Páginas filhas
  • Collection Letter - Financials - P12

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titleProcess Description

Initial Parameters: The initial parameters will allow you to filter which customers, the due date range, amount, collection status, branches, bills still to fall due, and to determine the interest and fine calculation date that will be considered for sending the collection letters. It is possible to complement the filters in a customized way; to do this, an entry point (F811QRY see details in the entry points section of this document) must be implemented to allow complementing the query that will consider the default parameters.

Layout selection: You will be presented with a list of the registered collection letter layouts so that you can select which layout will be used for sending. Only one collection letter layout can be sent at a time.

Customer Selection: A list of customers who meet the filter criteria will be presented, so that they can be selected to send the collection letter. All of them will be displayed on screen as selected.

Bill selection: The selection process of the bills that will compose the collection letter follows the criteria defined and suggested in the sending of the letters.

You can also send bills that are to be due. This means adding them as a reminder, not as a dunning. They will be suggested but can be removed from the letter if desired.

It is important to note that with the implementation of the Collection Status Block (see {+}http://tdn.totvs.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=381044073+), the bills in a collection status with block set up for the collection letters will not be available in this e-mail sending process. Therefore, they will not be listed for selection. To perform this blocking, a new standard process will be added to the existing ones, and it will be validated at each submission.

In addition, a title is eligible for sending letters as long as it still has an outstanding balance.
