This routine enables generating checks before bills write-off. A single check can be generated for several bills from the same supplier. When there is the write-off, the bill bank/branch/account are bonded.

There are two forms to create a check: on bills and counter checks, which means, not tied to any bill. The system enables the redeposit of checks generated by this routine.

Through the option Check Release, the system allows on-line release of the checks generated, according to the content of the parameter MV_LIBCHEQ. If its content is Y, the checks are automatically released; if N, they must compulsorily go through this option. When checks have to be released, bank transaction occurs after this procedure. In other cases, bank transaction occurs when generating the check.

When the check is generated, the system displays a sign beside the bills,  which means the check was generated and can be printed by the Reports routine - Checks Issue.

The routine Checks on Bills relates to the accounting module as of standardized entries.


The rate used when writing-off bills is treated in the system as it follows: 

  • In Brazil, it is used the rate informed in the bill.
  • In located countries, the system considers the daily rate.


To generate checks on bills: 

1. In the Checks on Bills maintenance window, press [F12] for configuring the routine parameters.

The system displays the parameters screen.

2. Check the information and confirm it.

3. Then, select Checks on Bills.

The system displays the screen to select the bills to be paid using checks.

4. Fill in the data according to the field's help instructions.

5. Check the information and confirm.

The system displays a screen connecting the bills with the data entered.

6. Check the bills for check generation with a double-click. 

Observe that, as bills are selected, the system fills in the field Total Value, on the right of the check generation screen, and also the number of bills selected.

7. After selecting the bills, confirm it.

8. At this moment, the bill indicative, which was green, become red, however, the bill is still pending.