Páginas filhas
  • Loans (FINA171 - SIGAFIN)

The tool for controlling loans is similar to that of Financial Investments. Some of its fields are for restricted usage of each transaction. They are easily identified because according to the content established for the field Model, some are enabled and disabled, according to the filling requirements.

The off-sets and withdrawals from investment and loan operations are processed by the routines Redemption and Pay Investments.


To perform a financial loan:

1. In the Maintenance/Loans maintenance window, press [F12] for configuring the routine's specific parameters.

2. Configure the parameters and confirm.

3. Select Add and fill in according to the field's help instructions.

4. Observe the following fields:

    • Model

Select the model of the financial operation: APL (Investment) or EMP (Loan). In this case, EMP must be selected.

    • Class

Select the code of class investment/loan. This field is automatically filled in according to the field Model. If APL, the class is INVESTMENT. If EMP, the class is LOAN.

5. Check the information and confirm.

See Also