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18039-What are the restrictions related to the card index publication in Webdesk
18039-What are the restrictions related to the card index publication in Webdesk

FAQ: 18039-What are the restrictions related to the card index publication in Webdesk?
18039-What are the restrictions related to the card index publication in Webdesk?
What are the restrictions related to the card index publication in Webdesk?
  • What are the restrictions related to the card index publication in Webdesk?
  • 1. The maximum size of a record in Progress 9 and 10 is of 32000 characters, the form field sum cannot exceed this amount;
    2. There is another restriction of Progress, it does not cover a great quantity of TAGs html long names. There is not a fixed limit amount, but, in form tests with more than 400 fields, the errors appear. In fact, it generates error in log informing a Progress program, not Webdesk, has exceeded the limit of 32000 characters;
    3. The maximum size of a program compiled in Progress cannot exceed 64K, this error was noticed in a card index with almost a hundred of editor type fields. An error is generated in a log informing the program has exceeded 64K;

    How to pass by the above restrictions:

    1. Use the TAG maxlength when defining the card index fields as in the below example:

    If one does not enter maxlength by default, an attribute of 256 position will be created in the table associated to the card index.
    To check how the table is being created in the database, one can check in the program generated by Webdesk in the card index folder, this program has the same card index name with extension .w.
    Progress has different behaviors for this error when using dataserver. (Oracle, SQL)
    In Progress, it allows one to generate the table with more than 32,000 characters and the error will occur only when the data sum in the same record exceeds 32,000 characters.
    With dataserver, the table creation is also allowed; but whatever record addition generates the limit surplus error.
    With Progress V10, this restriction must disappear.

    2. Reduce the form Field name size, instead of source_city, use src_ct, for instance.

    3. Reduce the editor type field number of your form.