Use this routine to survey and crosscheck revenue and expense amounts on a given period (fiscal year, month, year), and from such ledger postings obtain a result which may be a profit or a loss.

You can use any period to calculate this, but the most usual is on a monthly or annual basis.

The income calculation uses the Transaction concept which operates with periods the closings of which are pending, without impacting calculations.

To add this routine in the Management Accounting menu, through the Configurator, the MV_CTBLPV parameter content must be 211.


  • In situations with balances not closed in previous periods, if the calculation entry is in the period transaction value, accounts/entities without a closed balance occur.
  • Leave blank the entity filters you do not use.  For annual calculation, suspense account information are not used.
  • Parameter MV_CTAPMVZ set to .T. makes the system consider zeroed balance accounts in the income calculation.
  • If some difference is detected in the balance totals after the results are calculated, do not use the Automatic Accounting Entry routine. To do that, you must reverse the calculation in Income Calculation Reversal, then access Redo Balances/Reprocessing and perform the Income Calculation again.


1. In Calculation of Income maintenance window, a screen is displayed with a summarized description of the routine.

2. Click Parameters.

3. The system displays a screen with the routine specific parameters.

4. Configure them according to field help instructions.


Fields Lot No., Sub-Lot No., Document No., Default History Cd., From Account, To Account are required.

5. Note, the parameter set Considers Entities.

6. Confirm the parameterization.

7. Click OK.

8. From this moment, the system starts the income calculation process.