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  • Initial Tests (FISA022 - SIGAFAT)

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Initial Tests (FISA022 - SIGAFIS)
Initial Tests (FISA022 - SIGAFIS)

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Before sending NFS-e to the source City Hall, you must check if the system can generate the information required for the layout. Thus, do not forget to review the following registers:

  • Customer and Supplier Register (SA1/SA2): Check if all valid customers/suppliers have the following fields filled out correctly: CNPJ/CPF, State Registration, IBGE City Code, and address (public area, postal code, district, city, and state). In case of wrong transfer of information, NFS-e may be rejected during transfer to TOTVS Service SPED (XMLschema failed) or in the City Hall (invalid IE, IM and/or CNPJ/CPF). Besides verification, these fields must be filled out for the new customers.


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The fields Simples Nacional Taxpayer and Incentive to Culture can be filled out with Yes or No to identify customers or suppliers that are under these situations. If they are not filled out, they are considered as No.

  • Company Register (SIGAMAT - SM0): Check if the following information is filled out correctly: CNPJ, State Registration, City Registration, IBGE city code (in this register, the state code is required), NIRE, date in company record, and address (public area, postal code, district, city, and state). In case of wrong transfer of information, NFS-e may be rejected during transfer to TOTVS Service SPED (XML schema failed) or in the City Hall (invalid IE, IM and/or CNPJ/CPF).
  • Product Register (SB1): Check if the fields Service Code, CNAE, and City Tax Code are filled out correctly for all valid products.

Therefore, the Activity Code entered in the field CNAE and City Tax Code must be associated with the code entered in the ISS code field, according to the table. In case of wrong transfer of information, NFS-e may be rejected during transfer to TOTVS  Service SPED (XML schema failed) or in the City Hall (by invalid fields).

  • Register of Types of Inflow and Outflow (SF4): Check the right completion of information about Tax Payment/Operation Type. Remember that completion codes are in the taxpayer integration guide. In case of wrong transfer of information, NFS-e may be rejected during transfer to TOTVS Service SPED (XML schema failed) or in the City Hall (invalid fields).

For Municipal NFS-e, the mentioned fields must be changed to mandatory use on the Database of Configurator module.

If one of the fields mentioned is not in your database, run the compatibility program UPDFIS - Tax Base Update. However, the compatibility program does not create fields as mandatory.


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The compatibility program UPDFIS creates and updates several fields and parameters, including some ones not used in NFS-e processing.


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Only Invoices with type equal to RPS are considered in NFS-e issue.

Pay special attention to the information on TIO tax status, since it indicates how the calculation and the bookkeeping of tax included in NFS-e was performed. Besides, it must be filled out even when the operation has no calculation or tax bookkeeping.

The authorization of a NFS-e can be obtained regardless of the correct sending of information required by it. Due to this reason, we recommend the deployment of the following modules for higher safety of the information regarding the government.

  • SIGAFIS – Tax Books (Bookkeeping of Tax Books – P1/P1A/P2/P2A/P8/P9);
  • SIGAFAT – Invoicing (Order Processing).

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Download and compile Standard RDMAKES:

Access TOTVS website, Customer Portal, in the Download folder, the option STANDARD RDMAKE, write-off and apply in the environment the package FIS - RDMAKES NF Electronic Services, it contains the programs Standard RDMAKE  for tax Invoice of Electronic Services - NFSEXML001 and NFSEXML002. For BRAZIL.
