Páginas filhas
  • Parties Responsible x Assets (ATFA190 - SIGAATF)


Use this register to control the parties responsible by  asset, linking said parties (Persons Register) to an asset.

In this routine, you can Transfer the Asset; that is, the previous party responsible transfers their property to someone else.

On transferring the asset, the system keeps the history of the persons who were responsible for it. If needed, use option Clear History to clear the history of transfers made.



To register the parties responsible for assets:

  1. In the Parties Responsible x Assets maintenance window, select Options to set the parameters involved in the routine.
    The Parameters window is displayed.
  2. Follow field help instructions to set them.
  3. Then, click Add.
    The window Parties Responsible for Assets - Add is displayed.
  4. Fill in the fields according to the field help instructions.
  5. Confirm the addition.


Routine ATFA190 does not run via MILE Accelerator as it is not prepared to do so. This is because the MILE tool has TXT file import limitations.

For example: MILE does not import for routines that do not match agreed-upon configuration models (MVC and ExecAuto).

For further information on MILE, refer to → Further information MILE



Related Actions:

Parties Responsible

You can also link parties responsible to assets through routine Asset Register.

Option Transfer:

In this option, you can transfer the responsibilities for using an asset to someone else.


To transfer an asset to another party responsible:

  1. In the Parties Responsible x Assets maintenance window, place the cursor on the asset x party responsible to whom you wish to transfer.
  2. Click Transfer.
    The window "Parameters" is displayed, requesting the target party responsible.
  3. Select the party responsible and confirm the transfer.

This message is displayed: Transfer of party responsible executed.


Note that the system generates a new record, associating the party responsible entered for the asset with the Active Status. Keeping the previous record in the database, the history of the party responsible changes to Transferred.

Option Clear History:

On transferring the asset, the system keeps the history of the persons who were responsible for it. Use this menu option to clear the history of transfers occurred and of inactive parties responsible.


To clear the history of occurred transfers:

  1. In the Parties Responsible x Assets maintenance window, click Clear History.
    The Parameters window is displayed, with the parameters involved in the processing of the option.
  2. Set them in accordance with field help instructions and confirm them.

This message is displayed: History cleared!


Note that the system deletes database records in accordance with the parameters entered, clearing records with statuses Transferred or Inactive.


This option displays the parameters used when adding records of parties responsible for assets.


  • Repeat Parties Responsible
  • Repeat Assets

When you set these parameters to Yes and you add a record, the data of the responsible party and of the asset are automatically entered in accordance with the previous position. Use this option to accelerate registration.



  • RD0 - Participants
  • SN1 – Fixed Asset File
  • SND - Asset Owners