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SefinNet - Florianópolis SC (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
SefinNet - Florianópolis SC (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

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This routine enables the file generation for SefinNet (Declaration of Municipal Information) import. SefinNet is a monthly statement of any kind of services rendered and/or contracted from the city of Florianópolis- SC.

The program available in the system contains information uniquely referred to the Tax Records module.


To whom it is applicable


to all that render or contract any kind of services from the municipality of Uberaba.




The purpose of SefinNet is to provide taxpayers of Tax on Services, exempted or immunes, the conditions required to meet the liability of presenting the ISS Electronic Statement to the city tax department.




City – Florianópolis – Santa Catarina.


Delivery Term


For DES of services provided - Quarterly delivery until 45 days after the quarter end;

For DES of services contracted - Quarterly delivery until 45 days after the quarter end;

For GIF-PJ and GIF-ST - Monthly delivery until the 10th day of next month;

For GIF-PJ and GIF-PF - Annual delivery until the 15th day of next month.


Application provided by tax authorities




Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®


2.00.0002 (validator version)


Where to find the application provided by tax authorities


Types of Generated Records

Record Type H - Header

For this record, information is generated according to the content of the routine question SefinNet Version?.

Record Type C - Taxpayer

This record is based on information from company register and on the content of the routine question Taxpayer E-mail?.


For this record, check the completion rule of information about address, telephone number, and fax number to validate the file correctly.

Record Type P - Service Providers, Service Receivers, and Print Shop that Issues Taxpayer´s Stubs.

This record is based on Customer and Supplier registers and uses the parameter MV_GRAFICA to identify whether it is a print shop, according to the following restriction:

  • Only service providers, acquirers, and print shops from other cities are considered, that is, those ones from the city of Florianópolis, state of Santa Catarina, are ignored.


For this record, check the completion rule of information about address and telephone number to validate the file correctly.

Record Type T - Taxpayer Checkbooks

This record is based on service invoices from Tax Records table (inflow and outflow documents), on Customer and Supplier registers, and on Electronic AIDF register. Besides, it uses the parameter MV_GRAFICA, according to the following restriction:

  • The Customer and Supplier registers considered are only those ones that have the Print Shop field filled out with 1 (print shop).

Record Type E - Issued Invoice

This record is based on service invoices included in the Tax Record table (outflow documents), according to some restrictions:

  • It is considered the CFOPs starting by a number higher or equal to five.
  • Canceled and lost invoices are considered.
  • Invoices from other cities are considered.
  • The fields related to Tax Status Code (CST), CNAE, and Tax Code for Services Provision (CFPS) must me properly filled out.
  • The invoices issued for individuals are not considered, as there is a specific record for all this invoices.


For this record, only invoices issued from April 2004 are considered.

Record Type F - Invoice Issued for Individual

This record is based on service invoices included in the Tax Record table (outflow documents), according to some restrictions:

  • For this record, only invoices issued for individuals are considered.
  • It is considered the CFOPs starting by a number higher or equal to five.
  • Canceled and lost invoices are considered.
  • Invoices from other cities are considered.
  • The fields related to Tax Status Code (CST), CNAE, and Tax Code for Services Provision (CFPS) must me properly filled out.


For this record, only invoices issued from April 2004 are considered.

Record Type R - Invoiced Received

This record is based on service invoices included in the Tax Record table (inflow documents), according to some restrictions:

  • CFOPs starting by a number lower than five are considered.
  • Invoices from other cities are considered.
  • The fields related to Tax Status Code (CST), CNAE, and Tax Code for Services Provision (CFPS) must me properly filled out.


For this record, only invoices issued from April 2004 are considered.

Record Type G - Tax Information Form

This record is based on services invoices found in the Tax Records table (inflow and outflow documents), and use parameter MV_F3RECIS.


This record is generated only between January and June of 2004, and if there is no transaction, it is generated with zeroed out amounts.

Record Type I - GIF-PJ and GIF-ST - Tax Data Guide

This record is based on service invoices from Tax Records table (inflow and outflow documents) and on the content of the routine questions Employee Expenses?, Number of Employees?, GIF Indicator Type? (If 1-GIF-PJ (List of Invoices Issued) or 2-GIF-ST (List of Invoices Received)), besides using the parameter MV_F3RECIS.


This record is generated only between January and June of 2004, and if there is no transaction, it is generated with zeroed out amounts.

Record Type I - GIF-PJ and GIF-ST - Tax Data Guide

This record is based on service invoices included in the Tax Record table (outflow documents), according to some restrictions:

  • The fields related to Tax Status Code (CST), CNAE, and Tax Code for Services Provision (CFPS) must me properly filled out.
  • The canceled invoices are not considered.


This record is generated from July of 2004 and it is only generated if it has information in the record type I (Tax Information Guide).

Record Type S - GIF-PJ SS and GIF-PF

This record is based on services invoices found in the Tax Records table (inflow and outflow documents), and use parameter MV_CODOCUP, MV_CODESCO and MV_VLRISSA, according to the following restriction:

  • Considering only individual customers/suppliers.


For this record, check the completion rule of information about address and telephone number to validate the file correctly.

Record Type A - GIF Adjustment

This record is based on service invoices included in the Tax Record table (outflow documents), according to some restrictions:

  • The fields related to Tax Status Code (CST), CNAE, and Tax Code for Services Provision (CFPS) must me properly filled out.
  • The canceled invoices are not considered.
