Páginas filhas
  • MV_CT5HIST - Standard Entry History


  1. Overview
  2. MV_CT5HIST Parameter Settings
  3. Example of use
  4. Tables


Parameter MV_CT5HIST to control history size when using standard entries in automatic entry. This control makes the System consider the total size of the history.

If the parameter is set to true (.T.) the system cuts the history in accordance with the size of field CT2_HIST defined in data dictionary and generates history carry-forward.
If the parameter is set to false (.F.) the system considers the size of history; however, it generates history carry-forward if size of CT2_HIST fits the history contents registered in the LP used.

It must be emphasized that the parameter only affects accounting entries from standard entry.

  • In manual entries made through a standard entry, the cut is made from the comparison between the sizes of fields CT2_HIST and CT5_HIST, in accordance with the content of parameter.
  • In accounting entries made through integrations, the cut is made from the comparison between the sizes of fields CT2_HIST and CTK_HIST, in accordance with the content of the parameter.
  • The generation of integration history carry-forward depends on the grouping of entries in accordance with the origin of the booking; thus, the history carry-forward is only generated if the entry is grouped in a single line, in cases in which the entities used are the same in the entries made. The grouping control is made by the source routine of the standard entry. You can activate and deactivate this control through parameters (F12).

See the mental map below to better grasp the idea.

Currently, the system is standardized to accept 240 characters in the history register due to the limitation for users that use dbf database.
Some alternatives exist for editing the history register, such as registering Entry Type 4, which refers to history carry-forward.

        Content of parameter:

        1 - .T. - Activate history cutoff control.

        2 - .F. - Disable history cutoff control.


Carefully evaluate the need to change the quantity of history field characters. We do not advise this because in some routines that use these fields are limited to 40 characters.

For further information, refer to:









Parameter to control history size when using standard entries in automatic entry.

Default Content



Example of use with active parameter

Parameter MV_CT5HIST

01. Example with manual Entry - With LP

Standard entry used:

History of entry with 40 characters

Field CT2_HIST with size 20

Field CT5_HIST with size 200

When using the standard entry shown in the previous steps, the system generates the history carry-forward.

02. Example with Entry by Integration

Standard entry used:

History of entry with 40 characters

Field CT2_HIST with size 20

When you add an asset, generating an entry of integration with LP 801.

The system generates history carry-forward.

Example of use with disabled parameter

Parameter MV_CT5HIST

01. Example with manual Entry - With LP

Standard entry used:

History of entry with 40 characters

Field CT2_HIST with size 20

Field CT5_HIST with size 200

When using the standard entry shown in the previous steps, the system does not generate history carry-forward.

02. Example of Entry by integration CT2_HIST with size 40 and CTK_HIST with size 20

Standard entry used:

History of entry with 40 characters

Field CT2_HIST with size 40

Field CTK_HIST with size 20

When you add an asset, generating an entry of integration with LP 801.

The system generates history carry-forward.

03. Example of Entry by integration CT2_HIST with size 20 and CTK_HIST with size 40

Standard entry used:

History of entry with 40 characters

Field CT2_HIST with size 20

Field CTK_HIST with size 40

When you add an asset, generating an entry of integration with LP 801.

The system does not generate history carry-forward.


  • CT2 - Accounting Entries
  • CT5 - Standard Entry
  • CTK - Confirmation Test File