TOTVS MES Improvement

Product Line:

Microsiga Protheus








Improvements for TOTVSMES 
1- Deal the co-product. Negative quantity  2- Handle the subproduct in scrap and reuse 3- Handling of time - Man Time, Machine Time  4- Handle refusal process (loss of PA)  5- Reversal - List of ID.  6- Generate Tag StockControlType and ResourceQuantity 7- Loading on LOG screen  
8- Synchronization
9 -Reprocess GUID.


All items were developed.
1 - The co-product is sent to PC-Factory in the message ProductionOrder in the ListOfMaterialOrders the tag MaterialQuantity  and in the ListOfAllocatedMaterial  the tag AllocationQuantity (when there is any) with negative quantity.
2 - The message ProductionAppointment  to consider subproduct in scrap was edited.
3 - The message ProductionOrder was edited, including the tags TIMEMOD TIMEINDMES. MATI685 was edited to generate TAGS.
4 - New message called REFUSAL_1_00 (Refusal) was created.. This message is used to register the losses of production when spare parts in good condition are registered, then later any defect is verified. Executes MATA685.
5 - The reversal of production orders was modified to accept a report list (IntegrationReport) in the message  ProductionAppointment.
6 - The tag StockControlType was generated in the message of the item, indicating the control item stock. The tag ResourceQuantity was generated in the list of activities ListOfActivityOrders in the message ProductionOrder.
7 - The following routines, Pendency, PCPA110, and Log of Import, PCPA112 were modified, so they do not automatically load data.
8 - Error in the synchronization of items was adjusted due to variable "L010Auto.
9 - The rule to reprocess messages was modified. When a message returns error, the reprocess is allowed

Converters and Parameters:

Run update U_UPDPCP34

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