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Speaking of topics...

Topics group learning units – topic items.

A topic may have other topics as a requirement and will only be released for execution after all of the requirements have been completed. The sum of the grades obtained in each of the topics – taking into account the weight of each topic – generates the final grade of the student in the class

It is possible to deactivate or reactivate a topic. As it is deactivated, it will be no longer displayed in the class, even if the student has already started it.

When a topic is deactivated or reactivated, the score of active students, i.e., those who are still studying the subject, is recalculated. The score is recalculated whenever there is any change in the class topic structure. Inactive registrations are not affected.

Inactive topics are not considered in the calculation of grades. However, for the registrations that were completed prior to deactivation, they continue to be considered.


Do you want to understand how to calculate a topic grade? Go to Calculating topic grades for classes and learn all about it.

Basic path

01. After clicking Create topic in the subject class where the topic will be created, enter the required information.

Required information:

Name for identification of the topic in the class.

Order of topics created within a class. The order of topics can be changed. When entering a zero in the field, the topics will be displayed in the same order as they were registered. Please use only numbers in this field.

Weight of the topic to be considered in the calculation of the student’s grade in the class.

Estimated time (in minutes)
Estimated time in minutes for the completion of topic.

Minimum passing score
Minimum score the student must achieve to pass the topic. This score must be between 0 and 100 and separated by a dot if a decimal. Example: 50.5.

Is there a deadline?
When checked, the topic has a deadline to be performed and completed.

Days to end
Number of days that the student will have to end the topic from the date of registration in the class. This field is only displayed when the option Is there a deadline? is enabled. Topics that are not completed by the student within the defined deadline are automatically ended by a default routine that runs periodically on the platform. For more information, see End expired topics.

It does not allow ending without reaching a minimum score
When checked, the student cannot complete the topic without reaching the required minimum passing score.

How topics are released to students for execution Available options:

  • No rule: when selected, the topic will automatically be released to the class, without following any rules.
  • Release after completing the requirements: when selected, the topic is released for execution only after the student completes the requirements set for it.
  • Release X days after completion of requirements: when selected, the topic is released for execution X days after the completion of the set requirements.
  • Release X days after registration in the class: when selected, the topic is released for execution X days after the student’s registration date
  • Manual release: when selected, it is necessary that the person in charge releases the topic manually at the desired time, checking the option Released.

Days to release
Number of days after which the topic is released to the student for execution. This field is only displayed when the type of topic startup rule is either release X days after the completion of requirements or release X days after registration.

When checked, the topic is released to class students for execution. This field is only displayed when the type of topic startup rule is manual release.

02. In Requirements, click New requirement to define requirements for the class topic.

03. In the pop-up window, find and select the topic to be the requirement to take it.

You can find the topic that you want by using the Search field – located in the upper right corner of the window – or paging through topics – arrows located in the lower right corner.

You can also select more than one topic at once.

05. Click Add.

06. After you finish adding all the requirements, click Close.

To delete a requirement entered in the training course, simply click the Delete icon, to the right of the line corresponding to the requirement.

06. Click Save; or Cancel to quit creating the class topic.

Alternative paths

Editing class topics

To edit a topic, you are required to have, at least, modification permission on the class to which it belongs.

01. In the catalog, find and access the subject and the class to which the topic belongs.

02. In the Class topics and topic items area, find the topic to be edited.

03. Click the Edit icon, located in the upper-right corner of the table that corresponds to the topic.

04. Change the information of your choice. For more details about the displayed fields, see the basic path.

05. Click Save; or Cancel to discard the changes made.

Copying class topics

To copy a topic, you are required to have, at least, writing permission on the target class.

01. In the catalog, find and access the subject and the class to which the topic belongs.

02. In the Class topics and topic items area, find the topic to be copied.

03. Click the Copy/move icon, in the upper-right corner of the table that corresponds to the topic.

04. In Item destination, click Search.

05. In the Target items window, enter the name of the location to which the class topic will be copied.

06. On the displayed list, select the destination for the class topic copy.

07. Click Add and close the window.

08. Click Copy.

When clicking this button, a copy of the topic is created in the set location.

Moving class topics

To move a topic, you are required to have, at least, deletion permission on the class to which it belongs and modification permission on the target class.

01. In the catalog, find and access the subject and the class to which the topic belongs.

02. In the Class topics and topic items area, find the topic to be moved.

03. Click the Copy/move icon, in the upper-right corner of the table that corresponds to the topic.

04. In Item destination, click Search.

05. In the target Items window, enter the name of the location to which the topic will be moved.

06. On the displayed list, select the location to which the topic item will be moved.

07. Click Add and close the window.

08. Click Move.

When clicking this button, the topic item is moved to the set location.

Deactivating class topics

To deactivate a topic, you are required to have, at least, modification permission on the class to which it belongs.

01. In the catalog, find and access the subject and the class to which the topic belongs.

02. In the Class topics and topic items area, find the topic to be deactivated.

03. Click the Deactivate icon, in the upper-right corner of the table that corresponds to the topic.

04. In the pop-up message, click Yes to confirm deactivation of the topic; or No to cancel the action.

Reactivating class topics

To reactivate a topic, you are required to have, at least, modification permission on the class to which it belongs.

01. In the catalog, find and access the subject and the class to which the topic belongs.

02. In the Class topics and topic items area, find the topic to be reactivated.

03. Click Activate, in the upper-right corner of the table that corresponds to the topic.

04. In the pop-up message, click OK to confirm reactivation of the topic; or No to cancel the action.

Deleting class topics

To delete a topic, you are required to have, at least, deletion permission on the class to which it belongs.

01. In the catalog, find and access the subject and the class to which the topic belongs.

02. In the Class topics and topic items area, find the topic to be deleted.

03. Click the Delete icon, in the upper-right corner of the table that corresponds to the topic.

04. In the pop-up message, click Yes to confirm deletion of the class topic; or No to cancel the action.

Creating URL items in class topics

To create an item in the topic, you are required to have, at least, writing permission on the class to which the topic belongs.

01. In the catalog, find and access the subject to which the class belongs.

02. In the Classes area, find and access the class to which the topic belongs.

03. In the Class topics and topic items area, find the topic for which a URL item will be created.

04. In the Topic items area, click New topic item.

05. Click URL.

When clicking this button, it opens a window where it is possible to add a URL as a topic item. For more information about available actions, see URL topic item.

Creating training/track items in class topics

To create an item in the topic, you are required to have, at least, writing permission on the class to which the topic belongs.

01. In the catalog, find and access the subject to which the class belongs.

02. In the Classes area, find and access the class to which the topic belongs.

03. In the Class topics and topic items area, find the topic for which a training/track topic item.

04. In the Topic items area, click New topic item.

05. Click Training/.track.

When clicking this button, it opens a window where you can add a training course or track as a topic item. For more information about available actions, see Training/track topic item.

Creating content items in class topics

To create an item in the topic, you are required to have, at least, writing permission on the class to which the topic belongs.

01. In the catalog, find and access the subject to which the class belongs.

02. In the Classes area, find and access the class to which the topic belongs.

03. In the Class topics and topic items area, find the topic for which a content item will be created.

04. In the Topic items area, click New topic item.

05. Click Content.

When clicking this button, it opens a window where you can add content as a topic item. For more information about available actions, see Content topic item.

Creating evaluation items in class topics

To create an item in the topic, you are required to have, at least, writing permission on the class to which the topic belongs.

01. In the catalog, find and access the subject to which the class belongs.

02. In the Classes area, find and access the class to which the topic belongs.

03. In the Class topics and topic items area, find the topic for which an evaluation item will be created.

04. In the Topic items area, click New topic item.

05. Click Evaluation.

When clicking this button, it opens a window where you can add an evaluation as a topic item. For more information about available actions, see Evaluation topic item.

Creating extracurricular activity items in class topics

To create an item in the topic, you are required to have, at least, writing permission on the class to which the topic belongs.

01. In the catalog, find and access the subject to which the class belongs.

02. In the Classes area, find and access the class to which the topic belongs.

03. In the Class topics and topic items area, find the topic for which an extracurricular activity item will be created.

04. In the Topic items area, click New topic item.

05. Click Extracurricular activity.

When clicking this button, it opens a window where you can add an extracurricular activity as a topic item. For more information about available actions, see Extracurricular activity topic item.

Creating separate items in class topics

To create an item in the topic, you are required to have, at least, writing permission on the class to which the topic belongs.

01. In the catalog, find and access the subject to which the class belongs.

02. In the Classes area, find and access the class to which the topic belongs.

03. In the Class topics and topic items area, find the topic for which a separate item will be created.

04. In the Topic items area, click New topic item.

05. Click Separate.

When clicking this button, it opens a window where you can add a separate topic item. For more information about available actions, see Separate topic item.

Please note!

This documentation is valid as of the 1.6.2 update. Previous updates may contain different information than what you see on your platform.

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