Páginas filhas
  • HR and Billing Integration (Billing - SIGAFAT)

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

The process of the monthly Payroll Exemption performs the recording of the log files generated by the Billing and Financial modules to check the calculation and values.

When the payroll (HR) exemption process is generated by the Billing, the system generates a log file in dbf to check values, invoices and similar ones.

This file is stored in the SYSTEM folder with the name Bill+(branch)+exem+(month and year) and is generated from each item of the Invoice processed in the period with the following information:

  • Outbound Invoice Number.
  • Outbound Invoice Series.
  • Outbound Invoice Type.
  • Outbound Invoice Date.
  • Cfop of the Outbound or Return Invoice.
  • Total of each Return or Outbound item.
  • Origin Invoice Number (used for return invoices type D).
  • Origin Invoice Number (used for return invoices type D).

Example of file name generated for August 2012 of branch 01: FAT01DES082012.DBF

See Also