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Speaking of Applying Filter...

Filters allow to limit the information displayed on screen, assisting with data localization and visualization. Such data restriction is applied by entering values used as criteria to select data.

It is possible to customize the queries requests presentation and to decide in which columns or fields of the form, related to the selected process, must be submitted, as well as the order in which it will be presented, by which column the order requests should be made, and if sorting will be ascending or descending. This customization facilitates and expedites queries, the decision-making, and the task movements.


Basic Path


01. From the main menu, press Task Central.

02. Press the tab that determines the request type to be viewed.

03. In the function bar, click Filter.

04. Enter the requested information to define which filter to apply on viewing requests.

Filter form fields vary according to the respective task type.

Process Tasks

If the fields related to the request number have been completed, the filter will display process requests covered within the entered range. Example: by entering 1000 to 2000, the filter results will display all process requests with numbers within such range, which could result in a request of process ‘X’ under number 1359.
If completed, the filter will display only the process requests opened by the selected user.

If completed, the filter will display only the process requests for the selected process.
Start Date
If completed, the filter will display only process the requests created within the entered range. Such range is defined based on relative dates, such as ‘tomorrow’, ‘this week’, or ‘last month’. Example: upon entering ‘This Month’, the filter will display all process requests created between the first and last days of the current month.
If completed, the filter will display only process requests with completion deadlines within the entered range. Such range is defined based on relative dates, such as ‘tomorrow’, ‘this week’, or ‘last month’. Example: upon entering ‘This Month’, the filter will display all process requests with deadlines between the first and last days of the current month.
Person Responsible For
If completed, the filter will only display process requests in which the selected user is the person responsible for executing current activities.
If completed, the filter will display only process requests available at the entered location.
If completed, the filter will display only process requests containing the entered identifier.

Document Tasks

If the fields related to the document code have been completed, the filter will only display documents within the entered range. Example: by entering 1000 to 2000, the filter will display all documents with codes within such range, which could result in document ‘X’ under number 1359.
If completed, the filter will only display documents containing the entered description.
If completed, the filter will only display documents with the entered version/review.
If completed, the filter will only display documents from the entered author.
If completed, the filter will only display documents with respective update dates within the entered range. Such range is defined based on relative dates, such as ‘tomorrow’, ‘this week’, or ‘last month’. Example: upon entering ‘This Month’, the filter will display all documents with update dates between the first and last days of the current month.

05. Click on Select Visible Columns.

It is only possible to configure the filters visible columns which will be applied to processes, therefore it is not necessary to enter the process to be considered in the filter before you configure them.

06. In the chart Available Columns, select the request data or form fields that should be displayed in columns.

07. Place the panning arrow to the right to send the selected data to the Selected Columns.

08. Set the columns order by using the panning arrows up and down, located on the right side of the Selected Columns.

09. In Sort by, select the data whereby the requests will be sorted.

10. Select if the sorting will be done in ascending or descending order.

11. Click Select.

12. Click Filter.


Alternative Path


Edit Applied Filter.


01. On the screen that shows the results for applied filter, click Edit filter.

02. Change the desired information on the applied filter.

Additional information about the fields can be found in Basic Path. 

03. Click Filter.

Upon clicking Filter, it will be presented requests considering changes done in the filter. 


Save Applied Filter.


01. On the screen that shows the applied filter results, click Save filter.

02. Enter the filter name to be saved.

03. Click Save.

Upon clicking Save, the filter applied will be presented within the framework of saved filters, located in the upper left corner of the window, and can be used again later. 


Clear Applied Filter.


01. On the screen that shows the results for applied filter, click Clear filter.

Upon clicking Clear filter, the filter set will no longer be considered and all existing requests will be presented. 


Apply Stored Filters


01. From the main menu, press Task Central.

02. Press the tab that determines the request type to be viewed.

03. In the chart No filter selected, select the filter you want to apply.

04. View requests displayed.




This documentation is valid from update 1.5.10 on. If you use an earlier version, it may contain information different from what you see in your platform.



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