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ISS - Arujá SP (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
ISS - Arujá SP (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

The routine enables generation through magnetic means to deliver of ISS invoices - Tax on Services, in the municipality of Arujá. Magnetic file must be monthly sent, through the internet, using transmission of ISS invoices.


To whom it is applicable


Companies that contract and/or provide services in the city of Arujá - SP.




Generate a statement file presenting services provided and acquired.




Municipal - Arujá - São Paulo.


Delivery Term


Monthly submission, via internet.


Application provided by tax authorities


No application Files remittance must be performed via internet, through the City Hall website.


Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


There is not one.


Where to find it


Access the remittance system through the internet:




Law No. 1,712 from December 10, 2003 - ISSQN

Decree no. 4,447 from December 13, 2006.

Types of Generated Records

Record Type Header

This record presents header and information generated according to data configured in questions of routine parameters (Initial Date, Final Date, Type of Statement, Type of Reference, Type of Identification and Declarant CNPJ/CPF).

Record Type Detail - Services Rendered and Acquired

This record presents inflow invoices of services acquired and outflow invoices of services rendered, in accordance with filling of question Type of Statement, entered in the routine configuration wizard. For this record, information is generated according to data saved in the Tax Records file, including canceled invoices for services rendered.

Record Type Trailer

This record presents footnote and information is generated according to amount of information of Record type Detail.


1. Copy ISSARU.INI configuration file to \SYSTEM directory.

2. Check configuration of the parameter:


Identifies if ISS withheld treatment must be performed through Customers File (A1_RECISS) / Suppliers (A2_RECISS) or Tax Record (F3_RECISS). Content must be filled in with:

T = Procedure for Tax Record;

F = Procedure for Customers File/Suppliers.

3. In respective tables, observe filling of the following fields:


Table SF4




Fiscal Code for Service Rendering.


Table SF3




Fiscal Code for Service Rendering.


C. Activity (F3_CNAE)


Economic activity code in service rendered.


Table SB1


Activity Code (B1_CNAE)


Economic activity code in service rendered.


Image RemovedNotes:

  • In order to identify transaction CFPS, fields F4_CFPS and F3_CFPS must be configured according to description above. TIO used in transaction must present CFPS configured (F4_CFPS) so, when entering a tax document, system saves code in Tax Record, which enables appropriate generation of magnetic mean.
  • ISSQN - Arujá/SP requires presentation of CNAEs of services rendered in generation of Record Type Detail (Services rendered and acquired). Therefore, each service registered in SB1 table must have its activity code valid for ISSQN - Arujá/SP legislation in order to import the record.

4. To generate this magnetic media, Arujá City Hall layout requests use of specific invoices. Please note:








Invoice of Taxed Services - Series A




Invoice - Invoice of Taxed Services - Series A




Simplified Invoice of Taxed Services- Series AA




Invoice of Tax-free or Exempt Services - Series C




Invoice - Invoice of Tax-free or Exempt Services - Series C




Simplified Invoice of Tax-free or Exempt Services - Series CC




Invoice Model 1 - Combined with Invoice of Taxed Services - Series A




Invoice - Invoice Model 1 - Combined with Invoice of Taxed Services - Series A




Service Invoice - Remittance and Return - Series D




Invoice - Service Invoice - Remittance and Return - Series D




Service Invoice - Parking Lot - Series E




Receipt of Freelancer Service Provision - RPA




Regular Receipt




Cash Register Receipt- Receipt




Authorization to Print Tax Documents - AIDF




Other Documents
