This routine enables generation of magnetic file related to DES - Services Electronic Statement, specific in the city of Sinop - Mato Grosso.

This statement was established by Decree Sefin for all ISS taxpayers in the municipality of Sinop.

To whom it is applicable

Providers or acquirers of service in the municipality of Sinop must provide the monthly statement, using DES software.


Declare monthly to the tax authorities information of the services taken / provided during the period of accrual.

Delivery Term

Up to day 10th of the month subsequent to the generator fact.


Municipal - Sinop - MT.

Application provided by tax authorities

DES - Electronic Statement of Services.

Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®


Where to find the application provided by tax authorities


Complementary Law nr. 116, dated July 31, 2003 - ISSQN

Types of Generated Records

Record Type A0 - File Header

Header information obtained through the Company Register and the routine wizard.

Record Type A1 - Record with Service Provider Data

Information obtained through Supplier Register.

Record Type A2 - Record of Services Contracted

Information obtained through Tax Records and Supplier Register.

Record Type A3 - Record of Activity, Calculation Basis, and Rate of Document Acquired

Information obtained through Tax Records and Supplier Register.

Record Type A9 - Trailer of Services Contracted

Information obtained during information processing.

Record Type A1 - Record with Service Acquirer Data

Information obtained through Customer Register.

Record Type B1 - Record of Service Provision

Information obtained through Tax Records and Supplier Register.

Record Type B2 - Record of Activity, Calculation Basis, and Rate of Document Provided

Information obtained through Tax Records and Customer Register.

Record Type B3 - Record of Service Provision Document Issued through POS or ECF

Information obtained through Reduction Z.

Record Type B4 - Record of Calculation Basis and POS Rate

Information obtained through invoice items.

Record Type B9 - Trailer of Services Provided

Information obtained during information processing.

Record Type C1 - Record of Non-movement

Information obtained through wizard.

Record Type Z - File Trailer

Information obtained during information processing.


1. Copy DESSIN.INI configuration file for the directory corresponding to the \SYSTEM.

2. In the Configurator module, option Module/Registers/Parameters, note the configuration of the following parameters:


Enter the field of SF3 table which contains the code of the service from the tax document.

Example: SF3->F3_CODISS


Enter the city name where the taxpayer is located.

Content suggestion: SINOP


Enter the city name where the taxpayer is located, with no quotation marks ("") or accent marks. This name must be exactly as the name registered in the City field from tables of Customers and Suppliers established in the municipality of the tax payer.

3. In SF3 Table (Tax Records), note the configuration of the following field:

ISS Serv. Code (F3_CODISS).

Service code of ISS used to detail the operation before the levying city administration.


The Service Code of ISS Payment (F3_CODISS in the Tax Records table and B1_CODISS in the Products table) is identified through the update of table Services Codes of the system. This can be accomplished through Configurator module, in the Register of Generic Tables. Find the table 60 and edit the items of this table, including services rendered by the company. Invoices that will be added to be imported must refer to valid services.