Páginas filhas
  • Statistic Indices (CTBA278 - SIGACTB)

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

This functionality enables the association of statistics indices to accounting entities - it enables the dynamic updating of factors and percentages of apportion groups and, as a consequence, of the off-line apportion files that use this resource.

The purpose is to be a facilitator in the updating process of factors and percentage of offline apportionment groups associated to them, by the representation of the association between an accounting entity with the customer process indicator, as follows:

Number of workers per department, where the department is associated to a Cost Center.

Department physical area.

Electric power consumption per department, among others.

Additional Information:

Any updating in this file is displayed in the apportion group files and in the files of offline apportionment associated to these groups through binding files.

The user acceptance is request for the updating. If the user does not want to perform it, the associated binding files have their status as Edited. The updating is performed by the functionality Generate Apportionments in this file.


  1. To register statistics indexes, access the routine in the menu.
  2. Note the distribution of the fields in the screen.

    The field Entity: Define which accounting entities are used in the composition of the apportion group.

The entities that can be used to make up a statistics indexes are the accounting four basic entities (ledger account, cost center, accounting item, value class):

  • 1 – Ledger Account
  • 2 – Cost Center
  • 3 – Accounting Item
  • 4– Value Class

3. Fill out the fields according to the field help instructions.


As the entity definition is dynamically performed, when entering a field, a query screen is displayed. Therefore, to edit a field, always use ENTER.

Field Measurement Unit is associated to the standard measurement units file of the system.

Field Index Factor defines the factor of the detail rows of the apportion group files, when they are from destination type.

When using a destination statistics indices file factor, this factor is subject to the matching rule established in that functionality definitions.

Field Factor Formula defines the factor of detail rows of the off-line apportion file, when the updating is performed through Recalculate Formulas or through functionality Update Factor.


This field is not handled in the association process of the apportion groups file with statistics indices file. Only the values defined for the factor available at the moment are taken.

4. Check and confirm the data.

See Also:

  • Related Features