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Speaking of notification settings...

The purpose of this page is to detail each type of notification. It is important to note that these notifications must be presented* in the platform. However, users will only receive notifications via e-mail, SMS and push if these options are enabled in the notification settings.

* Some types of notification may be exceptionally be marked with no alert, such as: “Invitation to edit document” and “Edit document”.

This page is under development. More details on other notification settings will be available soon.


Document pending your approval

Notifies the user of a document to be approved, informing that the document will be displayed in the user’s Task central until it is approved.

Document approved

Notifies the document publisher when the sole or last approver approves the document. 

Document approved, lacking approval from other users

Notifies the document publisher when one of the approvers approves the document, but the document remains in consensus. 

Document rejected

Notifies the document publisher when one of the approvers rejects the document. 

Document rejected, lacking approval from other users

Notifies the document publisher when one of the approvers rejects the document, but the document remains in consensus.

Latest version of the document to approve deleted

This notification is sent when the document has approvers, and the document is deleted after approval. In this case, all users involved will be notified, except for the user who deleted it.

New document version with a followed subject

Notifies whenever a new version or revision of a document with a subject of the user’s interest is published. The subject must have the option “Notify update” selected, the user must be part of a group associated to this subject, and the “Notify” option must be selected in the document properties.

Document deleted with the followed subject

Notifies whenever a document with a subject of the user’s interest is deleted. The notification is sent when the document is moved to the bin, and not when it is removed from the bin (permanently deleted). The subject must have the option “Notify deletion” selected, the user must be part of a group associated to this subject, and the “Notify” option must be selected in the document properties

Document updated with the followed subject

Notifies whenever a document with a subject of the user’s interest is updated or restored (from the bin). The subject must have the option “Notify update” selected, the user must be part of a group associated to this subject, and the “Notify” option must be selected in the document properties.

Document to expire under your responsibility

Sends document expiration notification to the user defined as its author. For the notification to be sent, a Document expiration task must exist in task scheduler.
The notification considers what the settings in the fields "Document expires?", "Expiration notification period" and "Valid until" in document properties. If these fields are not defined, the settings defined in the company's general parameters will be considered.  If these fields are not completed, the information provided in the company’s general parameters apply.

All versions of a document of which you were the last approver of the last version were deleted

This notification is sent to the document approver whenever the document is deleted.

Folder with documents comprised of followed subjects removed

Notifies whenever a folder containing at least one document with a subject of the user’s interest is deleted. The notification is sent when the folder is moved to the bin, and not when it is removed from the bin (permanently deleted). The subject must have the option “Notify deletion” selected, the user must be part of a group associated to this subject, and the “Notify” option must be selected in the document properties

Request permission

This notification is sent to administrators selected by the authenticated user when requesting additional permission. Refer to the page Request additional permission for folders or documents for more information regarding permission requests.

Document modification

This notification is sent to users that chose to monitor the document, whenever the document is changed.

New document published with the hits export result

If a document has an access history, the platform will show the option “Click here to export the list of all accesses to all versions” when viewing the properties of a document. The result of exporting hits sends this notification. Access the Export accesses to document help section to learn more.

Error processing document hits export

If a document has an access history, the platform will show the option “Click here to export the list of all accesses to all versions” when viewing the properties of a document. If there is an error when processing the export of hits, this notification will be sent. Access the Export accesses to document help section to learn more.

Document replication

This notification is sent for administrator users whenever a document download is requested and the platform is using content replication.

Replication finished

This notification is sent to administrator users when a content replication download is completed.

Quota limit

Whenever the quantity of stored data is near the quota limit set in the Quota control screen for a certain folder, this notification is sent to the respective owner. An indicator bar is shown after accessing the folder, showing the remaining quota in order for the user to take appropriate measures.

Exhausted quota

Whenever the quantity of stored data reaches the quota limit set in the Quota control screen for a certain folder, this notification is sent to the respective owner. 

Folder download

Whenever the authenticated user selects the folder download option, the platform will begin compressing files. After the compression process is completed, the user will receive a notification with the link to download the compressed file. 

Folder downloads are only allowed if the user has the required folder access permissions. For more information, refer to: Define security criteria for folders or documents

Failure when downloading folder

Folder download requests are carried out in the background, and this notification is shown to the user if there is an error downloading. For example: assuming that the platform is configured with Quota control and the option “Block Publication after reaching quota limit” is selected. If the authenticated user attempts to download a folder that exceeds the quota available for his/her “My Documents” folder (even after compression), the user will receive a notification informing that the folder could not be downloaded.


Recently recovered password

This notification is issued after the user requests password recovery from the Forgot your password? option on the authentication screen. At the end of the recovery process, this notification is sent, informing that the password has been recovered and changed recently.

This notification can be issued in the Notification Center itself or by e-mail, depending on how it was configured.


This notification is not issued when you change your password when you register or edit your profile.

Please note!

This documentation is valid as of the Liquid (1.6.5) update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.