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Form data import

To import form data, click here


  • Access to server where Fluig is installed (read)
  • Fluig Analytics enabled and configured. For more information, click here.
  • Java 7 installed.

How to use

For the import process, the Fluig service does not need to be interrupted (this procedure may run while Fluig is in execution). There are two ways to import historical data. As we see below:


  • Simple execution (generates and sends all data in visual mode)
  1. Copy the analytics-import-1_3.jar file to the Fluig server;
  2. Execute the importer (double click) or through the command line:

    java -jar analytics-import-1_3.jar
  3. Enter the directory where Fluig is installed, the tenant code and the period (start and end date) of the data to be imported.
  4. Click on the button and await the import process.

  • Text mode execution (generates and sends all data)
  1. Copy the analytics-import.jar file to the Fluig server;

Execute the importer, entering the following parameters in the command line:

java -jar analytics-import.jar  <INSTALACAO_FLUIG> <ID_TENANT> <DATA_INICIAL> <DATA_FINAL>
java -jar analytics-import.jar  c:\fluig 1 10/10/1980 01/01/2014



The date format must be DD/MM/YYYY


  • Text mode execution (generates data only)

Execute the importer, entering the following parameters in the command line:

java -jar analytics-import.jar  <INSTALACAO_FLUIG> <ID_TENANT> <DATA_INICIAL> <DATA_FINAL>  gerar
 java -jar analytics-import.jar  c:\fluig 1 10/10/1980 01/01/2014 gerar



The date format must be DD/MM/YYYY


  • Text mode execution (send data only)

Execute the importer, entering the following parameters in the command line:

java -jar analytics-import.jar  <INSTALACAO_FLUIG> <ID_TENANT> <DATA_INICIAL> <DATA_FINAL>  enviar
java -jar analytics-import.jar  c:\fluig 1 10/10/1980 01/01/2014 enviar



The date format must be DD/MM/YYYY


  • Text mode execution (delete data)

1 - Execute the importer, entering the following parameters in the command line:

java -jar analytics-import.jar  <INSTALACAO_FLUIG> <ID_TENANT> deletar <DATASET>
import.jar  c:\fluig 1 deletar dataset.solicitacao

Valid datasets are shown below:

  • dataset.solicitacao
  • dataset.documento
  • dataset.pagehit
  • dataset.events
  • dataset.author
  • dataset.place

At the end of the execution of an import process, a log will be generated in the directory where the analytics-import.jar file was executed.

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