Management Accounting modules has two screens to register accounting entries. The user can choose either one. This topic refers to the screen usually called Accounting Entries Folder.

This accounting entry screen displays only one entry line. However, it also displays some details about accounting entities that make up this specific entry.

Processes that create several entry lines (Standard Entry and Online Apportionment) are not available in this screen. Use them with the option Automatic Accounting Entry.


To post an accounting entry:

1. In Accounting Entries, press [F12] and configure parameters according to field help instructions.

2. Then, select Add.

The window Lot Cover - Entries is displayed.

3. Fill out information about Lot Cover according to field help instructions and Confirm it.

The Add screen is displayed, divided into folders that make information management easier.

4. Fill out data according to field help instructions.

5. Check the data and Confirm them.


For further details about each folder, choose one of the following links:

  • Lot Cover
  • Entries Folder
  • Conversions Folder
  • Other Information Folder
  • Balance Folder

See Also

  • Validating Lot Values
  • Technical Information
  • Correlative Number