This report shows all cash inflows in the banks and calculates IDE (Tax on Deposit in Cash) value.

To meet the current legislation from 7/1/08, which establishes that all individuals and legal entities must pay the tax concerning deposits in cash made in national or foreign currency in the checking account from any bank of the financial system.

Calculation Basis

The calculation basis to calculate IDE on inflow bank transactions is:

transaction total value (per bank selected) - value exempt from collection (minimum IDE value)

Tax Calculation

Tax is calculated through the following operation:

calculation basis * percentage entered in report parameters


Values concerning Minimum Value (exempt from IDE collection) and Percentage (IDE rate) are entered in parameter screen in the first access to the report. Then, they must be edited when the current legislation is changed.


Printing the report:

  1. In IDE Statement, click Parameters.
  2. Fill out fields according to the field help instructions.

Note how the following fields are filled out:

Currency: Enables you to define in which currency you want to see the report. Thus, it directly influences the next field (Other Currencies).

Other Currencies offers two selection options:

a) Do not Print - Only issues the report with all transactions in the currency selected in the Currency field.

b) Convert - Issues the report by converting all transaction values into the selected currency.

Minimum IDE Value

c) You must enter the minimum value when you access this report for the first time and when the legislation is changed.

IDE Rate

d) You must enter the percentage when you access this report for the first time and when the legislation is changed.

See Also