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  • Transaction (LOJA701 - SIGALOJA)

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This routine is used to register transactions made in the store, registering quotations or making the direct sale.

Image ModifiedImportant:

  • To use this routine, you must be also registered as a cash register operator.
  • To register cash register operators/users, select Miscellaneous/ Configurations / Passwords.
  • The station in which the sale is finished must be connected to a Fiscal Printer, unless the customer has SEFAZ (State Finance Department) authorization to generate only invoices. See further information in the topic Invoice Printing in Assisted Sales.
  • For all countries, except Brazil, sales transactions can be made in other currencies, as long as they are registered and configured with their respective rates. The logical parameter MV_TRCMOED must be enabled and the currency must be indicated in the price list (B0_MOEDAn).
  • For all countries, except Brazil, bills in Financials can be generated in other currencies. These bills can be controlled through Cash Registers corresponding to each currency of the Bank file (symbol of corresponding currency in Bank Office field - A6_AGENCIA). The Cash Register created at first, to which the fields Bank Office and Account are filled out with ".", always uses the main currency.
  • To prioritize quotation types with 1-Take Later and 3-Delivery in the Order Integration, configure the parameter MV_LJGRVBT with .T.

Change control

For all countries, except Brazil, the change control aims at managing inflow/outflow of money from transactions paid in excess, in any payment term. This control impacts from sales transaction routines to Cash Partial Withdrawal and Cash Summary.


Through Stock/Make Reservation or <F11> key, the reservation is made. By finishing a sales transaction, a Service Order of delivery and assembly is generated in Field Service module - Service Order.

Image ModifiedImportant:

To generate a Service Order of delivery and assembly correctly in Field Service module, you must:

  • Configure the following parameters: MV_LJINTEC, MV_LJDIAEN, MV_ LJDIAMO, MV_TECOCOA, MV_TECOCOM.
  • Enter delivery, delivery date, assembly, and serial number.



Making Assisted Sales and payment of bills:

1. In Assisted Sales, click Transaction.

The system checks if the user is registered as a cash register operator and if the cash register is open.

2. The window Transaction is displayed subdivided into the following areas:

  • Option Menu - upper corner of the screen.

Header of Quotation or Sales Transaction

In this area, data concerning quotation number, sales representative, customer, due date, etc. are entered.

Image ModifiedNote:

This routine also enables you to specify a sales representative for each item in the quotation, not being specified through the header anymore. This situation can be considered according to the content of the parameter MV_LJTPCOM, that displays the following options:

1 – Commission through Header (default)

2 – Commission through Sales Transaction Items

  • Items of Quotation or Sales Transaction

In this area, data concerning product, amount, unit price, discounts, delivery, etc. are entered.

You cannot change customer after selecting products in Items area because taxes were already calculated at this moment.

  • Related Features - on the right of the screen.

3. Fill out data according to field help instructions, with special attention to the field help on filling out the Main Fields - Service.

4. During transaction, customer's pending financing installments or bills can be paid. For this, click Payments.

The window Payment of Bills is displayed, showing pending bills of the customer selected, which can be written off, confirming the payment.

You can control if deduction bills are subtracted from the balance of bill receivable. For this, configure the parameter MV_LJRCABT with the content .T. (true).

Image ModifiedTip:

To meet the need of customers that use financed sale with own financing, vouchers of bill payment can be printed by Schalter® SCFI1E v.0303 printer. For this, configure the parameter MV_NATRECE by adding the payment term name between inverted commas in the standard content.

Schalter® provides a file of equipment configuration in WinDemo format in order to enable it for customer's needs.

If you need to change any bill value such as fine, interest, or discount, select the folder Change Bill Data (window footer), click Edit and, once you are finished, click Save.

In the window Payments, Print Docket is displayed, which enables you to print the dockets. Docket can be customized by the customer by using the entry point LJIMPBOL.

5. Then, click Define Payment to enter data concerning the payment.

Image ModifiedNote:

When performing a sales with Credit/Debit Card and the Financial Company has administrative rate, nominal payable accounts are generated to the Financial Company.

Check the configuration of parameter MV_LJGERTX.

When selecting the credit or debit card, click Save as Sales (f5) and select a Financial Company that has rate registered greater than zero and finish the sales.

The gross value is in the Accounts Payable bill generated to the Financial Company.

An Accounts Payable bill is generated to the Financial Company with the administrative rate value and accounts receivable number saved in the field History.

If the Financial Company is not registered in the Suppliers Register during the recording process, it is saved.

6. Select the payment term by using:

  • Cash
  • Check
  • Credit Card
  • Debit Card
  • Financed
  • Negotiated Term - Defined during sales transaction.
  • Payment Term - Uses a pre-defined rule.
  • Loyalty Card
  • Multi-Negotiation - Displays the Negotiation Rules registered.


Check also the topic Use of Fixed Day to Generate Negotiated Installments.

7. Check data.

8. To finish Assisted Sales, click Save Sales

9. If the system is configured to work with EFT transactions, enter the requested data, such as credit card, debit card, checks, etc.

Payment can be registered with Multiple EFT Transactions.

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By selecting the payment term as Credit Card, the provider Fininvest can be used.

You can give Financial Company discount by entering the bank code in the Discount Bank field if it was previously registered in Finance Company.

10. After approving all EFT transactions, the voucher print process is started: Receipt, EFT Receipt, or Order.

Image ModifiedTips:

  • Check the link Nota Fiscal Paulista (Invoice from the State of São Paulo), implementation in Invoices of establishments of the State of São Paulo.
  • In Payment of Bills, Private Label cards can be unblocked automatically. After paying the bill, the system checks through parameterizations if the balance of pending bills is lower than the credit limit for a specific customer. If this condition is fulfilled, Private Label card is unblocked, enabling new purchases to be made. For this, the content of the field MV_CRDLCAR must be True.

11. Sales confirmation starts the process of stock and financial update.

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By deleting a quotation sales item, you can register lost sales in order to control/manage them.

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Extended Warranty can be offered to products, if the customer wants it. So, the product must be registered as a product that has Extended Warranty in the Products Register.

You can also issue a management report with data of Products with extended warranty, Financial Company and Customer. So, access routine Extended Warranty.



Querying stock by branch:
