The Invoices Payable routine allows grouping several bills to others, having many installments for the same vendor. These bills can be generated either for the main bill store only or for all supplier stores.

These transactions meet companies that issue or receive many bills and just one invoice.

During this operation, new bills are generated, and the system requires the term payment code to be indicated. The bill breakdown will be defined and the original bills written off.


The parameter MV_1DUP suggests whether the breakdown of the trade notes will be alphanumeric A or numeric 1, 2,...

  • In Select Branches?, select branches considered in Packing Slip generation.

The type of bill may be changed when adding data to generate the invoice. Bills are suggested for grouping according to the issue date, supplier code and total invoice amount.


  • Observe that the information relating to prefix, type, number and class in the initial screen relate to the bills to be generated; on the other hand, the fields issue, invoice amount and supplier are used to filter bills.
  • The routine Invoices Payable does not generate bank transaction.



Invoices with the same prefix, type and number can be generated since suppliers/stores are different.


To generate invoices payable:

1. In Invoices Payable, press [F12] to configure the routine parameters.

The parameter screen is displayed.

2. Observe the parameter:

3. Consider Stores?

This field indicates if the store of the supplier must be considered when filtering records to be cleared. This way, if No is chosen, the bills of all the suppliers' stores will be retrieved to confirm the off-set. If Yes is chosen, only the bills of the main bill's store will be displayed for selection.

4. Configure the parameter and confirm it.

5. Then, choose the option Select.

The screen of invoices payable is displayed.

6. Fill out data according to field help instructions.

7. Check data and confirm them.

A window is displayed requesting data confirmation.

8. Confirm it.

The system displays a new screen with the bills that belong to the fields entered earlier, already checked with an  .

In this screen, the system displays the data for the invoice to be generated, which means, prefix, number, class and currency. The invoice amount, the amount selected and the total bill amount selected are displayed on the left side of the screen. Observe that the amount selected changes as the bills are checked. The number of bills selected is also updated.

9. Select the bills desired for generation of the invoice and confirm them. To clear a bill, double-click it.

The system requests the payment term for the invoice payable.

10. Enter the code of the payment form and confirm it.

The system displays a screen to confirm the maturity dates generated for the invoice.

11. Check data and confirm them.

The screen concerning accounting entries is displayed.

12. Enter data and confirm them.

Tax reduced base

In case of renegotiation, taxes with withholding during write-off and the respective bases are transferred to the new bills generated when the Invoice Class enables tax calculation. The other taxes not calculated by the Settlement Class are discarded.


  • When there is reduced IR base, IR is calculated during write-off.
  • By generating the invoice, bills have IRPF bases distributed proportionally to each installment generated.

See Also