Páginas filhas
  • Join Option (FINA190 - SIGAFIN)

Through this option, several records can be grouped to generate a single check, provided that they are not linked to any other check.


To join checks:

1. In Check Generation, press [F12] to set the routine's specific parameters.

The system displays the parameters screen.

2. Fill out and confirm the data.

3. Then, select the option Join.

The system displays the check generation screen.

4. Fill out the data according to the field's help instructions.

5. Check and confirm the data.

The system displays a window requesting confirmation of the data entered.

6. Confirm it.

The system displays the bills that meet the requirements entered for check generation.

7. Select the bills desired by double-clicking to check or uncheck, until the sign appears.

As bills are selected, the total amount and bill number fields are updated.

8. Confirm the bills selected.

After confirmation, the bills selected are highlighted with status \"grouped"\ (green) and a totalling check will be created (blue), because it has not been printed.