description, instructions and keywords of processes.

Documents: Indexes posted documents. When selecting this option, the Type of document indexation panel is displayed with specific indexation settings for this type of content.

05. Click Index.


Alternative Paths


Recreate the table of contents


01. Select Recreate the table of contents.

titleLearn more

When selecting this option, all other alternatives are enabled automatically and cannot be changed, except for Document indexation method, which can be defined to consider all contents of documents or only their metadata.

02. Click Index.


Index documents


01. Select Documents.

02. In Document indexation method04. In Index, select one of the two options: All repository or Only documents modified or new documents Content or Metadata.

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All Repository Content – When selected, it this option determines that a complete indexation should be done on all documents posted and active until the moment in the indexation will consider the metadata (title, author, etc.) and content of documents. After running this type of indexation, the documents are considered "indexed" by the platform.Only documents modified or new documents

Metadata – When selected, it this option determines that an incremental indexation should be done by adding, to the search by content, only new documents or the ones that have been modified since the last indexation process.the indexation will consider only the metadata (title, author, etc.) of documents. This makes the procedure faster, but returns less relevant results for the searches, due to the absence of updated document content.

After running the Metadata indexation, the documents will still be considered "not indexed" by the platform so that when Content indexation is run, the documents that have only had their metadata indexed also have their content considered.

03. Still in Document indexation method, select one of two options: Documents not yet indexed or All documents.05. In Start by documents, select one of the following options: Oldest or Most recent. 

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Oldest – It starts the indexation in ascending order, that is, it indexes from the oldest to the most recent documents.

Most Recent – It starts the indexation in descending order, that is, it indexes from the most recent to the oldest documents.

Documents not yet indexed: Considers only the documents tagged as "not indexed" by the platform, that is, which have not yet had their content indexed.

All documents: Indexes the active version of all documents. Run time depends on the number of documents.

0406. Click Index.



titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from as of the 1.56.10 0 update. If you use a previous update, it Previous updates may contain different information different from than what you see on your platform.