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Economic-Tax Information Statement - Ceará

Enables you to generate the magnetic file concerning DIEF (Economic-Tax Information Statement) of the state of Ceará.

DIEF was first instituted by Decree 27.710, of February 14, 2005, for all State of Ceará taxpayers registered in the General Finance File (CGF). It revokes sections I and II, chapter III, headline II of the Decree 24.569 second tax records of July 31, 1997.


To whom it is applicable


All taxpayers from the state of Ceará.




To reinforce many information provided by the taxpayer in a single remittance that can be received any time.




State – Ceará


Delivery term:


Monthly or annually, depending on the collection system.


Application provided by tax authorities (Fisco)




Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®




Legislation contemplated


Decree 27,710 from February 14, 2005;

Normative Instruction No. 14/2005;

Law r. 13,633, of Wednesday, July 20, 2005.


Where to find



Image RemovedTip:

You can identify the Collection Order series for which Electronic AIDF (Authorization for Electronic Tax Document Print) print was authorized. The parameter MV_SERCOL enables the collection order data (canceled and issued) to be processed when the magnetic file concerning DIEF-CE is generated.

Types of Records Created

Type EMP – Establishment registered in CGF

Based on information of the Company Register and routine assistant.

Type CTD - Counter

Based on routine wizard information.

MES Type - Outflow Operations of Payment Systems ME, MS, Special, and Other, according to CFOPs (DIEF 3.0 layout)

It must only be entered by companies with systems ME, MS, Special, and Other. Based on totalizers of column values for each CFOP.


Image RemovedImportant:

For Payment systems: 03-Micro Business, 04-Social Micro Business, 05-Special, and 06-Other, enter 300 in the layout version. For other systems, both versions can be used.

Type PRD – Products and Services

Based on Product Register information.


Based on National Payment Form information.

Type DOC – All Documents

Based on the Tax Records information for invoices with models 1, 1A, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 36.

Type CFC – Vouchers documents, invoices of sales to final consumer, tickets and electric power and telephone bills.

Based on the Tax Records information for invoices with models 2, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22 e 37.

Type ITE – Tax document product items, including vouchers and invoice of sales to consumer

Based on information about Inflow Invoice Header, Inflow Invoice Items, Outflow Invoice Header, Outflow Invoice Items, Tax Records, Types of Inflow/Outflow, and Product Register.


Image RemovedImportant:

Concerning Tax Status Code, receipt items must have codes according to the table 18 of DIEF-CE layout. This field is built according to the Tax Status - regardless of product origin (national or foreign) - and when the item is fully taxed by the operation ICMS rate, as follows:


Tax Status saved in Outflow Invoice Items


Operation Rate in Outflow Invoice Items


Tax Status to be displayed in the item of DIEF-CE receipt according to the table 18 of the layout.


00 – Totally Taxed




T17 – Totally Taxed with 17%


00 – Totally Taxed




T07 – Taxed with reduction of calculation basis of 58.82% equivalent to an effective rate of 7%.


00 – Totally Taxed




T12 – Totally Taxed with 12%


00 – Totally Taxed




T25 – Totally Taxed with 25%


10 – Taxed and with collection of ICMS of Tax Replacement




F – ICMS Replacement


20 – Taxed with reduction in the calculation basis




TR – Taxation with reduction in the calculation basis


30 – Exempt or not taxed and with collection of ICMS of Tax Replacement




F – ICMS Replacement


40 – Exempt




I – Exempt or Not Taxed


41 – Not Taxed




I – Exempt or Not Taxed


60 – ICMS previously collected by Tax Replacement




F – ICMS Replacement


70 – With reduction in the calculation basis and with collection of ICMS of Tax Replacement




F – ICMS Replacement


Image RemovedImportant:

For the generation of tax status displayed in the receipt item to have the code N (not levied), according to the table 18 of the layout, configure the parameter MV_DIEFECF.

DCT Type – Transport Knowledge Waybill

This record shows the DOC type register when the taxpayer issues the transport waybill: 8 - Road Transport waybill (CTR), 9 - Waterway Transport Waybill (CTA), 10 - Air Waybill (CA), 11 - Railway Transport Waybill (CTF).

Type PAR – Tax Document Participant

Based on information about Customer Register and Supplier Register.

Type REF – Tax Documents Referred

Based on Tax Records information when it is concerning Return, Processing, Complement, and Receipt.

Type TOT - Tax Document Totalizer and Closing

Columns values totalizers for each tax document.

Type LEX – Extemporary Entries (values not entered in previous exercises)

Based on routine wizard information.

Type OCR – Other Credit

Based on ICMS Calculation information. For this information to be contemplated, it is necessary the codes below to be entered in the calculation exactly as showed:

  • Entries In Other Credits

Credit Type Code

006.01 Deemed credit

006.02 Advanced credit

006.03 Credit differential from the tax rate

006.04 Credit transfer

006.05 Fixed assets credit

006.06 Undue refund credit

006.07 Double or exceeded ICMS credit

006.08 Deferred ICMS credit of import

006.09 Credit resulting from tax assessment note

006.13 EPP/NL system edition

006.13 NL/EPP system edition

006.15 Extemporary credit

006.16 Advanced ICMS balance – EPP

006.91 Other Credits

  • Entry in Debt Reversal

Credit Type Code

007.11 Debt Reversal of transfer reservation reversion

007.92 Other debts reversal

Type DAE – Documents of Debts State Collection to be Refunded

In ICMS calculation, there may be several codes 006.06 (Undue refund credit). The difference among each code is the DAE number (State Collection Document), distinct for each calculation code. To display all DAEs entered in the calculation code 006.06, configure entries according to the example below:

006.06 UNDUE REFUND [200535003901020]

006.06 UNDUE REFUND [200535003901021]

006.06 UNDUE REFUND [200535003901022]

To identify the DAE number, it is necessary to inform it after describing the item, between square brackets.

Type ODB – Other debts

Based on ICMS Calculation information. For this information to be contemplated, it is necessary the codes below to be entered in the calculation exactly as showed:

  • Entries in Other Debts

Credit Type Code

002.01 Reservation debt for credit transfer

002.02 Debt differential from tax rate

002.03 Debt for credit transference

002.04 Debt for compensation in the active debt

002.10 Regular FECOP ICMS

002.98 Other debts

  • Entry in Credit Reversal

Credit Type Code

003.06 Credit Reversal in exempt or non-taxed outflows

003.07 Fixed assets credit reversal for non-taxed outflows

003.08 Suframa credit reversal

003.09 Fixed assets credit reversal for disposal

003.99 - Other credit reversals

Type IDA – Subscription in the active debt to be compensated

In ICMS Calculation, there may be several codes 002.04 (Debit - debt clearance in active debt). The difference among each code is the IDA number (Subscription in the Active Debt), distinct for each calculation code. To display all IDAs entered in the calculation code 002.04, configure entries according to the example below:

002.04 ACTIVE DEBT [200535003901097]

002.04 ACTIVE DEBT [200535003901098]

002.04 ACTIVE DEBT [200535003901099]

To identify the IDA number, it is necessary to inform it after describing the item, between square brackets.

Type DED – Deductions

Based on ICMS Calculation information. For this information to be contemplated, it is necessary the codes below to be entered in the calculation exactly as showed:

  • Entries in Deductions

Credit Type Code

012.01 Deduction referring to FDI - PROVIN

012.02 Deduction referring to regular ICMS FECOP

012.03 Tax incentive

Type VIR – ICMS values collectible from qualified taxpayers (Layout of Dief 2.0)

Based on routine wizard information.

Type VIC – ICMS values collectible from qualified taxpayers (Layout of Dief 3.0)

This record replaces the former record Type VIR and it is based on the routine wizard information.

Type STQ – Totals regarding the stock (Layout of DIEF 3.0)

It must only be entered by companies with systems ME, MS, Special, and Other. Based on stock information.

Type PRI – Operations with primary products and special systems

Based on information about Product Complement Register and the parameter MV_PRDPRI.

Type STB – ICMS-ST values and FECOP-ICMS-ST collectible.

Based on routine wizard information.

Type DCE – Canceled documents, Summary Maps of ECF and other documents non-authorized by AIDF

Based on Tax Records information, displaying documents canceled in the period.

For this register, only information concerning canceled tax documents are sent.
