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  • How to configure Credit Analysis considering all Branches / Companies of the System

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Configuration for Credit Analysis to view bills from other Branches / Companies of the System


Microsiga Protheus


SIGAFAT - Billing


How to configure Credit Analysis in order to view bills from all Branches / Companies of the System?

Step by step:

KCS: Cross Segments - Backoffice (Protheus Line) – SIGAFAT – Credit Analysis by Branch/Company

When performing the Credit Analysis, the system can use all Stores (A1_LOJA) of the Customer (A1_COD), though only of the Logged-in Company / Branch.

For the system to evaluate Bills from Other Companies / Branches, the Sharing of tables SA1, SE1 and SE5 is required. So when the system Analyzes the Bills from the Logged-in Company / Branch, it manages to view whether the Customer has Bills in other Companies / Branches.

If your Environment is already in Production, and you have no interest in changing the Sharing Mode of the tables, use the Entry Point below:


It allows you to Change the Query (search) for bills in the system, so you can add the other Companies / Branches in the Credit Analysis of the Customer.

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