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  • TOTVS Service SPED Configuration and Installation Process (FISA022 - SIGAFAT)

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is an application developed in the same Microsiga Protheus® platform, which responds and performs WebServices while using a relational database. For customers that do not use relational database, the use of a free SGBD (Database Management System) and query concerning the guide of tested platforms are recommended. SGBD use is recommended because all applications of SPED Project use a SGBD due to the large data volume.

As TOTVS  Service SPED uses DBAccess, license requirement is not necessary.

Configurations/processes to be performed during TOTVS Service SPED installation:

  1. Installation must be in a separate environment due to safety issues. However, there is no use restriction in the same server and on the same database. For further details, refer to the help on-line of Microsiga Protheus® Installation Guide to check the procedures of installation and configuration of the application DBAccess.
  2. By using the configuration wizard of.INI file of Application Server - Microsiga Protheus®, create an environment through the following instructions. For further information, refer to the installation guide of Application Server - Microsiga Protheus® (TOTVS Wizard - Configuration Wizard). This environment will be used for the other services required for Electronic Invoice operation, such as: http and Web Services.

Environment Configuration Wizard

1. In the step 01 of 03 of the Environment Configuration wizard, fill out the fields.

  • Environment Name: Enter the name of the environment to be created.
  • Environment Root Directory (RootPath): Enter the root directory of Microsiga Protheus®.
  • Main Database (RpoDB): Select the type of database used.
  • Repository Version (RpoVersion): Enter Microsiga Protheus® Version.
  • Repository Directory (SourcePath): Enter the directory where RPO is.
  • Environment Initial Directory (StartPath): Enter the directory where configuration files of Microsiga Protheus® are.
  • System Language (Rpo Language): Select the language used.
  • Local Database (LocalFiles): Select which database will be used to open local files.

2. After filling out the fields, click Next.

3. In the step 02 of 03, still in Environment Configurations, fill out the fields:

  • Local File Extension (LocalDbExtension): Enter the default extension of ISAM files for the drivers DBFCDX, DBFCDXAX.
  • Date Format (picformat): Select the date format used.
  • Disable Senhap Admin: Select this option not to disable SenhaP in the accesses.
  • SQL Database: Identifies the name of the database to be used to access database via DBAccess.
  • SQL Connection Alias: Enter the alias used in DBAccess to access the database.
  • Help Server: Enter the address of HTTP server of help on-line.
  • Fixed Theme: Select the desired theme/appearance to view the system.
  • Enable Log Trace: Select this option if you want to enable the record of Log warning in file.
  • SQL Connection Server: Enter the network path of database server.
  • SQL Connection Port: Enter the port configured for SQL connection.

4. Click Next.

5. For the last stage of Environment Configurations, fill out the fields:


Configuration and Installation Process (FISA022 - SIGAFIS)
TOTVS Service SPED Configuration and Installation Process (FISA022 - SIGAFIS)
