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  • Routines of Profile 360 (CRMA590 - SIGACRM)

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


The Profile 360 concentrates all routines related to the account, subdivided in contexts.


After selecting the context Sales in the menu Customer/Other Actions/Profile 360/Sales, the executive has access to the following entities:

  • Activities;
  • Notes;
  • Opportunities;
  • Sales Orders;
  • Contracts;


  • Rule: describe the rule that is registered.
  • Comments: enter the configuration the routine is defined.
  • Transaction/Routine: select routine.
  • Access: define if the access is allowed or denied.

4. Click Save.

Image AddedImportant

The definition of privileges determines if the user has permission to Add, Edit or Delete a routine that is displayed in the menu loaded by the system, when accessing the Routines of Profile 360 option.

Image AddedAttention

Further information on Privileges Control, access: Privileges.

Routine of Profile 360 Addition

1. Access Administration/Profile 360/ Routines from Profile 360.

2. The system displays the registered routines according to role (access profile) of the user.

3. To register a new routine, click

4. Fill out the fields:

  • Description: enter the routine name.
  • Routine: enter the source name or function.
  • Alias: enter the routine table.
  • Type: enter P-Protheus (for standard routines), Q - Queries (for query routines), R- Reports (for report routines) or U- Users (for customized routines).

5. Click Confirm.

Routines of Profile 360 Usage

1. To access routines from Profile 360, access Updates/Sales/Accounts/Accounts.

2. Place a customer, then click Other Features/Profile 360.

3. The menu is displayed according to data registered in User Roles routine.

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