Árvore de páginas

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DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

API in swagger model


To see the name of the API and methods individually, go to https://api.fluig.com/

Access: When enabled, it allows you to access the feature.
API in the old modelAPI

To see the name of the API and methods individually, go to https://api.fluig.com/old/

Access: When enabled, it allows you to access the feature.
WebserviceAPITo see the name of the API and methods individually, go to Utilização de WebservicesAccess: When enabled, it allows you to access the feature.

To query the name of the dataset, go to the Platform ❙ Datasets feature in the Control Panel and filter by internal type.

Attention: Customer-generated internal datasets (from forms) have no permission control.

Access: When enabled, it allows you to access the feature.
