Páginas filhas
  • Validation of Entities (CTBA270 - SIGACTB)

Through this functionality, entities are checked for any type of blockage. However, this is optional, and depends on some specific configurations.

Parameters involved in this functionality are MV_VLENTRT; MV_BLQRAT; MV_CT270ET.


This blockage works only for operations of off-line and combined apportionment. If any inconsistency is found, the apportionment register is blocked and the user cannot use it.


In order to enable the control of edition of the status flag of the off-line apportionment register, fields of blockage and status, CTQ_MSBLQ and CTQ_STATUS respectively, must exist in the database.


In order to enable the control of inclusion/exclusion of entities in the off-line apportionment register, fields of blockage and status, CTQ_MSBLQ and CTQ_STATUS respectively, must exist in the database.