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The purpose of the Electronic Invoice  is to implement a system for issuing electronic invoices of the business operations performed in the domestic market, enabling the replacement of the traditional method of issuing (paper).  Taxpayers enrolled with IVA, which are included in the electronic invoice copies (duplicated) special regime (RG AFIP 1361).


General Information

Delivery term:



Federal - Argentina

Application provided by tax authorities (Fisco)

R.E.C.E. – System of Issue of Electronic Vouchers. This application is a complement to the main system S.I.Ap. – Integrated Applications System.

Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®


Where to find the application made available by Tax Authority

Legislation contemplated

General Resolution – RG 1361 / 02

General Resolution – RG 1956 / 05



It indicates the types of valid invoices for generation of Electronic Invoice.

It indicates the series of valid invoices for generation of Electronic Invoice.

It is the limit amount per lot of B series invoices for generation of Electronic Invoice.


Based on the configuration of this parameter, the system determines the file to be generated. Enter the name of the file .INI. of layout configuration. For this magnetic medium, enter NFEARG.

Target File ?

Enter the magnetic file name to be generated. Example: NFEARG.TXT.


Enter the directory name where the magnetic file will be generated. Example: C:\TXT\
