This routine allows generation of a pre-formatted file to import to ISS, for the municipality of São Leopoldo. The program treats only information regarding service providing Invoices.

To whom it is applicable

Companies acquirers or providers of services.


Generate a statement file presenting services provided and acquired.


City - Curitiba - Rio Grande do Sul

Delivery Term

Monthly, until the 10th day of the month subsequent to the occurrence of the generator fact.

Application provided by tax authorities

There is not one. Application remittance must be performed via internet, through the City Hall website.

Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®

There is not one.

Where to find it


Decree nr. 3,719

Decree nr. 4,904

Types of Generated Records 


You must generate two files in XML (Extensible Markup Language) format, according to the layout specifications: File Tomador.xml and File Prestador.xml. In these files, records are generated using formatting TAGS.

The file tomador.xml must have the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?>

- <declaracao>

- <retencao cpfcnpj="">

- <info_retencao data_informacao="" exercicio="" mes="" observacao="" aplicacao="">

  <nota_retencao data_emissao=“" numero="" serie="" cpfcnpj_prestador="" atividade_desenvolvida="" valor_bruto="" valor_deducao="" valor_tributavel="" aliquota="" valor_retido="" numero_servico="" />




Tomador.xml File:

a. XML Record: XML file header

i. Single item, fixed type: <?xml>

b. Record Retenção: withholding header of tomador file.

i. Single item, CPF/CNPJ: CPF or CNPJ of service acquirer.

c. Record Info Retenção: beginning of information about Acquirer Entering.

i. Item data_informação: information registration date

ii. Item exercício: statement fiscal year

iii. Item mês: statement fiscal month

iv. Item observação: Information OPTIONAL (does not apply)

v. Item aplicação, fixed type: N

d. Record Nota Retenção: beginning of information about invoices of acquired services.

i. Item data_emissao: invoice issue date

ii. Item numero: invoice number

iii. Item serie: invoice series, information OPTIONAL

iv. Item cpfcnpj_prestador: CPF or CNPJ of service provider

v. Item atividsade_desenvolvida: referring to the service providing activity in invoice

vi. Item valor_bruto: invoice total value

vii. Item valor_deducao: value to be subtracted from the invoice

viii. Item valor_tributavel: invoice taxable value

ix. Item alíquota: percentage applied for this activity

x. Item numero_servico: transaction code

xi. Item valor_retido: percentage of the tax rate applied to gross value

The file prestador.xml must have the following structure:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="yes" ?>

- <declaracao>

- <empresa nome="" inscricao="" cpfcnpj="">

- <informacao exercicio="" mes="" atividade_desenvolvida="" aliquota="" basecalculo="" observacao="">

  <nota data_emissao="" numero="" serie="" valor_tributavel="" situacao="" valor_bruto="" valor_deducao="" cpfcnpj_tomador="" numero_servico="" />




Prestador.xml File:

a. XML Record: XML file header

i. Single item, fixed type: <?xml>

b. Record Empresa: company's information header.

i. Item nome: company's name

ii. Item inscrição: company's registration number within the City Hall

iii. Item cpfcnpj: CPF or company's CNPJ

c. Record Informação: beginning of information about economic movement

i. Item exercicio: statement fiscal year

ii. Item mes: statement fiscal month

iii. Item atividade_desenvolvida: list item, referring to the company's service providing activity

iv. Item aliquota: tax rate

v. Item observação: information OPTIONAL

d. Record Nota: beginning of information regarding invoices

i. Item data_emissao: invoice issue date

ii. Item numero: invoice number

iii. Item serie: invoice series. Information OPTIONAL

iv. Item sub-serie: invoice sub-series. Information OPTIONAL

v. Item observacao: information OPTIONAL

vi. Item valor_tributavel: invoice value for tax calculation purpose

vii. Item situacao: invoice status

viii. Item valor_bruto: invoice gross value

ix. Item valor_deducao: deduction value, if any

x. Item cpfcnpj_tomador: service acquirer CPF or CNPJ

xi. Item numero_servico: transaction code