Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.

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titleKeep your License Server updated!

Starting with the Silver Mist 1.8.1 release, to ensure proper license management, the License Server must be updated to version 3.2.0 or higher. If the License Server is using an older version, Fluig will enter demo mode, preventing users from accessing it.

titleDisabling Universal Analytics

As announced on the customer portal on 04/04/2023, Google will disable Universal Analytics on July 1, 2023, and replace it with Google Analytics 4. This deactivation will cause your company's access data in the TOTVS Fluig Platform to no longer be collected by Google Analytics.

To continue using Google Analytics in Fluig, the Google Analytics 4 configuration tag needs to be created and configured in the TOTVS Fluig Platform.

Stay tuned: we recommend that the new tag be set up before the deactivation deadline. Click here and see how to configure it. 

titleMinimum release for the platform update

The process of updating to the 1.8.1 release of Fluig requires the platform to be using the 1.7.1 release or higher. If your environment is running an earlier version, you must update to version 1.7.1, and then update Fluig to 1.8.1.

Below are some useful links

Check out what’s new in the 1.8.1 update of the TOTVS Fluig Platform:




A new experience in handling requests

Generating novel ways to innovate even the simplest tasks is one of our core principles.

Therefore, we bring you the latest innovations for the process requests page where, from the opening to the interaction with the requests, they became much more intuitive, providing a better arrangement of information and with new tabs, making it easier to use. 

The improvements also extend to the tabs Form, Information, and Attachments, and one of the biggest changes was in the Complements tab, which had its name changed and is now called History.

Did you like the news? Update your platform now and ensure a new experience in handling requests.


For more details, visit our documentation Platform | Start request.

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labelForm Tab

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labelInformation Tab

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labelHistory Tab

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labelAttachments Tab

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Want to create pages more conveniently?

The new page builder makes it much easier to create pages in TOTVS Fluig, so that your portals are ready to be viewed on any device, be it a computer, mobile phone, or tablet.

We have developed a fully modernized and cleaner layout, making the creation and management of pages more practical and intuitive than ever. Check out the new features! (grande sorriso)

Click, drag, and drop

Widgets are now available in the builder's side menu, organized by categories. To select a widget, simply click and drag it to the layout slots in the building area. 

When dragging a widget to a slot, a blue marking is displayed to indicate the position that the widget will occupy, thus making the transfer of widgets between slots much simpler.

In addition, the menu can be collapsed to take advantage of the entire builder area. To add new widgets, simply click an empty slot to open the menu again.

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Responsive Layouts

Some layouts have been restructured to meet responsiveness criteria. When creating a page, you will identify the Responsive Layout tag, which when used on the page, ensures that the content will adjust to different screen sizes and mobile devices.

But remember, for the responsive experience to be satisfying, all widgets added to the page also need to be responsive.


For customers who have layout development, we recommend validating some new properties to ensure that the layout is written responsively or that the new page builder loads correctly. Get a better understanding here.

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You'll also be able to preview your page before you publish it through the Image Added icon. This way you can see how your page will look and if you want to go back to editing just click Go back to edit mode.

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Manage your widget: Set permissions, enable on mobile, and delete the widget

When you hover the mouse over the widget, the options will appear in a floating menu so you can configure it. Just choose one of the options to perform the action.

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Search result settings in a new place!

In order to consolidate all settings related to themes and pages, the search result configuration of the platform will be located in the Themes section of the Control Panel, starting with this release.

Through a new tab called Settings, you can configure whether you want search results to be displayed in a new window or if you prefer them to be displayed in the current window. 

This setting also moved for the Classic and Snowflake themes, being located within the Image Added icon of Actions of the themes. Check out what changed:

Deck of Cards
labelNew theme – responsive

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labelOld themes

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Check out our new page listings!

We are constantly striving to make your experience using the TOTVS Fluig Platform more enjoyable, so we have provided a new page listing with more comprehensive information and a completely modernized design. Check out everything that's changed below!

Modern look

The page listing screen has a new, modern, and intuitive look that makes it much easier to find your pages.

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Public or private page?

Now you can quickly and easily determine if the page is public or private by locating the icon to the right of the version column. The globe icon Image Added represents the public pages while the lock icon Image Added represents the private pages.

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New informational columns

We created new columns to provide important information about the pages, such as when it was last edited and by whom, as well as the active version of the page.

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Page information and settings

In the page listing, you can access the page configuration to change permissions, settings, and general page information, such as the title and description. You can also change the page name directly in the builder by clicking on the page name located on the left side of the page header. 

Gain more freedom to edit and make your portals reflect the identity of your business!

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Duplicate page

Save time in managing your pages with just one click. You can duplicate pages by inheriting all the information and settings from the original page such as data, widgets, layouts, and permissions. Simply choose a page from the My pages feature in the Control Panel, click More page Image Added options and then select Duplicate Page. A copy will be created according to the defined criteria.

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Archive page

You can also archive the pages by making the URL unavailable for access. Just locate the page in My pages in the Control Panel, click the More Options Image Added icon and then click Archive Page

If there are any pages linked to the page to be archived, all of them will be archived. But rest assured, if you change your mind, you can unarchive it at any time.

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Delete page

Only archived pages can be deleted. This is how we ensure greater security.

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Take the opportunity to learn more by consulting the documentation on Platform | My pages.

Updated libraries

In order to ensure greater security for the platform, we have taken the initiative to keep our libraries up to date. In this release, we have updated the following libraries accordingly.

LibraryUpdate details
  • Updated version from jQuery 3.6.0 to 3.6.3.

jQuery Migrate

  • Updated version of jquery-migrate from 3.3.2 to 3.4.1.

jQuery UI

  • Updated version of jquery ui from 1.12.1 to 1.13.2.
  • Updated version of Mustache from 2.2.1 to 2.3.2.


  • Updated version of Underscore.js from 1.5.0 to 1.13.6.


  • Updated version of Moment.js from 2.29.1 to 2.29.4.


  • Updated version of Moment-timezone from 0.5.33 to 0.5.41.

ES6 on the TOTVS Fluig Platform

As of this release, it is possible to develop widgets using ES6, which is a new version of JavaScript, in order to modernize the platform. 

We approved the use of the Closure Compiler Maven Plugin, which optimizes JavaScript files. 

In previous versions, we used the Yui Compressor Maven Plugin, but it is not compatible with ES6+. Nothing was affected in form development. Forms do not undergo the same compilation process as widgets.


Learn more by accessing the Closure Compiler Maven Plugin documentation. 



Master list with many more options

The master list has been revamped with more options so that you can view the information in your report with much more assertiveness. And, with this in mind, new selection options were added to your report, such as:

    • Approval status
    • Documents with approval history / Do not show approved documents in the history
    • Author
    • Update date. 

All this information can be defined when creating your master list, allowing for improved visibility and more options, adding value to your report.

To further improve and make things easier, you can now export this report from the master list directly to your computer. Just select all the information you wish to view, click the option Export to Excel, and you're done! Your master list will be automatically generated and exported in spreadsheet format, giving you greater control over the data and the ability to make changes as desired.

If you enjoyed this update, be sure to check out our full Master List documentation to learn all the details of how to create your list with more options and export it quickly and easily.

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More security and performance in Fluig

In this release, we approved the MySQL 8 version. This action is intended to increase the security, stability, and performance of the TOTVS Fluig Platform. Remember that the current version approved by the platform (MySQL 5.7) will no longer be supported by the system vendor itself in October 2023. Update your platform to ensure all the benefits of this new version.

For further information, please refer to the official MySQL documentation here.


ATTENTION: MySQL version 8 requires certain initial settings that can only be configured during installation. Therefore, it is essential that the update be performed by a database expert.

When updating the database to MySQL 8, the JDBC connection driver "MySQL Connector/J" must also be updated. For legal reasons, it is not permitted to include the driver in the TOTVS Fluig installation, so the process must be completed manually.

Check the recommendations and instructions for how to perform MySQL database configuration.

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Go to our Portability Matrix.



We updated and created new APIs

We have made API updates and created a new API. Check out the changes below.

New API 

Updated APIs



Review the documentation that has been modified for this release, as well as any new documentation that has been created.

titleA massive knowledge base is at your disposal.

We are constantly evolving our knowledge base in the Help Center. Each time you open a ticket for the TOTVS Fluig service, search to see if there is an article with similar questions or issues that have already been mapped and solved. Suggested articles are shown after you select the ticket subject.

This helps you get back to work much faster. Access and explore our knowledge base.


  • Fix applied so that at the end of an evaluation linked to training, all the information is presented correctly.
  • Fix applied so that only one option is displayed or sub-processes can be created even when an automated flow is configured.
  • Fix applied to ensure that users with a blocked state are unable to initiate requests in a process.
  • Adjustment made to ensure that the message displayed when deleting an attachment added by another user is displayed accurately.
  • Fix applied to ensure that Clickjacking blocking can be properly disabled in the platform parameters.
  • Validation implemented to prevent SQL injections of the time-based type in dataset API queries.
  • Fix applied to ensure that an externally shared document is no longer accessible after it is deleted.
  • Fix applied to ensure that only active processes are displayed in the Diagnostics Center.
  • Adjustment made to enable the deletion of a process that is not linked to the parent process and does not have any initiated requests. Adjustment also made to the messages displayed.
  • Fix applied so that when a post is made, the platform can accurately find other communities to replicate the post.
  • Adjustments made to the select view when sending data to move an activity to prevent duplicate values in formdata.
  • Fix applied to ensure that an article can be created correctly in a community where thumbnail generation is enabled in the company's registration.
  • Fix applied to ensure that a document can be properly attached to requests.
  • Fix applied so that when a user who moves the request does not have permission in the role configured in the activity, a message will be displayed to prevent the movement and loss of the relationship.
  • Fix applied to ensure that when the time zone is changed, the dates of the documents remain accurate.
  • Fix applied to enable access to the file attached to the process when the process is utilizing process events and datasets.
  • Fix applied to ensure that when the automatic flow related to overdue tasks is executed, the notification email is sent correctly.
  • Fix applied to ensure the document scroll bar is displayed correctly on the attachments page of the request.
  • Validation implemented to identify the authenticated user on the platform or the administrator user, ensuring that the document URL is sent correctly via API when using the automatic flow.
  • Fix applied to enable the transfer of a request to the process manager when it is assigned through form fields.
  • Inconsistency fixed in the transfer of outstanding issues that had documents requiring two or more levels of approval.
  • Fix applied to adjust the behavior of the form rules below:
    1. When deleting an activity that has form rules, ensure that the rules are also deleted. 
    2. When filtering form rules by activity, ensure all rules are correctly displayed.
  • Fix applied to ensure that when the "Use company logo on the form" option is enabled in the process form configuration, the logo is displayed correctly on the form.
  • Fix applied to enable regular users with permissions to edit the page to add widgets to the Communicative layout.
  • Fix applied to ensure that the contents of the community tab are displayed correctly when selecting a file for publication.
  • Fix applied to ensure that lists can be exported correctly.
  • Fix applied so that when using the beforeSendNotification event, the priority of the notification is changed to "NONE" to prevent further notifications from being received.