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ISISS - Vitória ES (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
ISISS - Vitória ES (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

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This routine allows to generate the files to be imported in ISISS. ISISS (Internet System-Tax on Service) is a system of the Government of the City of Vitória - ES to declare ISS (Tax on Service), which allows service provider/taker companies to declare the following data:

  • Services rendered by individuals or legal entities within the period, whether or not there is ISS withholding;
  • Service invoices issued by third party within the period;
  • Taxable economical movement within the period.


Decree No. 12,119 dated November 24, 2004

Article 1. Establishes Internet System-Tax on Service - ISISS, in order to fulfill what is set forth by article 49 of Law 6,075, dated December 29, 2003.

Article 2. ISISS comprises:

I – Statement of Services Provided;

II – Statement of Economical Movement;

III – Statement of Services Taken.

To whom it is applicable


Companies acquirers or providers of services in the City of Vitória - ES.



Generate a file presenting Statement of Services Provided and another file presenting Statement of Services Acquired.




City – Vitória – Espírito Santo


 Delivery Term


Monthly submission, via internet.


Application provided by tax authorities


No application Files remittance must be performed via internet, through the City website.


Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


Version 2.


Where to find it


Access the remittance system through the internet:

Types of Records Created

Provided Services Statement File – ISISS_PRESTADOS

Record Type 1 - Provided Service Summary (Header) - This record lists a summary about the statements of services provided, as follows: statement acronym (DSP), stating part registration number in the city, number of items in the statement and the sum of the total value of the statement. A single record is generated with these information.

Record Type 2 - Invoices Items - This record lists invoices issued against provided services within a specific period. The period regarding the statement is the date on which the service was provided.

AIDF number/year (authorizing document print) must be entered in the routine wizard. It is mandatory for record generation.

Service taker CNPJ (in customers/suppliers file) must always be entered, because this is how ISISS identifies the service taker origin.

Consider the following in case the tax document is cancelled:

  • Values such as: invoice total, tax base, withheld ISS and CNAE code, are displayed zeroed;
  • Customers are always displayed as Individual, regardless of their type;
  • Service taker City Registration Number and CNPJ are not displayed.

Acquired Services Statement File – ISISS_TOMADOS

Record Type 1 - Acquired Service Summary (Header) - This record lists a summary about the invoice of services acquired from third party, as follows: statement acronym (DST), stating part registration number in the city, number of items in the statement and the sum of the total value of the statement. A single record is generated with these information.

Record Type 2 - Invoices Items - This record displays the monthly movement, for each invoice, for services acquired from third party.

Payment date must be entered in the routine wizard. It is mandatory for record generation. It must also be greater than or equal to the issue date of fiscal documents and be located, mandatorily, within the period (month/year) comprised by the statement.

Temporary Receipts Statement File – ISISS_RECIBOS

Record Type 1 - Temporary Receipts Summary (Headers) - This record lists a summary about the services temporary receipts, as follows: statement acronym (RPS), stating part registration number in the city, number of invoices in the statement and the sum of the total value of the statement. A single record is generated with these information.

Record Type 2 - Invoices - This record displays the monthly movement, for each invoice, for services acquired or provided.

Record Type 3 - Invoices Items - This record displays the monthly movement, for each item, for services acquired or provided.

File of Temporary Receipt Statement - VVISS_PESSOASNAOESTABELECIDAS

Record Type 1 - Temporary Receipt Summary (Header) - This record presents a summary of data concerning service acquirers not registered on the database of PMVV (Local Government of Vila Velha) and not from the city of Vila Velha. The file is generated with the following information: Statement Acronym (PNE), Name/Company Name, Person Type, CNPJ, CPF, City Registration, Address, City, State, Postal Code, and E-mail.


Image RemovedImportant:

Type of Invoice:

  1. To generate this file, the type of invoice must be RPS - Service Temporary Receipt. If this type does not exist, you must create it in Table SX5.
  2. To fill out the City Registration Code in the file header, you must use field SMO - MO_CODMUN.
