Páginas filhas
  • Booking of Partial Transfer


  1. Overview
  2. Example of use
  3. Tables used


The booking of SE 831 of routine ATFA060 (Asset Transfer) books the value transferred to another branch, using table SN4; otherwise, the booking remains in SN3.

The correction of issue DSERCTR1-17771 selects the record of table SN4 related to the value of partial transfer.

To consider the transferred value, set standard entry SE 831 considering the following fields:

N4_TIPO = '01'
N4_OCORR = '03'
N4_TIPOCNT = '4'

By selecting the records of table SN4, you can arrive at the partial transfer value by configuring the standard entry.

Reference Doc about the fields:



As an example, if you transfer an asset from one branch to another (physical transfer), you must not change ledger accounts at this point.

If needed, make the transfer in 02 (two) steps. In the first step, make the physical transfer only, and in the second step transfer the accounts (accounting transfer).

Note: The physical and accounting transfers must not occur in a single step. First make the physical transfer between branches, then the accounting transfer afterwards.

                      In the transfer between Branches, the ledger accounts, cost center, accounting item and value class must exist at the origin branch as well as at the destination branch.


  • SN3, SN4