Páginas filhas
  • Normative Instruction No. 039 from 14/11/2008 (MATA950 - SIGAFIN)

It enables you to generate the pre-formatted file of IN 039 - Invoice Model 1 or 1-A, with data about transaction of invoices issued and received, in the Normative Instructions routine (MATA950).

To whom it is applicable

Taxpayers that issue invoice, models 1 or 1-A.


Register invoices in the Finance Department electronically, as provided in the article 245-B of ICMS Rules.


State: State of Alagoas

Delivery term:

According to the 8th digit of Corporate Taxpayer's Registration number - CNPJ (see the table below):

8th digit - Term for electronic registration of issued invoice;

Day 10th of the month following the issue;

Day 11th of the month following the issue;

Day 12th of the month following the issue;

Day 13th of the month following the issue;

Day 14th of the month following the issue;

Day 15th of the month following the issue;

Day 16th of the month following the issue;

Day 17th of the month following the issue;

Day 18th of the month following the issue;

Day 19th of the month following the issue;

Application provided by tax authorities (Fisco)

Data Transmitter for Electronic Registration (TD-REDF).

Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


Where to find


Legislation contemplated

Normative Instruction 039 from November 14th, 2008.

Types of Records Created

Record type 10 - Header - File Identification

Information in this record is obtained through company register in the system.

Record type 20 - Invoice Identification Data

Information contained in this record are obtained from Tax Records.

Record type 30 - Data of Goods/Products and Services

This record is generated through invoice items.

  • Note

The CST (Tax Status Code) field is filled out through the fields D2_CLASFIS and D1_CLASFIS. These fields are built by Product Origin and TIO Tax Status, entered in the invoice.

Record type 40 - Invoice Total Values

This record is generated through the sum of invoice item values.

Record Type 50 - Invoice Transportation Information

This record is generated through carrier register and invoice values.

Record Type 60 - Additional and Collection Information

This record is generated through trade notes generated.

Record type 90 - Footer

It contains totalizers of all registers types existing in the magnetic file.


In case of operations with ICMS, PIS and COFINS taxation, in which tax and goods values are added to the document total (for example, in import operations), values regarding these taxes are generated in the Other Ancillary Expenses field in NFDAL file, according to Sefaz-AL instructions. To fill out the Other Ancillary Expenses field properly, you must configure the following fields in TIO register (SF4):

  • SF4->F4_AGREG = “I” – For ICMS;
  • SF4->F4_AGRPIS = “YES” – For PIS;
  • SF4->F4_AGRCOF = “YES” – For COFINS.