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EISS - Osasco SP (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
EISS - Osasco SP (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

The routine enables the generation of magnetic media to deliver ISSQN invoices - Tax on Services of Any Nature - of the city of Osasco. Magnetic file must be monthly sent, via internet, using transmission of ISS invoices.


To whom it is applicable


Companies acquirers or providers of services in the municipality of Osasco – SP.




Generate a statement file presenting services provided and acquired.


When to deliver


Monthly submission, via internet.




Municipal – Osasco – São Paulo


Application provided by tax authorities


On-line Validator, available on the Internet


Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®


There is not one.


Where to find the application provided by tax authorities


Access the remittance system through the internet:


Legislation contemplated


Decree 9.509, of December 09, 2005, which regulates the Complementary Law No. 134/2005, establishing the Management Computerized System of Tax on Service of Any Nature, among other measures.

 The  layout used by the system is available at View ISS Decree.

Types of Generated Records

Record Type H - Header

This record identifies the stating part for issued documents, received documents and canceled documents.

Record Type C - Canceled Issued Documents

This record identifies invoices issued by the stating part that, for some reason, were canceled.

Record Type E - Documents Issued (Outflow Invoices)

This record presents outflow invoices of services provided. For this record, the information is generated according to data saved in the Tax Records file.

Record Type R - Documents Received (Inflow Invoices)

This file presents inflow invoices of services acquired. For this record, the information is generated according to data saved in the Tax Records file.

Record Type T - Trailer - Description of Fields from the File of Declared Documents

Totalizes all records in magnetic medium.

Complementary Information

  1. To generate EISS-OS correctly, check how the address is filled out in Customer and Supplier Register. You must note the following rule:

You must enter the type of public address, insert a blank space to enter the address name and insert a comma and enter the establishment/residence number.


Avenida Braz Leme, 1399
